Why do young people tend to hate nationalist causes ?

How come the whole concept of country, self-love and national cohesion has been slowly eroded ? Was it because of the coming of fast travel with planes and trains, where people can move freely and slowly realize borders are an abstract thing ? Or was it the education ?

fucking explain me, its driving me mad.

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Because for all their life their nation has shit on them.

Indoctrination from a very young age
But the youngsters are not really a problem, they grew up in multiculturalism and hate it
Millenials, gen Xers and boomers are the fucking problem
They never got to experience it, but can't stop praising how great it is and make legislation accordingly

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Why would you serve a group that hates you?

Because (((They))) and hippie boomers control the education system

>They never got to experience it, but can't stop praising how great it is and make legislation accordingly
To clarify; with "it", I mean multiculturalism, not nationalism

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For my nation, it's because our educational system is run entirely by globalist women. I don't ever remember learning one damn pro-American thing in school until I had a single male teacher in my high school years.

>young people
You mean females and queers?
All young men I've met (that were white) where extremely right wing, they probably will become like us when they learn they are being played by the same people on both ''sides''


Natural dependence means a sense and desire for an infinitely wide support net - the weak tend to habitually seek support and hate the thought that they might not find it in everyone around them.
Part of growing is to come into ones self and our knowledge of where it is we are independent and upon who, specifically, we can depend on. We begin to perceive our allegiances and the stuff they're formed by in their full, tiered complexity.

Leftism appeals to women and children particularly because they suggest we can keep living in that easier, cozier world of our childhood, rather than having to develop and grow into a world where not everybody is a friend. It generally presents what I would consider to be the limit of free speech: we cannot present nonsense like Leftism to vulnerable minds. They have to be given a real ideology of growth and personal maturity. Adult men are well equipped to handle the conversation, but that's it.


I identify as a space walrus

is this a shithole country-joke that i'm too priviliged to understand?

In grew up in multiple countries. Studied abroad, work in multiple countries and barely speak my mother tongue. Idk user the world is getting bigger for many. Even those who dont travel can indulge themselves in other cultural experiences VI's the Internet.

Marxist propaganda in school.

When I was in school we stood, sand the national anthem, said the lords prayer and learned about history. Patriotism was a thing,

Now they do none of the above, and learn about transgender rights and sodomy and how the world is evil and racist and that white imperialism is to blame for everything.

Propaganda, pure and simple. Nothing will change until we purge lefties from the educational system and instils traditional values in our children.

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Because they are dysgenic as fuck and they dont want to be accountable for that.
/end thread

Based Sylvanas gassing the Alliance Jews

Nationalism is a retarded fucking idea. That's why.


they dont it's just the coordinated shill of the day

People hating nationalism can be actually divided into two gorups:
1) Dumb S O Y cucks and pozzed progressive welcoming faggots and libtards hating it because muh nazis
2) People who ascended and can see that nationalism is just an artificial conflict successfully dividing and conquering those who should be actually together and fighting as a whole for better cause

Found the dysgenic nigger.

You know, he is right though. There is nothing dysgenic about it, it's just misunderstanding between why some particular individual hates that concept. Being full blown nationalist is just one step above low IQ cuckery that hate it cause muh hitler.

I can pretty much guarantee, that me, you, some aussie, russian, german or spaintard would pretty much agree on all key points on how to make things better, hell, I'd take it as far as 80% of MALES from CIVILIZED world agreeing upon common things completely disregarding the race, the problem however starts the second, you have to oust some major cunt from your "tribe" that's making life worse for everyone except for you, because you're 1/10th better than the rest. Then it will immediately devolve into BUT HE IS OUR CUNT baboonery and everything that has been made so far will immediately crumble.

All media paints world government as inevitable, nationalism as a brutish competition to establish it, and globalism as letting intelligent people establish it instead of the winning brute. The idea of a plurality of nations being something that can even exist at all long term, let alone be a good thing, basically doesn't exist for a lot of these people.

The left was also very good at exploiting peoples dissatisfaction with the aspects of society they created, and using it against the society as a whole.

Because all of the media is propaganda telling them to not do that.

Nationalism isnt about the state.
Its about cultivating a race of people.
People in the west havnt undergone serious selection for most of their lives.
Its not about making everyone feel good. Its about breeding for the best result and discarding the rest.
Anything other than this ultimatly destroys any species. The longer it takes for people to come to terms with is the worse the entire process will be for everyone.

