I know why testosterone levels have fallen

The boomers and onward generations werent farmed out. All the greatest generation people i know spent their childhoods and young adult years being forced to work in the fields. My great grandpa tells me stories his dad and grandpa told him from when they were farmed out. My grandpa(his son) however spent his summers riding in RVs and goofing off like kids today. Working outside makes you strong and boosts your t levels

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That makes sense. Don't forget about plastics, GMOs, psych meds in the water, and instant pornography on cell phones too though.

You have the causation reversed. Microplastic and söy ingestion, as well as other chemical wrongdoings to the population and water supplies including birth control in the sewage and IPA beers filled with xenoestrogen hopps from every millenial's favorite local microbrewery have created weak men dealing with overemotionalized women that simply cannot handle the mental and physical stress of working outside with meaningful lives and family oriented goals.

All this panic but nobody ever stopped to ask how strangers know whats going on inside peoples balls

The cause is the pill. Birth control is pissed out into the water supply, which is in turned recycled into drinking water. The recycling process can clean fecal matter but not the tiny hormones. Thus everyone is ingesting estradiol, or whatever the pill is. I watched this documentary called the disappearing Male, I found it interesting you may too. I know it's a joke that Alex Jones said it, but tadpoles are hyper sensitive to their environment and they are turning into hermaphrodites from the hormones. This is a serious problem that is going to potentially destroy our societies if we are rendered infertile.

How can you know the testosterone levels through history? It wasn't even isolateable until the 1940s and only within the last 20 years have blood tests been accurate and easy enough for any sample population to be checked.

They only reason you know about it is because the people who market synthetic testosterone have successfully fooled you into thinking that their drug will solve your problems of old age.

Once again /pol shows how they make up reality to confirm their reality, and why they are such rubes to the conmen.

> get outside and do manual labor pussies
No. I’ll do what I want as long as I handle my own shit. If you think people should raise their T levels to be alpha or some shit, fuck off pussy. I hate insecure tryhards longing for the day when they could have worked themselves to death on some desolate shitpile like their grandpappy. Fuck what you want, fuck what women want, fuck your T levels, I’ll outwork all of you by simply making smart decisions. Anyone not a complete retard can see this world will drive every single workhorse to its death while scapegoating it every step of the way. No.

Nigger anyone with a brain can tell that men are losing their manlihood. Read a book about historic life or just look at a picture conparing generations of meb and their features. Also, it is known to ((scientists)) and ((doctors)) that men's sperm counts have dropped substantially in recent history. The data exists.
Also, I would like to add that BPA is another heavy cause of anrodgen receptor blockage in men. People that spend substantial time handling thermal receipt paper, such as cashiers in grocery stores, have much higher chances of prostate cancer due to the androgen inhibitors they are absorbing through their skin in the form of BPA. Let alone the toxic anti-male agenda in modern culture and corporate agenda.

Thanks, will take a look

I work outside every day. Nothing better than fresh air and exercise.

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Fuck being manly. This thread is shit


"The countryside is a vast expanse of Heaven and Earth where we can flourish"

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typical leaf just bend over

The real reason TOTAL testosterone levels have fallen is because SHBG has fallen, and SHBG has fallen because it is the inverse of insulin.

>more carbs = more insulin = less SHBG = less TOTAL testosterone.

SHBG is a protein that binds testosterone and keeps it in the blood stream. It acts as a reservoir. Men today still have the same bio-available levels of testosterone as previous generations, but they lack the reservoir. This is why modern men have no endurance.

The solution is to stop eating carbs. Eat meat.

This. Xenoestrogens are so pervasive in our society that they cannot be avoided. Hops are a xenoestrogen super endocrine disruptor. IPA's are the worst possible thing you can drink in regard to testosterone levels. Then you have bisohenol A in plastics, birth control in the water, onions in virtually every food, including as "vegetable oil", phalates in soap, pesticides in produce. It simply cannot be avoided.

it's basically everything now, pretending that there is a single cause is absurd

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What's wrong with onions? I put onions in everything. I'm drinking bud ice too.

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>Ice Beer
patrician taste. I see you're more cultured than some your compatriots. I was under the impression it was still illegal there

I dig potato to this day and im still an incel

>contains less estrogen than milk because cows are given growth hormones

Im not vegan, and fuck vegans. Don't feed me bullshit thats already been debunked you fucking nigger

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>Working outside makes you strong and boosts your t levels

I get mine from China.

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What is that? Does it work? Where can I get some?

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>says pol is dumb for making assumptions based on statistical data.
>has no data to prove counter theory and concludes that people who use data are rubes.

