Young white couple executed in South Africa race attack

At least 3 attackers walked up to them, said “Mlungu” (white person) and then fired away, murdering the couple in cold blood right next to the road. They fired 14 shots, killing Jessica instantly and then emptying the remainder on Johanco.



Are we going to sit and wait or are going to do something about it? How long until we assemble a group and go fight for our people in South Africa?

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pol: foreign invaders should be killed!
south Africa: kills foreign invaders

>“It doesn’t make sense. As a pastor in the family, it is very difficult to understand why people would do something like this,” her uncle Frikkie Kuhn.

This is why I feel no sympathy for these people

Good. Fuck wh*tes

So? they were invaders in this country. we want and will get our ethno-state by killing our invaders.

Isn't that what you white western people want but are to pussy to do ?

Most of the population is completely bluepilled, it is upon us to make the necessary changes.

>pol: foreign invaders should be killed!
>south Africa: kills foreign invaders

correct. white people are walking talking contradictions

Yes well when there's no south African society of any sort and all the buildings crumble to ash you the Jew can pat yourself on the back knowing your kind helped make the world a better place by eliminating all decent cultures and societies.

hold a vigil for the attackers

If white didn't even want to do anything to keep power when they had it pre-1994, then what are the chances that they will do anything to take it back. Doing something would mean having to switch of the television and putting down the beer. I always had hope that we could someday create something good here again, but looking at my countryman I can see there's no real hope of things ever getting better again.

I know you're just a meme-flag Israeli shill, but the Bantu are invaders themselves and didn't want to inhabit that land until whites made it arable and hospitable.

>south afrikaners
>foreign invaders
It's not an invasion if you bought the land

They'll just ignore this post.

Sure let me go risk life and limb for people i don't even know and who aren't even Meds, oh wait.

I just got a fax, it says: I'M NOT RETARDED.

>we want and will get our ethno-state by killing our invaders
You're going to starve to death nigger. No I'm dead serious. You will be starving in your lifetime.
When it happens? I hope you remember this post.
I know I will remember yours. I'll be sitting her in the future, hearing about your land, laughing with a full white belly.

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The bantu niggers ovverruning the country are the foreign invaders. When whites settled in SA it was almost completely unpopulated. Learn your own history you stupid faggot.

>I know you're just a meme-flag Israeli shill, but the Bantu are invaders themselves and didn't want to inhabit that land until whites made it arable and hospitable.

Whos fault is it that white people are to generous to the point its a detriment? we took the land by forced.. just like colonialism.

White people in South Africa are constantly breaking the law, constitution, etc. because they think that they have rights as a minority that the majority has voted that they do not have. The only solution to these radical bandits is to either eradicate them or enslave them and teach them to follow the Democratically enacted laws.

Maybe now it will get some attention and response

Jesus is the only chance the White race has, it's not about how badass White men are (proven throughout history time and time again) it's about actually having a reason to fight (i.e something better than Nihilism).

>It's not an invasion if you bought the land

Then stop complaining about chinese buying out all australian land, they are not invaders they are not australians.

There's only WINNING and LOSING. Get with it.

Jow Forums is against the killing of humans.
black south africans aren't human.
white south africans are.

you got to stand with your team

The white Afrikaaners tamed the wild and turned land that no one else wanted into a paradise, and because all of the hard work is done, others want to reap the benefits.
Pic VERY related

>The bantu niggers ovverruning the country are the foreign invaders. When whites settled in SA it was almost completely unpopulated. Learn your own history you stupid faggot.

Yawn. Africa for africans faggot boy, you only hate enthnostates when it applies to us.

No, what americans know as kike names are really just german last names. If you look at a phonebook here you'll think you're in Tel Aviv.

Toll status: paid in full

Remember this post when whites turn just a little more self interested.

Didnt post for some reason

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Motherfucker what are you on about. Have you seen taxis here? Have you seen any prvate black run company here? Have you seen any state owned company? Not a day goes by without them breaking at least a few laws.

>completely unpopulated
>San people never lived there

Lolidiot. The bantu aren't native but the San were there literally 10,000 years before whites ever found it. They are just Abo tier retarded so they didn't bother with borders, much like Native Indians didn't. The nogs there now also try to kill the San as well to the point that the San and Whites are actually working together to try and form a white/san nation but international pressure prevents it.

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Follow this guys channel if you want to see how bad things really are.

>you got to stand with your team

white people dont have a team, they hate eachother. the very fact i can shoot a white bitch tomorow night after raping her, and it wont even make the news is lovely proof of this.

