Federal Reserve: Obama destroyed America as worst president ever

His eight years did more to destroy America than any of past presidents, be they Democrat or Republican.

Look and study these few charts:

The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis just released this single snapshot of economic performance over the Obama years.


Attached: barf1.jpg (955x713, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No shit Sherlock.

I would blame the bankers for that, since they're the ones behind the housing bubble that blew up just before Obama add some piss to a pile of shit.


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great contribution cumquat

Why didn't you set the parameters from 2009-2016? Why do they vary on each chart? How bad are you at actually interpreting data? I'm not defending his presidency by any means, but nonetheless.

Attached: economy.png (970x1086, 355K)

>I expect MAGApedes to understand how to economics
I found your problem.

Why is it so small? Everything is supposed to be big in America.

Attached: intensity laseilla.jpg (720x960, 100K)

of course the bankers are responsible but the 'man's' reputation must be tarnished before he's publicly destroyed

Literally how would Obama have anything to do with student loans rising? That's just stupid people going into debt without considering the consequences

>tweet from 2018
>graph ends at 2015

>best our country has ever done
>can't read

Rahm and Avi Emanuel helped get the cianigger monarch project elected and it was oniggers job to fuck up as much as he could while president.
hirrarreeee was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin but some real estate guy from new york won the election and pissed off everyone waiting for a complete system crash

>Better than ever before

Attached: fredgraph.png (748x468, 44K)

Because Obama nationalized student loans in 2009.

Attached: 946684801.png (1400x1080, 126K)

>but some real estate guy from new york
your nose is showing my subversive friend

I'm not your friend
and I have a natural unmutilated dick, bet you can't say the same you brain damaged circle

Ouch. I didn't count on that downturn because I was technically still employed but working zero hours. But that looks about right.

why do you keep posting this pic on every thread?

>he thinks the president has control

Attached: 1545525196831.png (538x534, 61K)

cant you just read for yourself you dumb fucking retard?

The Game was Jewd from the start fren

Attached: Jewish Bankers and Rabbis Celebrate the passage of the 1913 federal reserve act.jpg (512x288, 41K)

Read what for myself? If your next comment doesn't make any sense I will no longer respond to you.

Economy = Happiness of corporations under government policies

Economy = Happiness of corporations under government policies which were lobbied for by corporations

my dick is OK thanks for caring tho
>some real estate agent
can i get a small loan of 300 millions $ to buy 666th avenue please ? i'm not even 200 millions in dept

True, Obama was their tool afterall, so he must be the sacrifical scapegoat. Watch nobody go after the bankers even if Obama were to get punished.

The differing dates are because each graph is a different aspect of our economy collected by different govt groups.....every single one of these starts well before obama.....the information is still valid

>Presents federal debt as percentage of GDP as federal debt
How jewish.

Attached: fredgraph.png (968x470, 39K)

Presents {federal debt as percentage of GDP} as {federal debt}

and even that was the wrong dataset, FRED doesn't even offer it. You are such a Jew it's insane.


i noticed he doubled the debt

The banks borrowed money from themselves to cover their busted loans.

Trump would lose credibility if he falls short just at Obama and not going after bankers. I believe his pride/legacy won't let him fall short

if only he used his constitutionally granted power to have the national treasury print out a new currency, that alone would fuck up the bankers, investors and the central banking meme.
Plus if the US chooses to ignore $24 trillion debt who is going to collect? China? Russia?

That was notably absent from his campaign rhetoric. I found it to be rather disappointing (though expectable) but in the end wound up agreeing that there are more urgent priorities.

Silly goyim.

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Are you trying to tell me something I don't know or just drool out of the side of your mouth?

Not if you're aware that he's no different than any other republican or democrat who has sat in that office. You really expect him to go after bankers? Lol, he just gave them a tax break.

Attached: jude.jpg (960x557, 86K)

Do you have a reading disability? I did not say that I expected him to. I indicated that it was absent from his campaign rhetoric, which ought to suggest to you that I don't expect it. You people are unbelievably stupid.

In fact, that's why I'd been against the idea of a Trump run ever since 2012 when he started making noises about it, and went into 2016 with the same posture.

