Autism 'could one day be treated with a probiotic pill'

Mice fed the faeces of autistic children developed symptoms of the brain disorder as scientists say gut bacteria could be to blame
Researchers from California Institute of Technology did the research on mice
They found repetitiveness and anti-social behaviour developed in the animals
But the faeces transplants had no effect if they came from a child without autism
Mice's autistic symptoms could be reduced by feeding them certain chemicals

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probiotics and gut biome are the hugest meme of our times. its ridiculous relaly

I will sell you a healthy log that you can then insert into your rectum and you will benefit from my healthy log bacteria. Hurry while supplies last!

you think so , seems we are learning more about the guts these days. there might be some truth about it , i mean the gut is what is getting all the nutrition for the body/mind ...

In a study in the US state, 18 children have already had the severity of their symptoms slashed by 45 per cent after faecal transplants from children without the spectrum disorder.

Many of the children in the study had their autism reclassified from severe at to 'mild to moderate' or even dropped off the spectrum altogethe

You can have a completely sterile gut and still not feel a difference.

Are you interested in placing an order for some high IQ turds?

>Mice fed the faeces of autistic children developed symptoms of the brain disorder as scientists say gut bacteria could be to blame

time to feed indians with autistic poos

yep, there are many relationship between the immune system and the ol' biocomputer

>The Impact of Neuroimmune Alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorder
>Immunological imbalance (including autoimmunity) has been proposed as a major etiological component in ASD [...and...] correlation of ASD with family history of autoimmune diseases

Can't post the schizo/depression vs guts links because of the fucking spamfilter

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Only aborted babies have a sterile gut, user. Even that's questionable.

so the cure for vaccines is eating shit?

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I would posit a guess that it has to do with candida. Do some water fasting for about 2 days and then eliminate all added sugars from your diet. I'll still sell you healthy turds though if you need it.

Incorrect, eating shit is merely the fastest means of colonization by a similar biome, because doctors have _NO FUCKING IDEA_ what's happening here. Allopathy cannot handle the ramifications of the human biome.

All of this guy bacteria clickbait is just some sad professor begging for funding.

Oh look I used the A word and a Pharmashill showed up.

>faecal transplant
I don't care if this works, science has gone too far.

This is not science. It's ancient tradition of "swapping logs"

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did you know that the MMR vaccine permanently _WEAKENS_ the immune system and inhibits mitochondrial DNA transfer between mother and child.
This is called a Hot Carl. Ask for it next time you're at Carl's Jr.

>some high IQ turds

Attached: go eat shit, you autist.png (2857x1024, 1.39M)

The virgin nugget vs the Chad Trunk

a lot of autists also have digestion issues like Crohn's disease, it's part of the ASD assessment, so there's a connection between Austism and the digestive system, its symptoms aren't only mental.

>food intolerances and allergies have skyrocketed 400% in the last decade
>digestive diseases more common than ever
but yah brah gut-brain axis is a meme

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>because doctors have _NO FUCKING IDEA_ what's happening here.
This as well. The digestive system is a fucking enigma to doctors right now. You will find about 1 in 10 GIs that actually knows what they're doing and isn't just going to stick you on benzos.

>dropped off the spectrum altogethe
>dropped off

Lol what. It's a spectrum, everyone is on it you fucking tard. Some people are just more aspie or sperg than others.

>It's a spectrum, everyone is on it you fucking tard.
Yeah, just like the political spectrum. Are you right or are you left? Pick. There's no third option.

>mice fed shit become autistic
>mice are being fed shit
who tf would even think of this and how did they get them to eat the shit wtf clownworld

I wonder if this is why Jordan Peterson and his thottie daughter had all their medical and psychological symptoms clear up after switching to an all-beef, salt & water diet?

>autism- debilitating condition
>homosexuality- healthy and natural

>faecal transplants
Literally selling shit surgery

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I hope they mean severe forms of autism. Without autism pol would be nothing

Sounds like a jewish plot to me. Ties in swindling goyim with their scat fetish.

>>food intolerances and allergies have skyrocketed 400% in the last decade
>>digestive diseases more common than ever
if you want to say
>gut-brain axis, duh
you need to be able to explain that position.

Why did that increase 400% in the last decade?
Why are digestive diseases more common?
Why is the colon cancer on the rise?

Feces transplant is fraudulent medicine. Kill the doctor prescribing it.

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