>Remember this post when whites turn just a little more self interested.

uh hu. lots of talk budy, we do action.. not talk.

it may be fun if you think about it

I'm fine with killing humans.

Oh yeah, i fucking hate the White race. But hey, still better than niggers right? WRONG, niggers are just dumb animals Whites are WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY evil.

But yeah, still better than niggers LMAO.

>niggers do action
>keep saying we wuz kangs
>cant make a single stable society

Dumb nigger who has a black skin and thinks he knows African history.

Whites have always existed in a similar fashion to men in general.

> want to be left alone to my own devices
> fuck off to location
> make location better through hard work
> others say "hey that shit looks cool"
> others come into my space
> I'll be tolerant and let them come in because society shames me if I keep all the good stuff (that I created and worked for) for myself
> get forced out / killed / controlled by foreign others
> fuck off to new location and repeat entire process

The only solution is to move to Mars and murder anyone that shows up on sight.

You mean in africa where whites are the minority blacks are still brain dead violent retards?

I was a soldier in my previous incarnation, Paraguayan War, Uruguayan side. 50 something kills.

the reason is the gains you get out of conquering others

>it may be fun if you think about it

you pampered first worlders wouldnt last a day here. thats 1 possitive thing i can give white south africans, they are the hardest toughest whites on the planet, by far.

>WRONG, niggers are just dumb animals Whites are WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY evil.

Cheers for that. Its a good line of thinking.

Organize. Haven't you ever heard of the Boeremag? The only mistake they made was acting on their own within SA instead of taking their time and waiting for the civil conflict to start.

What are you going to do then? Do you prefer to live in a state where there's no future for your people instead of fighting to create one where you have a future?

>Jesus of Nazareth
Imagine fighting because of some retarded book written by multiple Jews two thousand years ago when your culture is over tens of thousands years old.

Nah actually having a place all the niggers could get shoved off to is a great idea. Go ahead make an ethnostate and get your brothers out of our countries

Never let it be said i'm not a complete full blown psychopath, perish the thought.

Maybe ca use you nigs run the news. Nobody should know about whites being murdered cause maybe theyll revolt.
But white people won't stand up. Until the night of long knives that is.

>Whites are WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY evil
jews aint white

Idk elon musk seems pretty soft, a strong wind might blow him over

I get kind of a Mad Max vibe from his videos.

>> want to be left alone to my own devices
>> fuck off to location
>> make location better through hard work
>> others say "hey that shit looks cool"
>> others come into my space
>> I'll be tolerant and let them come in because society shames me if I keep all the good stuff (that I created and worked for) for myself
>> get forced out / killed / controlled by foreign others
>> fuck off to new location and repeat entire process

ah. explore world, find south africa. enslave the koisan, enslave the bantu under apartheid. what lovely generous people you are.

>Nah actually having a place all the niggers could get shoved off to is a great idea. Go ahead make an ethnostate and get your brothers out of our countries

except now we are doing the colonising. i hear america's becomming more black by the second :) colonising good bro, get use to it.

Fuck off Anglo cunt

>Maybe ca use you nigs run the news.

but i thought whites were so superior? make your own news stations.

Hey i'm just saying, long term? it all just dies, heat death of The Universe. I'm not going to have kids.

If Jesus isn't legit, it's all for naught. I doubt we can science a way to stop the heat death of The Universe or even stop the Singularity from happening and deleting us from existence.

No i'm talking Whites, not Jews. Aryans all died in WW2, it was a more innocent time.

>Idk elon musk seems pretty soft, a strong wind might blow him over

he lived in a rich white area and left when he was a child.

They are very entertaining. It makes you wonder what it would look like when the shit hits the fan if it already looks like a Mad Max movie.

sure you can, but i as talking about the contradiction the other user mentioned, at least in Jow Forums there's some minimun sense of unity between europeans therefore of course they want their lands withouth the niggers but they also want your land. it is a contradiction but like i said you got to stand with the team,my side is always right

>chinese buying oit Australian land

They are buying out your land aswell faggot, or did you forget ?

You think they'll be airing for long till SABC whips out their dicks and shuts it down? Thank my race that you actually have news.

That’s a really shitty sob story. No one gives a shit.

The guy you are talking with is not white.

>at least in Jow Forums there's some minimun sense of unity between europeans

cant enter a european thread without germans calling italians niggers, brits calling romanians niggers. ect ect.

