Does any of you visit any other boards besides Jow Forums...

Does any of you visit any other boards besides Jow Forums? Are you aware that there is literally a leftist raid from reddit trying to subvert other boards outside of Jow Forums?
/tv/ especially is crawling

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Literally? Are you sure?

tv is filled with trannys and soye boyes, i get banned every week.

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I go to /ck/ sometimes, but that's is

What went wrong?

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They can't do anything on this site unless they get people into mod positions. Their arguments will always get BTFO, so let them come and maybe we can convert some of them like we do to the FBI and NSA people that monitor us.

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Wishful thinking. Also, what makes you think they won't weasel their way into mod positions? They've done it with everything else. Academia, politics, media. Hell, even videogames

I go to /sp/ sometimes. I don’t know why because it is filled with actual niggers, spics, and the biggest autistic retards imaginable.

Yes I do visit other boards and I don't know why you care about reddit

It's these memes here; these memes that are being drawn in this style

I go to /v/ if something big happens with video games, usually just to laugh at them though.

are you playing Rage 2? I didn't think it would be any good, but I'm having fun with it.

Why would the raid /tv/?

How did you become aware of this?

>Does any of you visit any other boards besides Jow Forums?
yes, I frequent Jow Forums, /tv/ and /his/

>Are you aware that there is literally a leftist raid from reddit trying to subvert other boards outside of Jow Forums?
a raid from reddit? that's the least threatening thing imaginable
they think Jow Forums is like reddit where they can affect what people see by piling up and "upvoting" threads by posting in them, but it won't work and when they get tired that group will leave no impact
it would easier to take over 4+4 chan t b h

Why aren’t we taking over their subreddits? Were more powerful than them.

I visited /v/ to ask if there were any games where you could play as nazis and someone threatened to dox me while a couple of other anons called me racist (but they meant it in a bad way)

i was in a /tv/ thread and every other post was "lol magatards triggered" etc. It was painfully obvious

The problem with them is that assume people think like they do: tribal and group think. When they try to dialogue LARP they use terms like "user, it will be good for the movement" unable to comprehend that there is no "movement" here, and unlike them, don't think they're in a war. They can't comprehend that need for hiding behind a collective, which is why they think operations like this would work. They're clueless. They're basically nerds who take themselves too seriously.

Youre a fagget revolutionnary ,
Drop the ego kid and just be conscious doing the good .
It was truly said in a book ,>

Ever since gamer gate, all the blue boards have been consistently raided by leftists. Because they realized the shitposting pepe jpegs actually had the potential to influence normie's political opinions

Because we don't care what faggots think. We're not babies who insist everyone must think what we do or we're going to have a tantrum

>c l a s s c o n s c i o u s n e s s
What insufferable faggots

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no, I enjoy this hurtbox too much to go anywhere else

Unless the place is left leaning to begin with, there’s always a leftist trying to subvert it. Google o’sullivans Law to learn more.

Checked but then they run around and brag/lie about how they totally won their anonymat fight which emboldens them

It's these memes here. they made a fuck ton of them and use them in all their threads. You'd think they'd be smart enough to realise that people would catch on. Again, they don't work, even when LARPing.

i go to Jow Forums, /an/ and occasionally to /lit/

Yeah shill. The post you just responded to answers this question

Because /sp/ was the best board on this place for the longest time, then the jannies came. also you, like the rest of us, want to see da bears win da superb owl


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Because they hate themselves most of all?

Communists would be politically motivated to shill the tv board?

In the end, free speech always wins

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In soviet /tv/, shill's experience ruined by YOU.

Jow Forums and /a/ primarily with the occasional Jow Forums and /tv/.

More shill non-sensical responses. Serious guys. You gotta get it together here. I thought all the "Right Wingers" were stupid. You're supposed to be the smart ones

Ocean of piss.

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Calm down user, I’ve read all your posts and I can’t even tell what you’re trying to argue for. Call me a retard I don’t care, just use your words better.

The left will never take over Jow Forums for the sole reason that they take themselves way too seriously. The right wing migrated here because it's a bastion of free speech, not because we like to be edgy (tho that is sometimes the case)

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Moar ppl=moar fun

But they censor free speech in the other boards.
Jow Forums, /gif/ and /b/ are the only ones with free speech left and 2/3 are constantly flooded with porn and gore.

What does "use my words better" mean?

Where specifically am I not "using my words" properly?

/v/ has literal tranny jannies and its a commie shithole now

dude who cares honestly
all other boards except Jow Forums or Jow Forums are just discussion boards for jewish time wasters
they can piss all they want in those shitty boards for all i care

honestly what's the deal with vidtya and trannyism
all those speed runner trannies can't be a coincidence
is banning vidya the only way to stop the big gay?

The one I responded to is an example. Some guy made a dumb soviet russia joke from 2006 and you called him a shill. Shills don’t make innocuous jokes, if anything they’d avoid this thread entirely to slide it.

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I think it’s a correlation between awkward, feminized, shut-in men thinking they’ll get more attention as women

I sometimes go to Jow Forums. It's pretty bad, and full of faggots and other degenerates and idiots, but it has the occasional good informative bread. I don't read any news or follow any e-celebs so that's the place where I learn if there's something happening in the tech world worth knowing.

trannyism is unironically the thing that made me rethink the morality of lobotomies

Still a libertarian and think both commies and fascists are total faggots. Commies have 70 years head start in infilitration. A bunch of sieg hieling larping douchebags are not a threat, but commies are... You Nazifags can think all the libertarians joined your side, but you'd be more than wrong. We're still're just not worth arguing with and it's fun to trigger kikes with Nazi imagery.

