Alien tech about to be revealed. The NYT story was preparation

Alien tech about to be revealed. The NYT story was preparation.

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no, it was just fake news as usual

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Stories have popped up everywhere in past few days including threads here. Real disclosure? Distraction? (((they))) need a big one. Interesting times


wrong country fag


I remember when SOHO vids of this were posted here so many years ago, and how NASA quickly claimed this was a normal, named phenomenon, but also how when you tried to find examples of it, the stated phenomenon looks and behaves nothing like the video your gif is a clip of (the SOHO telescope).
That shit looks like a tadpole eating off a food source and then scurrying away.


>implying Hong Kong gives a shit

Space isn't real.

Disclosure. I used to think UFOs were bullshit, but now am starting to think it's likely. I've seen a video of a UFO over a major city. There is no way to explain this stuff.

>Burger education

Take your iodine pills

Rendezvous with Rama.

Oh great, now shitskins will know it and we'll lose our advantage. This knowledge wasn't meant for everyone's eyes. But the Chinese already have it so does Russia.

take your meds

Project blue beans. Screen cap this

>no real way
Holographic projection by terrestrial forces, the equivalent of kite fliers in ancient times.
This explains a UFO’s high G maneuvers and lack of a produced sonic boom, it’s just mirror and light tricks.

Morning news had UFO talk this morning, now it's on the radio Brian Killmead

Great book and a great series as well. Highly underrated.

>Project blue beans

Is that a code word for blue balls you get from nofapping?

I'm thinking this is based

goddamned non existent australians are ruining this site

I'm thinking you need to be at least 18 to post here

2024 uneducatedfag.
After the trump is gone and the solar eclipse happens.

Just started the third one, first definitely still my favorite as it felt more optimistic unlike all the backstabbing in the discovery of that long asteroid oumuamua seems way eerier now having read it.

Good. Everything else seems boring af right now.

>backstabbing in the
*second one. The discovery..

i can't wait to cuddle with qt reptilians

is the sun a planet?

Lets say Aliens are in fact around, in fact, but we don't know there's no proof, but they are.

I doubt the US gov know more than the common citizen, they may have witnessed more shit than anyone else, being the most technologically advanced country in the world, but I seriously doubt there's a Hollywood type situation going on, even if they have managed to document really really weird shit they still don't know what it is, like the people that have pictures or video of paranormal stuff, it is a mystery and the document may be proof of that mystery but it does not explain what it is. I believe that's the case for UFO's and Aliens, so no Gov will disclosure something they don't know what it is.

But if I am wrong and they do know and have proof and they do disclose the existence of Aliens it would be cool, and about time.

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what is the sun made of?

I believe aliens are real but you sound like either a boomer or shill. Why the sudden change of heart and over a video? I think most of the people waiting for disclosure, have known they were factual for quite some time.

FISA declas. Spooks disclosing shit smart people already knew to distract. Interesting times

I'll assume this is bait. Here's your (you).

Diamond, the hardest metal, etc. I felt bad nobody was giving you any replies.

That can't account for all of them, no way they could have done that in the 40s and 50s

Project blue beam

Belief in aliens is my litmus test for intelligence.

Really, my filter for people worth my time, business or not. It’s a measure of critical thinking.

>The NYT story was preparation.

Why NYT story?



The government Jews push project blue beam on the public.

LED lights

>Belief in aliens is my litmus test for intelligence.

I mean I've definitely thought about it. There are probably aliens. I just haven't seen anything conclusive.

It's kind of frustrating being blown off as insane when some of this is obvious even without all the details. And I know that I don't have even most of the details some of these real down-the-rabbit-hole nibbas have.

Checked, have a meme

Attached: Slav squat explained.jpg (1440x1651, 341K)

when though? I’m getting bored

Project blue beam

Attached: the-best-project-bluebeam.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Fuck, why did you tell him? God damn it, people need to learn how to search for things themselves.


Either way, my body is ready.

>I doubt the US gov know more than the common citizen
Opinion discarded

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The fact that aliens don't have to answer to a judge and jury and have not laser beamed every Negro to death is proof aliens don't exist.

