Everyone's favorite "rightwing-watcher" jewess has twitter meltdown after her NYU "Hate Studies" class gets canceled cause only 2 students signed up

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>Hate Studies
It's not fair for anti-hate people to teach our material. Hate studies should be taught by Jow Forums

>f-feel bad for me!

I mean all she wanted to do was ruin some people's lives for disagreeing with her politically

This. How do I get one of these jobs teaching young saxons to hate?

suicide when?

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god, she's just incapable of doing anything other than be a giant blubbering victim.

>god, she's just incapable of doing anything other than be a giant blubbering victim.
well she's a woman and a jew

>I recent asked a guy I went on a date with if he wanted to kiss me and he responded, "I don't know what to say"
>years of soggy knees propaganda everywhere



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Wew, is this some sort of humiliation fetish or just a standard mentally ill jewess?


>only 2 students showed up for my class
OH NO NO NO NO twitter meltdown holy shit screencap this apocalypse now people! ww3 when?

hysterical much OP?

I believe this is a
>"Everyone who reports factual info about me is actually bullying me
>because I literally taste nazis in every tuna bagel that I eat
>and because no guys ever asked me to the prom
>and I'm totally not resentful about it, I didn't become hateful and unfuckable because I was too weak to deal with my life's disappointments
>it's because all of you nazi KKK bigots are racist antisemitic homophobes"
kind of situation.

this dumb bitch should blow her brains out

>Yuropoor education
No, retard, the university CANCELED the class she was going to teach that semester because only 2 students signed up for it.
Illiterate much?

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I’d be fairly bitter if I was a woman and God gifted me a hook nose like that, and I wasn’t even rich or well connected. I see why she’s so mad.

>tuna bagel
Well no shit. You're a Jew.

they canceled it, she mentioned it. you call it a meltdown.
wheres's the meltdown hysterical OP? i don't see it.


sometimes we believe all jews are super duper intelligent and effective in what they are doing, but a lot of them are fucking retarded

You're thinking of lox.

>i don't see it
If you slightly unclench your anal sphincter from around your neck and withdraw your head out of your anus, you'll be able to see better.

Jews like her are the useful idiots. They're the puppets; never the puppeteers. They're cannon fodder when the NWO takes over. Can't have them dissenting when they realize their liberal utopia doesn't exist.

learn to costco

She's talking about being bullied in highschool and her body odor problems because her class was cancelled, stop being so dense and go back to .gg

she mentioned it and launched into a tirade about her life because people found out her shitty class got scrapped
why are you white knighting for this swine

she mentioned it calmly in one sentence and then went on about sex fantasies.
so? show me where the meltdown is user.
or maybe your attempt to insult me is a way to deflect from said evidence?

Fuck off, tuna bagels are pretty damn tasty

>My nose knows an antisemite when it smells one

these are all separate ramblings user.

I'm not a big fan of fish

You'd still lick her hairy lox with cream cheese bagel.

Lmao it’s clear from ur post that u have no idea what is actually going on here
Leave this place
Go back to Jow Forums or wherever it is u came from bcuz ur place definitely is not on Jow Forums

>tuna bagel crumbs cling to my breasts and often get lost in there
>I have a pretty strong natural body odor and have to work to counteract it at all times
This is why Jews hate the aesthetic White Aryan. They are disgusting filthy creatures both physically and mentally. They are genetically sick and cursed.
Fuck this is so nasty.
Jews are literally unable to be aesthetic

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You have all the evidence you need, my obtuse friend. Your failure to acknowledge what others see clearly is simply that: your failure.

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She started freaking out and talking about her bo and bad embarassing things that have happened to her in rapid succession. Fucking Aquafresh get your shit together I swear

cmon Jow Forums, you know want this fat greasy kikess

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It's a twitter thread she is responding to herself you retard.

That's a strange thing to say, it's like saying i don't like meat because i don't like venison

Oh no no no no nonononono

More about the sex fantasies

This stupid NPC thot has failed at her job, so why the fuck would ANYONE want to pay good money to have her teach you anything?

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can people here pls stop bullying me?

checked and correctpilled

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Imagine the smell of her feet, especially considering her bo problems. And how that odor mingles with the tuna sandwich glop rotting on her tits

Suck a nigger dick you smelly bitch.

