Romanian call to action

So the faggots at VICE want to manipulate zoomers into supporting their AIDS-ridden agenda by sending them videos of themselves speaking in favor of sodomite parades.

What should we do? We will send them videos of fags getting killed by kebabs, of fag flags burning, general anti-faggot stuff.
The cunt's email where we must send the stuff:
[email protected]

Help from non-Romanians is very welcome.

Attached: 61590466_2595395830484689_3309639186264358912_n.jpg (618x960, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That won't do anything, there's no point in doing that lol

They want to claim Gen Zyklon and make it their own retarded Gen STD. Making them shit themselves in the attempt would be sweet.

Attached: descărcare (6).jpg (474x355, 21K)

Just run them over pussy.

Nobody will help you majority of the youth is pro racemixing and EU.

And it will continue to be so if we are just sitting ducks.

The corporations,NGOs have won the war here better to just leave.

Why do you say that? It's because usr got 21%? Their demographic is the same, if you add usr and plus party percentages.

No I say this because ethnic romanian people are xenophiles, are leaving on mass and there is no right wing party that talks about identity issues that can get votes or even enter the parliament.Everybody is left wing,socialistic and pro EU with all of its "glory".I wish the Westernization to hit again hard and see everyone die with their filth they keep praising.

All they did was send Dragnea, who was never /ourguy/ in the first place to jail. Sure, that was because of journalists. But journalists here are as dumb as journalists outside of here.

sugi pula

I despise PSD and their vassalage to Israel and USA too, but the entire thing was a charade, the immediate protest done by the #rezist folks that keep growing in numbers, the assault of the car that he was transported without any persecution,the continuous attack and destruction of our culture and history.There is no hope for ethnic romanians, I hope the Hungarians will give the final blow with the Pope visiting their region and for them to demand independence.

You blame fools for being fools. Our time will come and we will do something about it.
You need a white pill.
Look. In Bucharest thousands made a protest about the ONU pact for immigrant invasion. The media of course did a blackout. But they came. Thousands of Romanians. We have our own NGO's and associations. We can join them in their fight.
Here is a longer one.
We still have a chance. We should not get out without a fight. We aren't men if we do.

A few hundred people will not change anything especially when they control the media and especially the social media that they are already censoring it more in order to bring back correct thinking. Change if it will ever come to Europe will not be from here and if Western nations all become right wing then maybe, just maybe we will have a centrist party but even then its stretched. Anyways this will be my last post on this subject, I wait with great excitement tomorrow to see the hungarians declare independence

Mate at this point it's every man for himself, what can still be done? Survive -

Roma-nians are gypsies

Fuck off

>ethnic romanian people

so brown gypsy turds

send them this webm

Attached: 1557417550718.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

>the faggots at VICE
gavin mcinnes is there so could be worse

Just sign up that email to a bunch of gay porn newsletter spams, bosnian pyramid newsletter etc. That kind of stuff.

>Roma-nians are gypsies

Finland are pakis, Fuck off

lmao that will never happen, but I wish it did
You are the biggest cucks in Eastern Europe holy shit, but you always find a reason to chimp out against us, doesnt matter if the reason is true or not (see: Valea Uzului)
But in 15-20 years our independence will be possible, Our numbers in Szekelyland increased by like 2% because all of you people live our lands, thank god
t. Hungarian

leave our lands*

Yeah, """"our lands"""".

yes, our lands
show documents/maps that show you were ever a majority in our lands
protip:you can't
even during communism you couldn't Romanize us, now you will never have the chance again because all of your countrymen are leaving

OK, Janos, whatever you say.

the only way to reclaim your system is through collapse, but that's a double edged blade because then we will have an opportunity to secede, so yeah, you are in a really shitty position Ionut.

Definitely send them videos with homosexual statistics