A friend of mine got called by his boss to work on a machine in Mexico for a month

A friend of mine got called by his boss to work on a machine in Mexico for a month

Aside all the shit he saw there and spics workers not understanding shit about the job...
Here's their emergency system in case of fire


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Hope he has iron lungs

>implying rumænia is not the mexico of europe

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that isn't a fire whistle, it is a normal mexican rape whistle.

let me explain...when you have trapped a female (or male) employee and have them hog tied, you use the whistle to call in the rape train.

That's what I call saving money, nice job spics

Can we get some stories of the shit he saw there OP?

If Romania is the Mexico of Europe then Denmark is the Caliphate of Europe... but it don't work that way cause we aint got that much of a problem with brownies but you faggots have a pop of 6mil and 2mil are sand niggers

Chemist selling cigarettes
They don't have sweres so toilet paper is thrown in thrash cans
Workers not understanding clear instruction even when he shouted at them (boss was called that day)

And then the topkek... He was getting crazy over finding what the problem was with a fuse they gave to him... In the end he goes to the spic saying it's broken and he goes "yeah I know"

I wonder why we're called everywhere to work tho
Based Dane not so based kek
(Also probably whiter than you are in your cucked scandinavian region) Chemist selling cigarettes
They don't have sweres so toilet paper is thrown in thrash cans
Workers not understanding clear instruction even when he shouted at them (boss was called that day)

And then the topkek... He was getting crazy over finding what the problem was with a fuse they gave to him... In the end he goes to the spic saying it's broken and he goes "yeah I know"

Sorry, pasted two times by mistake


Kek. They’ll never amount to anything

how can beanlets even compete with the Romanian masterace

Another Pic from land of spic
Birb related

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We got our problems (mainly gypsies) but we do our job

was meant for

This is not a nanny country. You better use your common sense here. Are you really that stupid to see something is burning and dangerous?

>They don't have sweres so toilet paper is thrown in thrash cans
No nigger. The trashcans are there because many people come to the city from ranches. They don't have sewers there and use trash bins. When they come to the city they are used to throw the toilet paper in the trashcan, so that's why we put trash cans in the toilets. You can throw your toilet paper in the toilet and it will flush away. But you are too stupid to understand that Mexico is way too big with different cultures.

>I wonder why we're called everywhere to work tho
>nobody misses him and he misses nobody in his homeland

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>No nigger. The trashcans are there because many people come to the city from ranches. They don't have sewers there and use trash bins.

So, literally one step above Pajeet.

Can confirm
But its a bit awkward when you work in the same place as your sister

Wow. They use the same system to prevent rapes in Sweden.

if you go to "la sierra", obviously there will be no sewers. You are free to shit anywhere, but who will live in la sierra without internet?
t. CONAFE teacher

Das rite, gringo, we use common sense here in mehico, which is why we don't have smoke detectors and our emergency system is a fucking whistle.

t. from the people who die from tidepods

Catch the pigeon.

Careful now this is just a front so "Super hackerman Romania" can steal your credit card.



At least we don't die with cheeseburger

>literal whistle

Top kek beaners

>toilet paper in trash cans
This is why public women's restrooms are a no-go in my town now. We have all of these dumpy dogfaced blobs spraying piss all over the seats and tossing their shit-smeared toilet paper into the napkin disposal bin or just throwing it on the floor. I hate this third-world garbage so fucking much.

You can't be serious. You're from Romania, your country is just as bad as Mexico. Romania = the Mexico of Europe.

You are surprised by this sir?

Mexicans are really rock bottom garbage.

Romanians > mexicans.

>You better use your common sense here

LOL mexican intellectual.

This cope from mexican garbage.

calm down kid

cool, its probably a good whistle, so why be a dick about it?

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I used to go down to a Mexico facility at a previous job. Oh the sights I could have shown you.
Pro tip: If you are ever near a semi on the road with Mexico plates, either get in front and drive as fast as you can or pull over and wait 30 minutes.

never seen something like this but based

Americans have a hivemind and like mentality.

Ant like*

>come in mexico to check out work
>go back in America the same day for fear to stay in our pacefull country
You yankees are just racist and too fat ti stay here

Fuck spics to hell!

We are not racist enough.

Also your shit people are fatter than whites.

>throwing shitty toilet paper into a massive shitpaper bin is considered "culture" in Mexico

Where was this? What city? I’m assuming it’s some place in the middle of nowhere like in the north or something where the building you work is one of the nicest buildings you’ve seen so far.

It's not our fault !
Is your fault to sell us the cocacola cheaper than water
Fuckin yankees
You just ruin mexico in every way

There can be no calming down as long as your shit people are invading us and running your mouths everywhere.


Classic spic mindset, everything is the fault of someone else.

ZERO personal responsibility.

Calm down bro...

Mexican Fire Drill

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I don't know if it's a compliment from an irrelevant country or not...

I am not your bro spic puke.

Leaf land is more relevant than your spic shit hole.

>zero resposability
You scream us every fuckin day and we try to smile and stay calm.
Mexican people are the nicer people of the world.
We smile and we want only to understand but you screem and insult us and that hurt us.
Fuck you, learn some respect

Could You Show With Your shilling? Its Fucking embarrasing, You Fucking VPN


Someone post the exquisite Mexican cuisine webms with nachos and top ramen!