Well the bankers were following the law and the law was to give the money to the people who couldn't afford to pay it back in the nutshell.
And bankers were given a word from the government that if the scheme goes belly up they are going to be bailed out. Which obviously happened.
So it still was the government's meddling in the economy that caused the real estate bubble.Putting all of the blame on the bankers is just stupid.

>I indicated that it was absent from his campaign rhetoric
...thereby implying that it would be present. You weren't the only person I was responding to, no need to get your panties in a bunch.

OK, so you do have a problem with reading comprehension. I feel sorry for you, and I hope you'll enroll in summer school.

...so the (((bankers))) are working with the (((Government)))?! Who would've thought?!

Nationalized fucking student loans, so yeah he is responsible.
That took the risk from the banks and placed it on the government, also the rules changed and now the student loans have to be paid off by your relatives in case of your death and the bankruptcy doesn't absolve you from paying the student loans.
Basically Obama made a bad situation even worse.

The bankers run the government. I'm not saying the government is innocent at all, but it's basically one big happy family with a big revolving door between the two sectors.

If you were surprised he didn't say something, that means you expected him to say it. Are you really unable to keep up?

I didn't say I was surprised he didn't say something. If anything you should have surmised that I was unsurprised he said nothing.

Of course they do.
And Obama was a stupid nigger that allowed them to take even more control by guaranteeing the bail out.
What he did with student loans also applies here. The banks risk nothing now.

Very funny
Wasn't just the bankers. Government started pushing for banks to give homes to people who shouldn't because it's what makes everyone happy right? Oh and lets not forget people who took advantage of the situation and mortgaged homes they couldn't afford. But yeah. Bankers bro!!! Fuck them man!

Rather than being tiresome, why not learn some history? I would start with historical context, such as The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffen. If I understand correctly the latest editions cover the housing crisis and its components in specific detail.

>>the bankers run the government
Not really, or at least not historically. There was always a very unhealthy relationship there but the banks before were allowed to go bankrupt and to fold. What Obama did gave the banks almost 0 responsibility for what happens with their bad loans, the loans that were actively pushed by the Obama admin, because he guaranteed their bail out.
I'm not trying to say that the banks were completely innocent or that they didn't take the advantage of this bit what the Obama's admin did is basically put the government under the banks. Or rather the government became banks piggy bank that they could take the money from whenever they liked

That was slowly happening before of course but Obama, a commie that he was, needed to get his "great leap".
Another thing that we are forgetting about it Obama's admin relationship with the big insurers. It was the same as it is with the banks. Who do you think the Obama care was really about?

>If anything you should have surmised that I was unsurprised he said nothing
Fair enough, the brainlet-tier closing line fucked everything up for me
>more urgent priorities
Like delivering on none of his campaign promises and doing the complete opposite of what those who voted for him expected.

Attached: inflation.png (1400x1100, 179K)

>govt bails out banks
>doesn't help people out

Obama didn't singlehandedly do much of anything. That's not how government works. Read the book I suggested. It's important to know how much the international banking cartel runs the world. It took me a good 3 years to piece it together, but that one book might get you up to speed faster. It's just not something most people understand after going through brainwashing camp (school) which is designed to make them unable to think per the Prussian method.

>Like delivering on none of his campaign promises and doing the complete opposite of what those who voted for him expected
Such original commentary. That's why I called you stupid. It's never discussion. It's only ever repeating the same irrelevant drivel that has nothing to do with the topic of conversation at hand.

Are you implying that the Obamacare was not Obama's decision?
Or the nationalization of the lians?
These were his campaign promises and he kind of kept them while simultaneously giving the banks more power then they already had.
I'm not saying that it wasn't a deal made before, all I'm saying is that Obama absolutely did give the banks and bigger insurance companies more power than any president did before.
Also I will read the book that you recommended and I will see if it changes my mind. I'm an open minded person, not a fanatic. But this is also a reason why I don't buy into a lot of Jow Forums's conspiracy theories. The facts just don't agree with most of them. Having said that, I already know at least on some level how much power the banks have and I'm not absolving them of the responsibility. But I'm not going to praise Obama because the facts are clear: he was as bad as Carter or even worse than Carter and the honest historians will admit it later.

I can't find the book that you were talking about.
I'm phone posting and for some reason it refuses to highlight your posts so I probably missed it.