Redditfags deserve the rope.

I buy the raw estered hormone in its powdered form and blend it with the oils and solvents required to make it injectable then sterilize and filter it myself.

I'm making my own steroids, been doing it for years. When i'm not on cycle I keep my testosterone levels at the highest end of the "natural" range (900ng/dl) to keep my system healthy.

There is a lot more to it than that but thats the jist.

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>drinking faggot water
you're going to need a lot more test

Says the leaf who drinks maple syrup and chink cum. Stay mad snow nigger.

>american banter
you forgot to mention dogs and trudeau you dysgenic horror

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t. countryfag


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Actually, no.

You have all been CHEMICALLY CASTRATED by your Rulers. But you cannot bring yourselves to react to it because YOU ARE ALREADY EUNUCHS.


>old steam locomotive turned into a traction engine

That's cool as fuck desu

What model locomotive is that? A Baldwin?

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>Also, it is known to ((scientists)) and ((doctors)) that men's sperm counts have dropped substantially in recent history. The data exists.
Very good chance this is actually untrue. Motility is required for an MD to give a sperm count, meaning the sperm have to be alive and moving forcefully when the lab tech is actually personally counting them. Leave a sample out for too long or store it wrong? Now you've got a false diagnosis of infertility


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Get some sun and 4/hrs a week or so in the gym or sport. Dont be a push over. Manage your stress. Eat healthy at least half the time. There's your normal male t level.

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nips are the master race. every time they post on here its always based.

Steam engines are based and redpilled

your body is gonna do awesome once you stop giving it supplemental hormones

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>igger anyone with a brain can tell that men are losing their manlihood.
Socrates told this 2000 years ago

Nothing is illegal in america

*smiles in white*

being white and not sharting are felonies

Yeah pretty sure your balls stop making test once you start artificially introducing testosterone into your system. That dudes basically a junkie at this point.

ITs all of this, and the fact we have no concept of blood and soil. We have lost out soul with the social welfare state, how else can you explain why older ppl are so ok with ethnically replacing us??? Social Security is bribe.

You absolute mongoloid, all steam tractors look like that, its called a horizontal firetube boiler. Why the fuck would they turn a train into a tractor, that isnt even possible

> working out boosts your T levels
you dont say

There are ways to keep your balls functional while on steroids, why do you think pro body builders like Arnold and Yates all have children?

Most of those guys go on testosterone replacement therapy after they are done body building anyway. Steroids are only as dangerous as the user is retarded. If you know what you are doing you can do it safely.

97% of the water Las Vegas casinos take out of the reservoir is returned to the reservoir.
Day after day, year after year that water is just recirculated. Hormones, adderall, heart medication- everything just builds up.
Fluoride is added to that water every time its pumped out of the lake.
Its Rome all over again.

I drink bottled water but I heard that the plastic is bad for you.

based kraut

>beer made with rice.
When Budweiser was first brought to the U.S., it was an award winning light lager from the old country.
That recipe is long gone.
I started drinking Budweiser back in the 90's. Now it tastes like piss and gives everybody I know a headache (that's what rice alcohol does).
What you have in that bottle is swill.

its not the plastic. Water is inherently bad for you

Basically true, except they weren't "forced" to work in the fields. They did it because they were part of a family that worked together for the good of the family, and as they got older it was a good way to make their own money. Field work paid well up until about the 80s/90s when it was turned into "work Americans won't do" so it could be done cheaper by foreigners.

>Most of those guys go on testosterone replacement therapy
why would u fuck with your hormones in such a way you require jewplacement therapy? fuck you

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I'll bet you and most people on this board already have lower than average testosterone levels already. The average test levels of Western men are dropping every year. Why wouldn't you want to bring your test levels up to the high end of the range?

its called sunlight. everyones afraid to go outside if they arent covered in sunblock. fuck that. try and get at least 15 minutes to an hour per day of raw dog sunlight on as much as your body as possible.

I like you.
In the most heterosexual way.

>Read a book about historic life or just look at a picture conparing generations of meb and their features

Like what?

The fact that we're routinely exposed to xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors from cradle to grave is probably a factor. This has a pronounced effect even between 1990 and today.

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Bump for interesting thread

Agreed OP we should just thermonuclear blast this planet and go back to being 8 foot monsters cumming oceans deadlifting trees and running 30MPH for hours on end. Civilization is just the end result of dyel betas getting too much power.

