American movie

>american movie
>literally first scene is a disgusting nigger fucking a white girl
I almost puked my lunch out
fucking vomit inducing

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>watching Hollyjew

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>from the director of rise of the planet of the apes

>from the director of rise of the planets of the apes

Something tells me the poster does not accurately depict what the movie is about....the irony is simply off the charts.

>degenrate american movie
jews own hollywood
>murderous american railgun
whites like guns sue us dead fag
>stupid american capitalism
wanna buy some communism i'll sell it real cheap *fries not included*
>anything else you hate gods country for?
bitch stop sucking cock whining and farting all day go play in traffic or something

America is garbage. I hope AIDS kills all the niggers here.

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pls Mr. Hitler..come back

This is why I only watch bollywood movies

You seem upset? I'm assuming it was your sister?

>watching movies
I never understood it. Why in the hell would any self respecting man watch 2-3 hours of inane , diluted "entertainment", which is entirely dependent on the movie creator's vision, and his sense of humour, story and character. You literally spend time and money to get taught about what some other person feels. I onky watch them in certain social situations like when going out with girls or friends, and then too I pick a relatively good engaging movie which I don't really watch because I am there to spend time with the person go to the movie with and watch them and their reactions to the movie in question, so that I can take mental notes on the character of the person I am with.
Its okay to watch them to study people or to maintain a social image and to keep up to speed with the current atmosphere within the NPCs but other than that, don't do that

at least the director is consistent

Wow I've never seen that picture before

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Listen bro. I hate to break it to you. You are, what we call, on the spectrum. Movies are awesome, I assure you. I’m glad you’ve found a workaround to watching them.

Books have all the same qualities as you described the downsides to movies. The difference with books is a more flexible media because all the magic is in someones mind.

this, if you watch tv/movies, you deserve it

Well I am autistic but I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours perfecting myself and my charecterstics to behave totally normal. I don't even speak a lot , just pre rehearsed line I have formulated to return the most optimal reponses. Every morning I rehearse everything I'll say for the day, including the factor of randomness that might arise during a lenghty conversation. I have the perfect normal persona.
That being said i do agree with what yu said, books are the best. It just pains me to see people, young people wasting multiple hours just watching movies when they could've finished a book. 1 hour of video media is roughly equivalent to like 3 pages of text media, single page of they do not dilute the idea and actually film its entirety. Second issue is that film is just so easy to tamper with, and can be very effectively used as an indoctrination tool. This is why everyone and their mothers have netflix.
But you are night, movies can be awesome. I am not against entertainment, I am against the state of the media the entertainment is presented in.

>kikes pushing out tons of "alien" propaganda
>preparing for bluebeam and fake alien invasion
ha ha ha ha ha... being this desperate

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(((Allies))) and their propaganda are disgusting.

I remember watching the very first episode of Old Christine with the Seinfeld girl. First scene was her and her nigger boyfriend. changed the channel. never watched again

> from directory rise of planet of the apes
> black guy on cover

My fucking sides.

>its not americans its the kikes
You wanted them so bad and you literally all get on your knees to suck their cock so now enjoy them faggot. Plus its just marketing since the kikes knows how obsess with cuck shit the average american is.

This happens in almost all Hollywood movies now. Once in a while a movie will catch my attention, and then immediatly it hits you with interracial sex.
Annihilation comes to mind. A lot of people praised the movie as pretty good, I watched it and in the first few minutes Natalie Portman fucks a nigger.
It's fucking insane. Who likes this shit?

Americans love that shit too. Thats why they do nothing about it.

Waahhhhh black man bad, take your guns to the street and stop crying cumskin

Case in point.

Yep, cucked Muricans think it's funny and make a joke of it. Instead of doing anything about it, they ''troll'' and laugh away their problems
RIP Murica
How did Chromeo do it? Literally ends the music video for his hit song with him stealing a white woman from a black manlet thug.

God fucking damnit Jow Forums
I was going to watch this movie in just a few minutes.
Downloaded with subtitles and copied to flash drive and everything.
Now I'm deleting it.
You've ruined everything for me.
I can't have fun anywhere.
I don't get excited for anything.

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god the way he just ravages that white pussy like an animal gets me so FUCKING HARD

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What’s a matter mayo boii? Jealous?

>watching jew movie without having watched a based mans review of it

kek, fail

Don't you have your own Hindi film studios? Why the fuck would you watch any of the garbage that comes from Babylon?

>Hindi films are anti-Hindu
>Just like Hollywood films are anti-white christian

dont watch anything made past 1960.

Sorry to hear that.

>being this triggered over a movie

You're pathetic

Now I get why my mother-in-law only watches movies on TCM.

I only watch the lord of the rings and the birth of a nation (original) once every month in order to keep my mind based with epic entertainment

LOTR is based and fucking redpilled

>deport the orcs, save the shire m'fren

Seek help.

When cucks keep giving these kikes money, they will still keep shitting out pozzed garbage like this

the kikes have all the money they need bro. they literally control the central banks and all of jewlywood