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well, that comment coming from someone from Wyoming has convnced me.

Some of those webms are not even Mexican. Some are from Guatemala.

>that pic

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They have a tv commercial about that here in the US.
Where they call out people who throw their shitty paper into a trash can. Everyone in the room is disgusted and a little girl looks at the father and exposes him to everyone

The whole room looks at the father, shaming him or whatever doing the stinky face.
But the father is white.

Live in Canada .

Under stand that the colour red is supposed to be attention getting, also easiest to see in fog and smoke

Fire Truck / police lights / stop signs are red to get attention and see in poor light

Fire exit signs have been red for for nearly 100 years ---

Import 3rd world mexicans etc .

have to change the colour of emergency exits to green because retards think red means do not go -- / exit.

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RESPECT IS EARNED subhuman garbage!

>webms are not even Mexican. Some are from Guatemala.

It is all the same shit people.

>They don't have sweres so toilet paper is thrown in thrash cans
they have this in greece too lmao
fucking stinks so bad

>can't be reasoned with
>they call themselves superior
white race being white

Fuck you
We will see once the 4th transformation of mexico will be completed
We gonna make you eat all the shit you gave us!

There is no reasoning with an eternal enemy.

>We gonna make you eat all the shit you gave us!

I have my doubts.

this fight will be fought over our women's wombs... see you in 10 years when the second official language is Mexican.. .not even our cartels can stop our high testosterone reproduction

Ok great you think you are going to give us shit by continuing to breed uncontrollably.

Mexican intellectual everyone.

>this fight will be fought over our women's wombs
>pls inseminate me gringo papi

Oh for fucks sake, Just shut the Fuck Up
>thinks "mexican" is a lenguage
Dont You have other place to be stupid?

Ah yes you’ll have a torta instead. Isn’t México more obese than the US now anyway?

>Isn’t México more obese than the US now anyway?

Yes, the invading mexicans in the USA fuck up our numbers.

You come from a place where decapitation is a common occurrence

In this thread: White faggots making fun of spics, while their women at home have chosen to have child with said spics.
If third world latinos and niggers are such lower races, how comes they are replacing you?

let them burn

You've never been into a mexican public restroom.
Literally the most disgusting place on earth. Everything is vomit inducing. Everything is sick and the stench is unimaginable. The walls, floor, ceiling and the stalls are covered in shit stains, dirty shitty paper, urine, drawings of dicks, pussies and vulgarity scribbled everywhere..
The toilet looked like.. I don't want to think about it.. like a diarrhea grenade exploded on top of it, then someone came and laid a massive solid turd into it anyway.. but then it got stuck halfway into the hole

And to wipe your ass, there's a nail on the wall with newspaper cut into squares poked into it.
I had to shit so I went for it, it was either that or shit my pants.

Mexicans do stupid fucking shit by the second. Keep your tard thoughts to yourself faggot

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>while their women at home have chosen to have child with said spics.

Is this really what you subs think?

I like how there is zero metrics that back that up, just your low end mind making up shit.

People with higher birth rates tend to not care about the quality of life

I've seen more spices get blacked than white chicks

>Are you really that stupid to see something is burning and dangerous?
This is why Mexicans are fucking scary. They can’t even understand what a fire alarm is for and they say mongo shit like this.

fuck off spic, I am stuck with trash like you in my cuntry too
>Not all spixs speak English

Then how do you explain the trailer park you were born in?

>And to wipe your ass, there's a nail on the wall with newspaper cut into squares poked into it.

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Dumb spics you are a parasite on this planet and I look forward to the day we remove you from planet earth

all this butthurt

Everytime mexicans get clowned on by Jow Forums, they're going to bring up how they keep their shitty TP next to the toilet

It’s scream you fucking fool not screem. Make a fucking effort instead of stuffing tacos and tacate down your mouth. We scream because we don’t want you here. If you don’t like it leave, hombre.

>And to wipe your ass, there's a nail on the wall with newspaper cut into squares poked into it.

I actually saw this once at a gas station

One day, the descendants of those spics will tell tales of the pig skinned white man, and how they got replaced and ultimately exterminated by who they thought were their inferiors.
If white people is so much better, how comes there is an international effort to eradicate your people?
If you are better than the brown skins, why are you owned by the jews?
If you are so free, why didn't you have a voice in the decision of cutting your foreskin?
If white males are so superior, why are you becoming a minority in your country?

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do it again and I'm taking your last mule

>mejorar la raza!

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We are better than you, it is not about being superior.

>better than you
>cries everything he is getting replaced by cheaper oompah loopahs

>brags about talking over
>wonders why we don’t want spics here
You know you’d be slaughtered very quickly if you pulled that. The slow immigration infection you’re doing now is more effective.

Beaners foul every public restroom. Since in the first world we can flush toilet paper, there are no barrels for shitty paper. So the spics just throw the shitty paper on the floor. Their primitive brains can’t understand toilets, even after years in the US.

America doesn’t have an official language you fucking idiot. The Chinese will destroy you if we fail.

Cope harder

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