Maybe the reason Jews have all the power and all the money is because they're just better than everybody else

Maybe the reason Jews have all the power and all the money is because they're just better than everybody else.

Attached: superjew1.jpg (434x340, 35K)

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Throughout history, nobody has managed to Jew Jews over as a collective more than other Jews. Its like the infinite staircase of Jewery, (Jewception if you will). To the point that even Jews themselves have what amounts to Heebophobia. Why?
Matrilenial Descent.
I'll explain.
If you can't be a Christian and an Atheist, or Amish and a computer hacker (or Male and a Female), but you can be Jewish and anything, including a Nazi, the worst person in your group is just the shittiest secular cunt of mixed eurasian ancestry. The "No True Scott's man" fallacy is used by Jews as a counterargument, but it falls flat when you realise that all the other group identity metanarratives have conditions attached to them that if broken, will get you kicked out of the group. Theres a story in either the Torah or the Talamud about 4 Jews. 3 of them are good, 1 is bad, secular, slimy (ie nerchant), and there is a table with chairs for all of them. The moral of the story is meant to imply that " a jew is a jew is a jew", or, "you may not like your family, but they are still family, no matter how badly they behave".
This is the mistake.

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In other metanarratives, the worst person gets kicked out, and their place can be filled by almost anyone who behaves in accord with the group. It's like a bad sibling, if they have hurt everyone in the family, they can be kicked out of the family, and if you adopt a child, or you bond with a friend on some deep level, then the metanarrative of family can encompass them regardless of bloodlines (ie the narrative of brotherhood). If my mother's mothers mothers mother was celtic, that doesnt make me celtic. If my mother's mothers etc, etc, was Jewish, even after 100 generations, I am a full Jew, whether I like it or not. Nobody wants to become a Jew, and most secular Jews hate being Jewish. After all, if you have to mutilate baby dicks in order to mark someone as part of the group, it's not self evident that your group is one that anyone sane would gravitate towards on their own.
>Hated for 2000 years +
>Will be hated for 2000 years more

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It's because they openly practice nepotism and cry muh holocaust if you question them on it. That's the biggest part of it.

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>immoral, unethical, parasites
yeah nar.

printing money from thin air & charging interest is why they are in the situation they are in now.

It is because the goyim gives it to them, they are just ghetto gypsies.

Maybe because they sought economic power before political power.

Cope harder, goyim

>Economic power
>Political power
Same thing, or at least interwoven. The promise of hunger, starvation or financial ruin is enough to change anyone's mind.

>Memeflag faggot
>Oy Vey Goyim
Go bite and suck a kikelet babies foreskin off Moyle

Jew harder, gypsy:

sure, remember to keep consistent with that logic if something bad was to ever happen to the jews.

Being parasitic like a Tapeworm doesn’t make you superior, OP.

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>Will be hated for 2000 years more
>thinking the Jews will make it out of this century

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we are within the buttcheeks of the world's largest superpower the fuck you on about?

This desu

based kike admits they are buttdwellers

>attempting to overthrow a U.S. president
>attempting to false flag us into a war with Russia 3 times
>burning Notre Dame
Once you are declared an enemy of the United States you will be destroyed by Muslims in a matter of a few years
have fun

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If that’s true than why is israel such a shithole? Remember that without the United States israel would have been completely wiped off the map a long time ago. Real “superior” there, Shlomo.

I'll give Jews credit where it is due, not all jews, but the elitist ones.
They are ruthless, subversive, tribalistic to extremes that is hard to imagine and operate in the realm of empire building. They work on a multi-generational level and are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. Nothing is off limits, no morals, no nothing. It's cold blooded and calculated to levels that are hard to imagine for the average person.

Like an ultra narcissistic every jew in the history of jews would like to believe this self delusion. But its only a delusion.

104 country's

Yeah better at lying and groveling to power in order to subvert it... but those were times when information was scarce... now it's time to pay the fiddler.

Attached: fiddler_on_the_roof.jpg (1600x900, 136K)

>cry muh holocaust

I know, right? One little genocidal massacre, and they just can't stop talking about it!

>kikes are better than everybody
>expect when they want to cry about unfair shit

>he thinks jews have all the power and money
the Vatican and China would like a word with you