>That's why I called you stupid
...for making a statement you deem unoriginal in response to your absurd statement? Unoriginal doesn't equate to stupid although your lack of brain cells might.
>nothing to do with the topic of conversation at hand
You said he had more urgent priorities. Failing to deliver on any of said priorities is in no way relevant, you're right. Get fucked, loser.

No, obamacare is a revision of romneycare which was a revision of hillarycare. Man, I don't have time to go through the whole globalized medical records thing for the 100th time, even though now I can point out how we see the next step via the chinese social score toward transhumanism. Maybe another time.


There are still public and private student loans. What Obama did was change the rules for SERVICING of federally-backed (public) student loans. That didn't change much, though. Co-signer liability has been around for decades. The 2005 bankruptcy reform bill made private (non-federally-backed) student loans non-dischargeable in normal bankruptcy, though.

The problem with that theory is that the first big round of bailouts was passed in October of 2008 and signed by President George W. Bush.

>>>the bankers run the government
>Not really, or at least not historically.
read a fucking book, nigger:
>Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Attached: Baron Alfred Rothshchild - Federal Reserve Act.png (632x153, 64K)

The "Federal reserve" just released misleading charts that end in 2012?? Are you retarded??

Attached: 94bbab8749d88d883336c85c17fea223--liberal-democrats-us-presidents.jpg (236x236, 20K)

At least some of those charts are manipulated.
Some stop at its peak/bottom (food stamps/median family income), others take only the years previous to the crisis and the years after it when they are affected by the bubble and burst (home ownership, labor force participation) and others simply use arbitrary dates or don't take inflation into account.

Man.. that's ugly af. They need to fuck off with these low interest rates

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What??? The whole primary was about how Trump was going to make those rich "hedge fund" and Goldman Sachs guys pay their fair share and they are going to hate him

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>The 2005 bankruptcy reform bill made private (non-federally-backed) student loans non-dischargeable in normal bankruptcy
So you ramp up the cost of tuition by giving away cheap and easy loans to the public, who doesn't give a shit because they're children who want to party in college with boomer parents who also don't know any better. Most of them study things that have zero [applicable] value irl, meaning they aren't going to be able to pay the money back, then eliminate the ability for them to include it in a BK, thus ensuring a perpetual cycle of debt, keeping the house of cards standing for a while longer, milking gen-x-down of every bit of time/energy they can in the process. This ruling class of boomers along with the criminals they've elected into government are truly disgusting...

Attached: 2019-06-01 00_13_06-_pol_ - Federal Reserve_ Obama destroyed America as worst president ever - Polit (203x351, 84K)

>So it still was the government's meddling in the economy that caused the real estate bubble.

LOL banker paid prophhamda revisionism.. did you hear that on PragerU?

Attached: ben-shapiro-jordan-peterson-kaitlin-bennet-classical-liberals-democrats-candace-48686703.png (500x345, 104K)

That's not banking (esp. federal reserve) reform. That was more signaling that he wasn't afraid to cause fatcats to lose money by trying to rearrange the status quo globalist system. I'd put that on par with when he told the Jews he didn't want their money; that didn't mean he wasn't going to kow-tow to Israel anyway.

It also suppresses the white American birth rate. I am certain of that. White Americans were traditionally more fertile than their European counterparts until fairly recently, and you can see fertility take a dive as debt ramps up. I doubt that was unintentional.

Mortgages shouldn't be a thing, particularly term with a term exceeding 10 years...nor should foreign investors driving up the cost by purchasing massive blocks when the citizens themselves can hardly make rate. APR is designed to mislead people into thinking they can afford something that they cannot...well without committing to 30 years of indentured service in the process, to then rent your home directly from the government at the end of it all.

forgot image

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checked. Last time I bought a car I figured I'd pick up a loan for my good goy score and the way they presented the options was so comical I made the guy busy himself while I redid the numbers longhand to figure out what it actually meant.

Then comes the trick: confirm that you won't pay interest on principle you no longer owe. Apparently there are some real shyster loans out there where even if you pay the whole thing off at once, they still expect you'll pay all the interest as if you had taken however many years to stretch it out.

Who is that woman exactly? Unsurprisingly I am slightly face blind. I understand the elites warship moloch part but who's the hole? It helps to give context fren.

For example. This is a young Anderson Cooper with his mother and her bed features a diorama of Jesus being burned alive as sacrifice to moloch.

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