Trump is a con man

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yes we know this Queen Ann has been saying this for years now.

>Trump can stop the border crisis by himself
>Trump tries to stop the border crisis by himself
>Treasonous kikes in the federal judiciary block it

If you sell rape whistles, you don't want to actually stop rape.

For what purpose?

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He works for the globalist jews.

When did this happen?

You just defined the US Government.

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t. kike

Fake tweet, or deleted?

I'm voting for Trump again just to piss off faggot shills like you. No other reason reason.

Trump can easily get the military to build the wall, he can grant executive orders to build it.. he can literally bypass the 9th circuit and even the supreme court & Senate. But he won't. Hes using leverage

when you had an attention span longer than a fly.

Even if trump doesn't follow through on any immigration promise til then? What if he reverses his decisions and wants more immigration?

Everyone knows who the shills are at this point. the charade is over man..

he has full authority to stop the flood under 8USC12 and does nothing but whine and bitch.

He literally wrote a book on conning people.

We’ve known this for years, is it suddenly supposed to surprise us?

>t. Shill

>”he has full authority” fags

Yeah, but he’s not a dictator. He’s not ACTUALLY going to shift the paradigm on presidential powers, he’s not going to do anything.

He doesn’t care like you do.

uh huh... read up on the law, faggot..

how does he accomplish this on a physical, material basis in reality? do you have any idea?

>Jews support Drumpft!
Kill yourself, Shareblue

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imagine thinking anyone cares

>he can stop the problem by doing absolutely nothing and not protecting the border

wew lads

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>H-he could just order it and nobody would oppose him in any way.
Fucking seriously, kill yourselves in the most painful way possible, you utter dipshits!

>He works for the globalist jews.
You can tell because all the globalist jews are constantly using their media outlets to give him their UNENDING SUPPORT.

>how does he do his job he campaigned on and was elected to do?

he has executive power,dumbass.

>no spics
>no need to vote "based spic remover (soon) Trump"
>Trump imports more spics than you ever saw before
Who could have expected that from a honoray Jew

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Who would oppose him? How can a judge stop the enforcement of
Explain in details what a judge would do and why Trump isn't enforcing the law?

they play both sides you moron, if you havent realized this by now then stop giving your opinion.

>trump does political theater
>welp better vote for the FUCK WHITE PEOPLE PARTY now

So he should do what precisely? Piss of the entire nation by conducting large scale military operations and literally rounding up brown people? That puts us back at square 1 when we get a decade of democrat rule

two sides of the same genocidal coin you ignorant fucking shill

Whatever happened to that group of civilian patriots who went down to the border with guns? That story disappeared kinda fast but regardless that’s what it’s gonna take in the end. Our government is no longer capable of defending the border.

yes, thats the question, answer it. you seem to have some secret information that nobody else has.

And here comes the other shill approach..

>Trump sucks, so I must vote for democrats.

The Supreme Court already ruled on this issue when they upheld the travel ban. Any court ruling stopping him would be invalid and could be ignored.
>8 USC 1182(f)
>Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

That would be great actually. I bet majority would applaud.

They took the leader, threw him in a jail with majority beaners and they most likely killed him.

>majority would applaud
You can't really believe the majority of the country would support "literally rounding up brown people" at the border, along with military operations?

Where do you get your news?

Is the point at which you tell me I might as well get some yang bux before we all die?

The brown people are already being rounded up by the Border Patrol, but they are just being released. He should build FEMA camps at the border to hold them temporarily, then use military jets to fly them back to Central America. If judges try to stop him, he should ignore them. He could also deploy the military into Mexico to establish a buffer zone outside American territory where U.S. courts have no jurisdiction.


I remember him backing down after threatening a national emergency for the wall. Nothing happened.

Thanks user.

That’s bullshit man, they were just doing the job that the government didn’t want to do. Guess it’s too bad they weren’t beaners otherwise they’d be left alone

trump cannot.
The law has a loophole for migrants from countries that do not border us.
the democrats refuse to work with republicans to patch the hole. Heck, the republicans refused to patch it when they had control.
We're all being fucked over.

majority of citizens would approve of protecting our country.

>deploy the military into Mexico
Are you out of your fucking mind?
You can't have the military occupy an allied nation without congress, what kind of precedent do you want to set?

>majority of citizens would approve of protecting our country.
Are you 12?

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>what kind of precedent do you want to set?
Unironically the "fix your shit or we'll fuck your shitty nation into the ground" kind.

yes, but how does he FUND it?
Congress sets the budget.
Also, he cannot make executive actions that are against federal law.

Trump ordered the FBI to arrest their leader for possessing a gun as a felon, then local sheriff's deputies rounded up the rest for trespassing on railroad property next to the border. Conveniently, the railroad doesn't care about thousands of illegals crossing their property every day.

That would require a majority of citizens to see those acts as "acts of protecting our country".
I do not believe that would happen, and I'm wondering why you do.


hes right, anyone who wants illegals here needs to die, its really that simple
you are not a american and you need to die

And what if another country decides we need to fix our shit?

Nope, violates United States Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-212).
An executive order cannot violate existing laws.

that was overturned

are you retarded?

Yeah it's obvious

DACA would like to disagree with you

Do you realize the majority of Border Patrol are brown themselves? And the military has been assisting them sporadically for decades?

because the people voted Trump in for a reason.. to make america great again. Getting rid of illegals was at the top of the list.

it's not an executive order, it's federal law passed by Congress

solid bo burnham reference brosef

It doesn't matter who supports Trump, what matters is that Trump supports them above anyone else

you are a fucking idiot

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How is Mexico an "allied nation?" We have no military alliance with Mexico, and they have a long history of violating our national sovereignty. Since 9/11, the military has been deployed to dozens of countries without Congressional approval. The Constitution also gives the president specific authority to repel invasions, and that doesn't require the approval of Congress.

fucking IDIOT

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Slush funds

Kill them first? Not hard

>anyone who wants illegals here needs to die, its really that simple
Yes, that doesn't change the fact 50% of citizens want to kill America
>you are not a american and you need to die
I don't want immigration but ok fag

No I'm just not sheltered enough to think the majority actually want to keep immigrants out

I like how you can't refute his point at all.

We wouldnt be talking about border security if it werent for President Trump

there's literally no border security, nothing would be different under Shillary

Anyone with a brain can see the writing on the wall.. diversity is not a strength. Again, Trump ran on immigration, and he got elected for it.

this image is all i need kike lover

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So why dud we get dems building walls under Obama and Bush?

womp womp

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>Anyone with a brain can see the writing on the wall
Yea and that's why I asked if you're 12. Most people are literal NPCs

Pretty sure Mexico is a corrupt druglord shithole. It'd be a quality of life improvement for then as well. Mexico should have been asking for us help to solve these problems long ago if we're "allies".

>all I need iz muh memes

Do you live in AZ? Didnt think so, things are getting done you liberal piece of shit

hey if trump is draining the swamp whyd he put a rothchilds banker as sec of commerce faggot?

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its childish and NPC to think that majority of citizens want their country protected?

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>its childish and NPC to think that majority of citizens want their country protected?
No most people are NPCs and think immigrants are good bois and dindu nuffin and it's American to let them in so they can pick fruit or some retarded shit

You have to just ignore the court. Why does he have to listen to every silly injunction from now to the end of time.

that one mile of wall that was built by a private company that has already stopped due to a cease and desist letter?

Then why did so many vote Trump to begin with?

We don't join the US in their wars for oil and Israel, your greatest military ally, thank God. We do have security alliances like the Merida Initiative, that's the majority of the US foreign "aid" to Mexico.