>Its about breeding for the best result and discarding the rest
Then you probably can off yourself immediately to not shit the gene pool further. What you described is Darwinian civic nationalism, while we're talking about nationalism that we have today, which is SHUT UP I AM WHITHER THAN YOU!

constant onslaught of propaganda
social engineering

de-kike the media and it goes away.

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They can't understand what they have until it is gone.

it's because they're woke.

That's not what nationalism is about at all.

>That's not what nationalism is about at all.
That's what it gets juxtaposed with. Same thing goes for Soviet Union commies being juxtaposed with modern left. But who gives a fuck about being factually correct. Overall, nationalism is just dumb tribal extension that will lead to civilization dead end.

What makes nationalism dumb? What makes tribalism bad? You can't just posit that tribalism is undesirable. You have to prove it.

People hate what the television says them to hate.

>What makes tribalism bad? You can't just posit that tribalism is undesirable.
Because it will inevitably lead to the SHUT UP I AM WHITHER THAN YOU! in one way or another.

Nobody likes Nationalist causes and movements , sadly.

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Because they're selfish

Because nationalism doesn't mean anything when you're owned by the tribe, it's just a manipulation tactic so you die in their wars.

Young people generally lack maturity, perspective, and experience to understand what policies to support versus what they are encouraged to support

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Because young people are biologically programmed to reject authority.
It is this compulsion that causes post pubescent people to leave the safety of their parents home and strike out on their own.
In the more abstract concept of society this youthful angst manifests as a rejection of ALL authority, not just parental authority.
They oppose nationalism because they oppose the idea of a government entirely

it sounds bad on the surface + it creates tensions between people from different nationalities. If i write that it is a good idea to remove all gypsies and turks from our territory + unite with Macedonia + try to capture territory from Romania, Serbia, Greece and Turkey I will have a whole bunch of faggots replying and telling me that I should kill myself. Also, do not forget that in the process of removing gypsiers, some will die and they will probably die in such bad circumstances that some faggot from the bbc will write a heartbreaking story about a 12 gypsy girl being put in a gas chamber.

Ever see those worthless sacks of shit fucking with soldiers after coming back from Vietnam? Yeah those dope smoking cocksuckers stayed in college as a job and became "thought leaders" and have been pushing Communism via socialism ever since. They've also filtered down into the grade schools and are spreading their filth and lies there.
google "long walk through the institution" and be amazed and depressed. These globalist/communists have been at this for a long time now. They're playing the long game and winning.

>Why do young people tend to hate nationalist causes ?
They are still naive and have not gained enough experience about the world.

Full-spectrum indoctrination by corporations and the government?

If you haven't realized this by now then maybe you should just stop being a dissident/ thought criminal. You would then be dumb enough to just plug back in and enjoy the steaks.

>tfw highest supported party by zoomers is the nationalist one

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Depends on where you look surrender monkey

The problem with your retarded idea is that there is exactly same retard like you, for example in Slovakia that would have a great idea of removing all the gypsies and magyars from their territory + take their rightful clay from Hungarians and Ukrainians which would result in YOU being the screeching faggot crying to BBC about muh oppression.

You're just a living proof of why nationalists are preceived as low IQ retards.

Look at his flag. His tribe fucking sucks so of course he's not a fan of tribalism. He just wants to be a parasite on real countries.

I think it only sucks for the gypsies really, all other nations have a territory they can go to.
I am not really advocating for nationalism, but I can see its benefits. Also lets be honest, the only nation in 2019 that practices nationalism is China and while they lack any morals and maybe even the concept of what a "moral" is, in 50 years they will continue to have a huge population of chinese people who are not mutt (like murika) and also will have a strong country.

Check the curriculum of public school systems for your answer.

>Why do young people tend to hate nationalist causes ?
Because Baby Boomers fucked with Millennials and they in turn are fucking with the Zoomers.

Nationalism is bad in all countries.

Because we were taught fuck all about the shit part our nation's past. They don't give the whole truth until high school, the same time you learn what logical fallacies / propaganda are.

