Why did whites let shitskins keep all the exotic locations on earth. Latin America in particular...

Why did whites let shitskins keep all the exotic locations on earth. Latin America in particular. That shit would be prime real estate if run by whites

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It's not those places are hostile to life. They got malaria, yellow fevers and tropical diseases like niggers and spics. They also moist so when it is hot it is really hot and when it is cold you freeze your ass off. And also mould everywhere

ah yes...."whites"

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I am a blood and soil guy. I want to stay where my ancestors lived for millennia.


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I like the cold

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Because they were colonies of Catholic states that struggled as England and Protestant America flourished.

Spain and France couldn't hold their colonies, enforce order upon them, and compete with England globally.

Also, Catholicism and Mediterranean cultures may not lend themselves to building advanced modern societies as well as British, Dutch and Germanic cultures.

It wasn't a matter of letting latin America do anything - it was an inability to properly create it and hold onto it

That's what murijews don't get.

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>I want to turn a natural paradise into a urban concrete dump
Wtf I hate white people now

>this type of housing only started existing when we had to find a place for all the spics and nigs

ah yes..."Spics"

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Because we like to vacation there and we still realize the value and need for work to continue to extend our society.

Even most rich motherfucks value living were we have state if the art hospitals and consumer goods stores and services.

Same here but Ireland doesn't get nearly as enough snow as I wish.

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It's not my fault that your country is a shithole, stop murdering people with behading you nigger aztec

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Whats the context behind this Webm ?

Whats the weather typically like in Israel?

Its like another shoa

The Caribbean is the biggest tragedy. Paradise given away to African slaves.

Depends on where in the country you live, we got like 4 different climate zones. The most populated areas are like Spain though

Eurocucks can't handle hot climates.

most things to Jews are yeah.

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The one with the pool has broken his programming, shut him down before he paints the house a different colour!

Same goes for Africa

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A shoah.

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you mean amerilards

where do you think the concept of "white" comes from?

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Ah... Ordnung.

Africa could be an amazing land of prosperity for all.
Why is so much of it such a hole?

>no one implied anything
>still get assmad
you're worse than niggers

the genetic potential for cognitive ability in Africans is why. IQ is heritable and so they pass on their poor intelligence.

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>Why is so much of it such a hole?
Niggers obviously

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>I like the cold

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fuck off racists

Lmao, it isn't false though.