One of the men, who faces the death penalty, tells the court he regrets the killing "and I am still trying to grasp it"
>One of the men, who faces the death penalty, tells the court he regrets the killing "and I am still trying to grasp it"


Attached: louisa-vesterager-jespersen-maren-ueland-turiste-scandinave-marocco-1097187[1].jpg (921x650, 69K)

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Why did a Danish and Norwegian girl go together anyway? ANd why they look so dumb on picture?

The only white girls left alive are going to be so redpilled. Imagine the friend groups who all talked about exploring the earth who see this happen.

That or they want to get raped and murdered, either way this great dark age is weeding them out.

They don't look dumb, they look naive. These girls should've watched a couple of ISIS beheading videos before venturing out into the world.

I’m gonna pull a Tarrant here some day...
Im gonna write their names on my gun when i do it. This incident had the same effect on me as the murder of Ebba had on Saint Tarrant. Their murder made me actually feel something for the first time in years. They were so naive... they truly believed in the kindness of everyone, they were the physical embodiment of the scandinavian mindset. Their murder was an attack on the scandinavian Way of life, and i will avange them only this time i will make tarrants attack look like a fucking walk in the park. Screencap this and keep an eye on the news.

Okay Bjarne, screencapped

>still trying to grasp it
He's taking the piss

If ANY of those bug-eyed fuckers came up to me in any one of their countries I would not trust them to tell me water is wet, let alone go off with them to a super secret campsite.

I defy anyone to watch that video and not want to pull a tarrant. best gore deserves never ending ddos for making light of it.

Those beautiful girls deserved protection . We failed them

OP is a fag as usual

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They didn't go off anywhere , they were asleep in their tent . Those insects went looking for tourists to kill in the name of Islam

LOL fake. All these musrats support the death of beautiful Europeans. They are the orc we are the elf.

This fake trial so they can get our tourist shekels.

good luck brother

make all smart then

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>These girls should've watched a couple of ISIS beheading videos before venturing out into the world.
They wanted to see the live show.

She has a lego block head and comes from Denmark, where legos were invented. my spare tire sides are leaking gravy

Im just saying in some.. parallel Universe is much easier to bomb them out. sow mines mosques. blow the shit out of them. but not go full tarrant and not to let them (traitor authorities) catch yourself. in that.. parallel universe white people act smarter.

>If ANY of those bug-eyed fuckers came up to me in any one of their countries I would not trust them to tell me water is wet, let alone go off with them to a super secret campsite.

Yes, but the mass media is responsible for the deaths of those women. They promote thinly veiled anti-white racist ideologies and indoctrinate their citizens with white guilt.

These women should have had more common sense like you mentioned by the treasonous mass media has brainwashed them so hardcore, they literally willingly walked into death instead of using the survival instinct that every single human is born with at birth.

go for it tiger


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wow it sounds like these poor men were just victims too. I think they should be invited to live in Norway and learn the ways of tolerance and diversity. Something good must come of this!

wtf oh wow they have the death penatly well good for Morrocco

at least they get capital punishment , if this happened in Europe then the would've probably got like to years in prison


if i really need to take you seriously i say dont do it user, you will fuck up your life so badly and your actions will have NO EFFECT, they will be useless and HELL it will actually make the situation worse and bring more tolerance towards immigrants, if you really want to do an attack than do it DIRECTLY ON THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT pffss or on a big corporation those who are actually to blame not some random people who some might be totally innocent

this is unironically true

A user who comes here made this video some time back who visited the same area in Morocco which they were killed.


Do not forget a soundtrack pls. May I suggest Puddi Puddi?

All my posts are satire

Reported to your authorities

I am putting you on the news. We know it’s you again Sam Hyde, please don’t do this again

you won't do anything nigger

Attached: neckcut.webm (220x400, 2.72M)

witnessed, brother.

How they punish to death people in moroco. True penal death should be introduced again in europe.

That's what people said to Tarrant you shitskin. Now 50 sandnigger corpses are cold in the dirt, as they should be.

>still trying to grasp it
oh no, he's having flash backs

>he regrets the killing
Poor fucker. Give him a suspended sentence then.
Feminists should insist on bringing them to Sweden.

did this incident affect morocco's tourist industry?


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who cares

Attached: scandimorocco.jpg (470x195, 27K)

that's not at all what happened. They were acting as tour guides. fuck you rasheed.

early cnn story saying that the three men were traveling with them

Is there an extended vid of the raping beforehand? I needa beat my dick

Attached: alexia.jpg (681x361, 251K)

>tour guides

full tour of islam alright

Attached: morocco-girls-kek.jpg (374x513, 69K)

we all know the bbc and cnn never get the facts wrong. I stand corrected.

this is satire
this is a fail hard

they were warned repeatedly but they could not get past 20 years of brainwashing. BTW their deaths did not come quickly or easily

They went to the same school in Northern Norway, they both studied outdoor life (bachelor). The Norwegian woman had walked across Iceland 3 months before she got killed.

I still feel bad for these girls. They were victims of (((them)))

this is such bs.

when are white women going to ever be held responsible for their own stupid actions.

They get a pass in the legal system, academia, work, etc.

They even get a pass on freaking /pol

Islam mst be exterminated.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

I thought they died from neck injuries?

Didnt get head, behead