This is the solution to the low T problem. Use exogenous testosterone. You can ride just above natural levels forever without adverse health benefits, while getting all the benefits of consistently high testosterone levels. Endocrine disruptors don't matter when you are biohacking in your own high T.
Recommend 250mgs/week testosterone enanthate or cypionate. One injection per week, and you are Superman.

This is a misconception - that once you stop using exogenous testosterone, you never recover. Every study done on this, including those using potent 19-nor testosterone like nandrolone and trenbolone, have observed recovery of natural levels over time.
Or if one is smart, dose human chorionic gonadatropin for a month before coming off, followed by use of a selective estrogen receptor modulator for a month. This will bring testicular and endocrine function back online, every time.

Nice man I used to do the same thing with test and tren when I juiced. I didn't filter it though cuz Yolo

Too high, at dose most men will be at supraphysiological levels and require estrogen management. Typically doses of 125mg to 175mg are enough to bring you to the higher end of the natural spectrum without the need for aromatase inhibitors.

Also Test E and C should be injected twice weekly due to the esters half life. This will prevent/mitigate unpleasant side effects that are caused by hormone fluctuations.

>all steam tractors look like that

Nigga what

>Why the fuck would they turn a train into a tractor

You're a farmer at a scrap looking for a new tractor and suddenly you come across a decommissioned steam locomotive with a perfectly good boiler. Just take off the rail wheels, put on some road ones, and install a steering wheel and you're good to go.

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Yes and this (low sun exposure) equals low Vitamin D among other things. My D was just at 20 (50 is normal mid line) and it was absolutely affecting my T.

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Who here /wrath/?

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WRONG. Most of these guys are on TRT for life now and have had to take Clomid to spur some sperm production. The smart way now appears to be to take HCF at the same time as T so your nuts don't shut off.

I'm speaking from youtube experience, not real life...

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>Once again /pol shows how they

Jow Forums is your bogeyman

Get in on your balls, perineum, and asshole too. Inside the rectum, if only for a few seconds. Should feel the warmth.

Filthy casual. Get on my level and shave your pubes with a magnifying glass.


Pretty sure my dad working on a farm growing up is why he doesn't have allergies while I grew up near a large city is why I DO have allergies and asthma.

I think you mean HCG and HMG, clomid is used when you are coming off everything completely. You don't need to come off testosterone to be fertile.

Checks out

>Pozzed water supply
Possibly. But I know people who exclusively consume bottled spring water and even they are onions-faced Nintendo lovers.

Isn't that Bob Paulson's backstory?

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How bad is 672 ng/dL?

Its mainly BPA and chemicals in everything

Not bad at all, you are literally right on the dot for normal.

The range is 270-1070ng/dl.

boiling does nothing for hormones, the water must be distilled to remove everything

Most farming is done with machinery now though.

The Ref. Range on the paper I have is 264-916 ng/dL.


Depends on the person, a small percentage never recover, and many take years to completely recover , hypogonadism is no joke. Its the same reason male hormonal birth control isnt available.

Human beings don't need to be as physically strong to survive today. Technology has made life much less physically straining; therefore, there is no longer a need for big muscles. Success today is more about brain power than muscle power.

It is evolution happening right in front of your eyes. Science wins.

We realized first with feminized fish
>Xenoestrogens are a type of xenohormone that imitates estrogen. They can be either synthetic or natural chemical compounds. Synthetic xenoestrogens include some widely used industrial compounds, such as PCBs, BPA, and phthalates, which have estrogenic effects on a living organism even though they differ chemically from the estrogenic substances produced internally by the endocrine system of any organism.

Also read: Emerging pollutants in wastewater: A review of the literature
Tiphanie Deblonde a,∗ , Carole Cossu-Leguille b , Philippe Hartemann

>We sought especially for data on phtha-
lates, Bisphenol A and pharmaceuticals (including drugs for human health and disinfectants). We gathered concentration
data and chose 50 pharmaceutical molecules, six phthalates and Bisphenol A. The concentrations
measured in the influent ranged from 0.007 to 56.63 ug per liter....

Or maybe , just maybe, the number of weak mutated freaks that survive childhood and reproduce , is much higher than 70 years ago.

Xenoestrogen is not good for the health of the uterus. It reduces the flexibility of the uterine walls. Xenoestrogen makes the uterine walls thinner and fragile.[34]

When comparing fish from above a wastewater treatment plant and below a wastewater treatment plant, studies found disrupted ovarian and testicular histopathology, gonadal intersex, reduced gonad size, vitellogenin induction, and altered sex ratios


it can be removed with ozone an activated carbon though it's expensive. o3 breaks the molecules apart