White people have no unification at all. but still complain that they are being replaced.. its ridiculous.

the koisan were slaughtered by the bantu far more than whitey.
And the bantu, as always, followed whitey to parasitize off him and demand gibs.
Without whites, you niggers would still be eating each other alive - see, for example, Liberia.
Once you murder all the whites in SA, you can look forward to a nice, peaceful, relaxed life like zimbabwe has.

Niggers, a race too fucking stupid to see how fucking stupid they are, but instead believe they're brilliant. Nature truly is a funny fucking thing.

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>They are buying out your land aswell faggot, or did you forget ?

thats fine, we killed our first colonizers, we will kill the next.

Why dont you stop using hwhite magic and stop wearing their clothes

Strip down nude you wannabe african, put on a loin cloth and stop using electrcity

Take a bush walk and find your inner nigger, cook your meals in the dirt itself, just be sure to pick off the debri before you eat it, like your nigger brethren

Make sure youre barefoot too, dont be trying to borrow that white man shit, fuck whitey

If you get hurt you wont habe a cell phone or radio or any white man shit, just scream at the top of your lungs until somekne hears you

>enslave the koisan
Don't talk shit, the Khoi were never enslaved, and don't act like you Zulu give a shit about the Khoi. Bantu wiped them out by the million in the Bantu expansion.
>enslave the bantu under apartheid
In the 70's the government tried to make the bantustans independent, completely your own countries. It was black people that fought against it. What kind of fucking slavery is it when you fight against being set free?

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all i hear is bla bla bla, white invaders are being gutted. deal with it faggot. canada is next.

well at least the part before we are burned alive will be fun

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Don't give them too much shit, they can't help it.

People have been waiting for the war to start forever. I know people that were waiting that have died off old age already. The government and the chinese don't want us gone, because we are the only thing keeping this place going and they know it. People wait for some magical moment or sign for it to start, but really they are all just too lazy to start something themselves. The time to take power was 25 years ago when we had a armed and motivated population.

This country might have once been full of people that fought and believed in something, but its full of fat, lazy, selfish slobs now. South Africans today are a disgrace to the great people that formed this country. If there is a God, I hope he brings a great destruction on this land and kill every living thing on it. The world will be better for it.

Not by any of your people’s own ingenuity. Without white colonisation there to build up the country you’d still be hopping around the jungle eating poo.

>Why dont you stop using hwhite magic and stop wearing their clothes


> Strip down nude you wannabe african, put on a loin cloth and stop using electrcity

why? there is a reason we are taking over america and europe. we want your shit. we will take your shit.

OI M8.

You and me, let's do a fucking war dance.


So that's why they stole my tires for.

Why do you think black SA presidents say stuff like"I want all white people to stay here"? It's because they want us working for them while they steal what we produce.

Lol shut up cuck

When i say OOGA.

You say?

These ones aren’t as empathetic, you may have to get creative.

>He picks the debris off his dirt chicken


A nigger finna do what a nigger finna do.

>We killed our first colonizers

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>Not by any of your people’s own ingenuity. Without white colonisation there to build up the country you’d still be hopping around the jungle eating poo.

So colonisation is good. as an american that is currently being colonised by blacks and mexicans you should not oppose it.


At some point we need to pressure Trump into taking military action against the EFF. If they aren't a terrorist organization I don't know who is.. We can't let another Rwanda happen now can we?

>When i say OOGA.
>You say?

America is blacked.

when i say white people you say?... minority in 15 years!

>full of fat, lazy, selfish slobs now
This problem exists all throughout the west. If/when it happens, there will be a massive fucking slaughter on both sides - fortunately, there are still a number of whites, mostly rural, who are fit and more than happy to pick up a gun and shoot the brown/black/yellow shits infesting the west.
The urban whites though...they're fucked. And thankfully so.

If you voluntarily live in SA this is what you deserve. What in the world would POSSESS you to live like that among animals.

>These ones aren’t as empathetic, you may have to get creative.

we will have nukes and an army thanks to america & europe giving us their country.

>>We killed our first colonizers

look at the date of that. cute you live in the past when the technological difference was so vast.

Colonization by whites inevitably leads to whiter countries which are better because white people are better. Opposite for Mexicans and niggers like you, shit bait

that's banter mostly, like the greeks if a common threat appears they will unite or perish like fags

>killing out invaders
>we took the land by forced
>white people are walking talking contradictions

Niggers aren’t even worth debating.

>If you voluntarily live in SA this is what you deserve. What in the world would POSSESS you to live like that among animals.

they are stuck here. you whites dont help other whites LOL. this is why you will go extinct soon and noone will care.