You're jut low IQ retard, my mixed friend.
Exhibit A, alternate WW2
>Third Reich doesn't go full autismo with their ubermenchs, lebensraum and nationalism
>Third Reich and Soviet Union form economic and industrial powerhouse the earth haven't seen in written history
>rest of europe notices that things can actually work out somehow
>we are by now stationed on the moon
>third reich goes full autismo
>international capital is fueling nationalistic war machine for their own nefarious goals
>look out of your window to reflect on how that played out

There is nothing wrong with preserving your identity, culture and traditions. The problem is, that people are way too low IQ to do just that. It will always slide into superiority complex and divade and conquer of we are superior/you are inferior tribe mentality and people looking into history advocating for muh rightful clay.

>Millenials, gen Xers and boomers are the fucking problem
Maybe not in your country but here millenials have most certainly experienced it.

Ding ding ding.

whats the point of protecting and caring about a gynocentric shithole that treats you like a second class citizen

Because who cares about nations in 21st century? That conception it so outdated. Also I fuckin hate my country and wish it territorial disintegration desu

Education is made to tell only one narrative. At the same time, nationalist causes are purposely watered down and made to look uninteresting.

But show a young boy this and tell me his eyes do not light up.

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I kinda feel the same way too Ivan, but multiculturalism causes issues and shit. I kinda wish we could all be as smart as each other and not do dumb shit.

Erm i against multiculturalism, because when gov forces different cultures to mix is obviously retarded. But gathering around a fictional community called "nation" should remain in 19-20 century.

Posting in this thread just because I saw Sylvie.

fuck off zoomer. Shit is just as bad as it was then.

t. millennial that experienced the same garbage in the early 2000s

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young people basically think they're the main character in a movie

once you know that you can basically predict everything they do

Because nationalist causes are usually Jewish causes.

I don't know what you're talking about, zoomers are the most mindfucked generation of all time. Not just because of the multiculturalism stuff though. They're a complete fucking mess, at least they are here in California

Fair enough. At least we have the internet. It's a start I guess.

No Xers and Boomers got to dodge it. Millennials were brainwashed and burnt by it. At least zoomers get to see it for what it is early on.

yea, that is true. Sadly, i have come to be rather disappointed of the alternatives - liberalism and globalism. With nationalism you at least know that the world is a giant battleground of big countries. With globalism you have proxy wars in the middle east and feminism that makes women intolerable. In a nationalist society women have to give birth, thus they know their place and would not dare be annoying bitches.

I just see the benefits and disadvantages of both systems. Not stating that one is best.

its lit but you will be one of them and be send to die on the battlefield.

Young people take their cues from quiet observation of older people as to acceptable behaviour. Luckily for zoomers (and the West) they also have access to the internet for since forever in their lives and also take their inner thoughts from rebelling against the virtue signalling clusterfuck of modern polite society,

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I completely agree with you. But this is exactly what I meant. We both agree on what's wrong, we both want to change things for the better and we both identify same causes for the ills of today, but the second nationalism takes part, our cooperation is gone and it becomes war of who is superior to the benefit of some 3rd party.


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Because they are full of influence and niggers culture plus they are emotionallly retarded

I will give you a hint,

It has a big nose

I remember when I was young we sang a song in kindergarden about the different cultures and countries in Europe and their words for "Hallo"

it has always been that way.... it is just human nature....
if it was not human nature we would let nignog from the other tribe fuck our wife because we would be peaceful and maybe he would let us fuck his wife. It sounds good, but.... a day will come when nignog will try to be egoistic and want both of our wifes while he gives no wife for me. Some goes for food: yea we may share food now, but what if there is not a lot of food?

This whole thing is just human nature and trying to change it makes the only people who stay loyal to it win: muslims, nignogs and chinese. They are the people of the future.

Of course there are quite a lot of people in eastern europe who would are still nationalistic enough to let it live at least 50 more years, but western europe and america are gone.

Don't get me wrong - I want there to be cooperation, I want people to work toward the mutual goal of leaving Earth and I do not want there to be wars. But the current system is not the way. Unless we ALL work together, none of us can.

They dont really critically think about nationalism they just think "racist" and stop reasoning with you.

jews ruining everything through femnism, race mixing propaganda and multiculturalism, usurious banking, media control, hollywood control, degenerate art, modern architecture etc any bad trend and development can in 90% of the time be traced to a kike

You mean aside from at least twelve years of state indoctrination, right?

Because when people talk about their countries, they talk about bad politicians and wars which make them biased against said countries. Fault-finding and complaining are very in vogue and its been consistently pressed, leading many to naturally hate whatever countries they belong to