These reddit faggots need to pick up. It is time

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/tv/ has always been memes, shitposts, and waifus

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I tried lurking on /v/ a while back and I couldn't tolerate it.
/out/ Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums and /ck/ are the only worth while boards.
/diy/ is alright. /his/ can be funny on occasion.

this is like seeing sargon argue about classical liberalism in the year of our lord 2020 -1

People unironically think the chins has some sort of power

>thinking this actually works
what a bunch of fucking faggots

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On the one hand I hate communists and I want them to all be rounded up and gassed, on the other hand I agree with their strategy and regularly agitate on /v/ and /tv/ with thinly veiled Jow Forums threads showing gay, jewish, leftist, etc. subversion of their pet interests.

>The left will never take over Jow Forums for the sole reason that they take themselves way too seriously.

I would also add that it's to do with them being incapable of having fun (although you can argue those are related). Leftists have largely devolved to the point that they can only really engage in numbing hedonism and basking in the depravity of themselves in others. I mean if you go to a leftist comedy show, they usually don't even have many jokes as everything they say is meant to garner claps, not laughter.

They act like pot smoking, fag-loving versions of my great grandmother.

depends on the day of the week really
i post on /tv/ frequently its usually redpilled
theres definitely some trannys on /v/
/a/ has went to complete shit
dont really care about other boards

So when these raids happen, like this one is now, that leaves the most obvious bait, and does party threads, it seems the board is pretty non-reactionary. Is that:
>they so t care
>they're blind as to what's going on
>they enjoy the sport
>Jow Forums has been so low quality for a while
>they're so used to raids
>they enjoy watching them fail

I usually stay on /b/ and Jow Forums. This could be entertaining. Mmmmmkay I'm going to go look. Iv never been to /tv/ before. Wish me luck lads.

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I only go to /tv/ for /ecg/ but now tranny jannies are taking that away too

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Some nice boards here like Jow Forums.

Checked, love that one

Modern libertarians are embarrassing. National Socialism is unironically closer to the libertarian ideal than modern lolbergs, which is why even jews like von Mises or Rothbard were so sympathetic to fascism

Bullshit. Not a single thread on /tv/ about any of this. On another note, they act like they've never seen gore before. Bunch of faggot trannies shit themselves pic related

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They've been shitting up Jow Forums for about 6 years now. Not a huge problem, you can pick out legitimate posters pretty easily.

They will be unsuccessful. The only way for them to successfully change this place is to live here, and once you live here, you ARE here, and thus have been changed yourself.

Wtf Is going on there?

Because it's an easy target. That's why. They are fucking with Jow Forums on a regular basis and the board just springs back to its baseline every time. They can't keep it up for linger than a few months at a time. And get BTFO'd every time when we have a happening that looks good for the right side.

>them being incapable of having fun
For sure, this was incredibly evident when the NPC meme was at its peak
Modern leftism directly conflicts with chan culture

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I go to Jow Forums sometimes for a pick-me-up.

t. 28 yo non-bloomer non-doomer boomer

Yeah, got really obvious with gamergate. They brigaded to get leftist moderators of other boards and went from there.

Because that would make us immigrants trying to change the culture of the host population

They're so used to taking everything literally all the time so that they can be offended by anything and use the act of being offended to force others to behave in certain ways. They're authoritarians and fascists, it's that simple.

It's more like every other post is "Have sex", followed by that person being accused (justly, no doubt) of being a tranny

Jow Forumslit/pol/tv/g/ck/k/ in that order

For the same reason we congregated here in the first place: we're not censored for speaking the truth, here.

Funny thing is those that come to Jow Forums eventually end up becoming converts. It happened to me and others.


Horse laxatives in the food

Well that was a depressing read.

im all over this site.. stupid normies.. they dont realize that once they reach the event horizon theyll never be able to leave

Well now I need to know the story.

>numbers somehow matter
>what is samefagging

real talk looked like some shitty 2004 highschool senior prank

Often happens when exposed to the same media again and again.

If you browsed commie sites for 6+ months only then you’d probably turn commie too.

/tv/ is completely off topic now, trannies bragging that they have sex and retarded memes, you can't use this shit anymore

>dumb internet slap fights leading to actual political change

That shit so cringey. They really think they're something, huh?
I sometimes check other boards when some thread slips to Jow Forums about movies or some shit.
Then I see how full of obnoxious people are there. They are always talking about Jow Forums outside of Jow Forums, I don't get it.

/tv/ is hands down the worst board on Jow Forums. There's no discussion whatsoever about films or TV shows. It's just a bunch of autists fawning over celebrities.

>Came to colonize

I've been here for far too long.

/o/ and /n/ are the ones I like to peruse.
Honestly don't see too much there, at least compared to here.

It gets itself in such a fever every time there’s an episode of something as well. Every Sunday during GoT there’d be 80 threads instead of a general talking about the same dumb shit

Yeah there was a big raid on one of the chernobyl threads yesterday. They got rekt and the thread was shoad.
I can't help but think that this is a good thing. They'll come, get btfo, and some will get red pilled.

Filthy Syndies.

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/sp/ had the best Janny memes.

Also the jannies are obviously pedos if you followed /sp/ a few years ago.

>Sweaty man drama threads full of CP get left up
>Off topic sports shit posting gets deleted

Jannies are scum who do it 4-3

>out argue
Sorry, no real censorship here, so it won't happen.

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

Fake Netflix movie


All redpilled and hate kikes, nice and comfy.

His is the only cocked board I’ve seen