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When does she realize that maybe she has a problem? She obviously puts out so much dark and gross energy that it continues to boomerang back to her her whole greasy, odiferous life. Karma is a bitch.

>I recent asked a guy I went on a date with if he wanted to kiss me and he responded, "I don't know what to say"

Isn't that the right thing to say? She got what she wanted.


this is called being "hysterical" it's actually a mental illness. look it up

Those who can, do.

Those who can't, teach.


He didn't want to mansplain and sexually harass her. Based cuck date!

where's the link you faggot

it's horrific to watch someone be this self-loathing in public

Fire up the Twitter and pile on.

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What is it with leftists in showing off how pathetic they are? They always have to talk about their panic attacks too, you're not a leftist if you don't have panic attacks and brag about it.

Busy cranking out Fat greasy tuna kike OC here is some
Does any one have the original beach picture?

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Victim hood system
The more victimized and oppressed you are the more power you have in this nu-world

She may never realize that she's the problem. As long as an online culture of victimhood-worshipers exists to immediately leap to her defense at the first sign of any criticism, she'll be able to convince herself that she's firmly "on the right side of history" and anyone who points out her numerous flaws is simply a malicious bully.

why is she so perfect anons

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I just don't like fish in general, just wanted to get that off my chest

At least back in the day some poor Jew shmuck would’ve married her and passed along their jewy little genes but in today’s modern world she is destined to die utterly alone

Nigga, it can be ass on a bagel. If it's on a bagel, it's Jewish.

god she's hideous

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Still Jewish.

Some busted up lips!
Some busted up lips!
Some busted up ribs and some dead liberal kids!


she's literally trying to "downplay" the humiliation of having 2 people sign up for her class by trying to equate that with random, banal things that have happened to her in her past. and "play it off" like it's in the same category as these random things.

this is next level cray cray shit right here

Its also a reflection of how petty and spiteful she is that these minor inconveniences have haunted her for several years.

fuck her. she slandered a disabled veteran and never apologized for it. she's a disgusting whore with no scruples whatsoever

>this is next level cray cray shit right here
It's just normal Jewish kvetching

another textbook example of a "crybully" these fucking liberals go around slandering people and then when the tables are turned they play the victim card. these people have to continually be stood up to and exposed

Jews are disgusting.

>I recently asked a guy I went on a date with if he wanted to kiss me and he responded "I don't know what to say."
Fuckin wew

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>New York University has canceled an undergraduate journalism class that former New Yorker fact-checker Talia Lavin was scheduled to teach this fall after only two students signed up.
>The decision to hire Lavin to teach the elective, “Reporting on the Far Right,” had drawn criticism since she resigned her New Yorker position last June after falsely accusing an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent of having a Nazi tattoo.
>Adam Penenberg, director of undergraduate studies at NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, said that low enrollment forced him to cancel the class. “Canceling the class had nothing to do with Talia’s writings, tweets, or anything else. We cancelled it because too few students enrolled,” Penenberg added.
>Adam Penenberg

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Lauren Duca's class is still on for this summer

Check out the syllabus


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Maybe she should spend less time chasing around plumbers that say racist things on twitter and more time cleaning sorting herself out.

Talia, I know you reading this thread. Your beaver REALLY smells. I mean like like a hindu died up in there.

>cancelling the class had nothing to do with talia

is there a special term for hebrew gaslighting?

A journalist found out about the class cancellation and tweeted it. She saw that tweet and said "Omg so my class got cancelled here is more embarrassing stuff about me..."and then the rant in OP pic. It is basically 2 jew reporters having a kvetch on twitter.

checked out their faculty page and it's just a coincidence.

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Jew roastie on suicide watch

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Wait is this actually her?

mentally ill race

Never mind definitely is, that nose and her gigantic head give it away

>the feminist journalist
Wow, so she’s exactly like 99% of the rest of journos. Isnt this chick a ditz?

what's up with Jews and body odor
there must be more to this

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>these are the people who call you incel unironically

What a gross pig.

Kikes in career death. Joyous

why can't she win at anything despite being a Jewess?

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sure looked like one on tucker


A lot of your body odor comes from what you eat. Also the more orthodox they are supposedly the worse there hygiene is.

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I do not. And I tend to have a thing for kikesses...