Don't have sex.

>Alien tech has the ability to give trans people proper functioning genitals

Fuck You

I disagree. Are you an alien? Do you know how their thought process works? It's obvious to anyone life has to exist other than our little blue ball, that's a speck in the universe. Science has always had a huge ego, and they always get BTFO the next century by new discoveries. There is a way to travel faster than the speed of light. Just because we haven't figured it out, does not mean it's impossible.

SOHO vids from 2012

This is going to be great, manking will reach other planets soon.

ANALYZING THE US NAVY DISCLOSURE. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure.

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why are you showing me a cosmic straw?

Project mocking bird. It was actually unironically easier to talk about in the old days. They have spent a lot of time into programming this mentality of ridicule in the people, and they do this while trying to convince anyone in important positions that because of religion society would collapse from disclosure

I thought this prt of quantum physics was basic knowledge after it got disclosed through FOIA

Have you read Valle's meticulous collection and critical appraisal of UFO witnesses and accounts from antiquity until 1870? If you haven't I suggest you read that. The accounts only give a rendition of unexplainable objects which defied the description of comets and meteors.

you've been posting this everywhere you ching chong wannabe.

No one really gives a shit anymore and the media has 0 credibility now. They're about 25 years too late with this. Ayyyyylmao

anyone actually got any suggestive articles that say disclosure is going to happen shortly?

no, but don't forget to watch History Channel today

Quads confirm faggotry

They show secret tech in Science Fiction. They must have somewhere beyond what we call Earth to keep all this stuff secret! Our level of technology is drip-fed to us from a prior more advanced civilization.

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Search "sphere encasing a cube"

>go to science website to see what this is all about
>says its definitely not an alien space craft sucking energy from the sun

okay.. so it definitely is then.

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Why is Skippy Podesta so publicly interested in UFOs?




Space bogans will be a thing in our lifetime, giant stickers of need kellys face will be printed for the sides of spaceship, and aliens will be told to fuck off cunt

What a time to be alive

A bunch of little stars really close together

I mean in having definite proof, an Alien body in Area 51 and that type of stuff. Like I say I bet they have witnessed a lot of weird shit, I mean if we can observe all kind of weird shit here on land how will it be from the clouds up?

To see if space niggers have lolis.

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They are genetically engineered to fly high G aircraft. Smaller pilots mean more room for bombs.

calm down, shill. sperging out like this makes me believe in aliens even more.

>blue beans
No one is screenshoting your atrocious English.

Worth a read, the phenomena is described as a Coronal Prominence Cavity and not alien or a mother ship.

>Holden brand spaceships
Cunt, be hype

it can be described as whatever (((scientists))) want to describe it as but i ain't buying it.


"Soft disclosure" has been going on for some time. Bits and pieces here and there. I doubt full "hard disclosure" will ever happen unless the skies are suddenly filled with ayy lmao vessels.

we dont make holdens anymore. all manufacturing in this country has been shipped off overseas for a quick buck.

Are there any places that have adult-level conversation and ideally professional opinions on exactly what we might be looking at in this image? The blast wave is most concerning. If it was an emission from the corona I don't think it would do that as it would just pulse outward now with a force applied in the opposite direction and into the sun, rather away from it. Would could Marvin the Martian be drinking here anyway, neutrinos?

Shouldn't you summerfags be outside enjoying the sunshine?


Don't remind me, I want space Commodores

Based ruskie quads

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Be sure to have at least 20 lbs of pussy and ass nearby at all times.

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The USS Hillenkoetter will blow it out of the sky if you aussies try invading rightful American space.

This looks like a tornado of some sort. That or there is a alien ship the size of a planet flying around.

>He doesn't know about previous human civilizations

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Cunt we'll glass you from space, you'll need like 30 stitches

The paper describes it as an effect from the CME, which creating changes in the magnetic flux and a cavity.


/sci/, sometimes. They've got shitposting retards there too, but some good people too.

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No Idea. Thats why I started the thread. Info coming in. It was taken by SOHO telescope in 2012

First you've got to get up there. Maybe if you packed abbos densely enough they can be burned as rocket-fuel?

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