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No she didn't and she never will. She's as irrelevant as Alex Jones.

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>S-shes irrelevant guys
>Finish the hedge!

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Lol... she takes creepy neocon stalking to a new level

Coulter is an irrelevant talking head trying to keep her brand alive. Horsefaced, man-throated, washboard looking windbag. She should just stick to sucking off lefty shills like Maher.

>Holding the POTUS accountable for his lies is 'creepy' to magatards


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Ann Coulter is a neocon who never wanted any of these things in the first place.

Ann coulter 2020. Throw those two compromisers the fuck out!

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Sounds like you have confused 'ANN COULTER' with 'DONALD TRUMP'!

yes she does, shes got a thing for blacks but not for Hispanics, said US history is black and white, not brown black white

Where’s the lie though?

She literally wrote a book a decade ago called Adios America and said that spics will literally permanently change the nature of our government through a massive radicalized voting bloc.

I have no special attachment to the Orange Man but Ann Coulter has always been the Wicked Witch of the West and still is.

Why are you so obsessed?

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Do the shills actually think we care about this neocon whore?

She’s right. Trump hasn’t done anything he promised with regard to immigration. If he was serious, he’d use the Insurrections Act to deport millions without question, as he has airtight legal authority to do so. Every spic must go.

I hope Trump will deliver before 2020. If not I’m staying home for the election.

Na. She's spot on

Irrelevent or no she's right, Trump ran on the promise of a wall and there isn't going to be one. Trump's primary achievement was letting us get to watch all the progressives foam at the mouth and lose their shit; anyone who thinks he's meaningfully altered the fate of the US is deluded, he's bought a few years at best.

You mean Mann Coulter
>amirite guys?

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Why? Sounds like you’re echoing every other neocon. She has held a consistent position for years.

Why do swamp types think a rural retard’s life hangs in the balance on one politician’s lie... who cares

Wow, a grifter trying to sell her shitty books said something about Trump.

She is a neocon you fucking retard. She supported Bush and the Iraq War.

>all these fucking shills attacking Coulter for calling out Trump on his bullshit
And they say Jow Forums isn't 1/2 bot posters

Only position “its” consistent one is barfing lunch into the toilet... ann is obviously one of those skeletal eating disorder mental basket cases


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Nah, she’s a childless whore who spent her youth fucking niggers

Ann Coulter fucked niggers so Trump is going to build the wall after all? It doesn't matter who said it, Trump has fallen short of even low expectations.

You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

>If not I’m staying home for the election.
What, exactly, does this accomplish? Let Liberals in to do even more damage than Trump will. As many faults as Trump has, he is better than the "other side." This is indisputable.
The whole zero-sum game of "my Presidential candidate is either 100% correct on everything or fuck him" is why (((they))) always win.

> The Jew is behind nazis

Imagine believing this....

Bullshit. Coulter makes all of her wealth writing books about illegal immigrants and why they are scary. If Trump successfully shut that shit down, she's basically unemployed.

She's literally an agitator that makes money from the agitation. She doesn't want any solutions, she just wants to bitch.

nice projection donald

Ad hominem.

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>does nothing and yet is still demonized by Democrats

Give up Trump shills - your done - put a fork in it. Pol hates Trump we just haven’t reached consensus on who to elect in 20. All the orange globalist cock sucker has accomplished is make the proxies (for the overlords who run the global skimming operations) the kikes first again. He’s a failure and we will keep electing people until we find someone who keeps their promises. All you have in your pocket are dumb fuck born agains. Were in recession now, Fed easing mentioned today won’t stop our descent into the hurt box before the elections. Fuck all elected liars who do not follow the will of the people nor deliver in their promises.

You should realize that politics is a dog and pony show.
Did you know Obama and Bush both built some amount of border wall? No media hysterics about it though was there?

He who controls the media controls the mind.

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Coulter's criticisms of Trump are correct and need to be said.
But honestly she'd have fucking Romney if she had a choice

my running theory is that she married Jazzhands, because they sound almost exactly the same.

We know they both live in California too, they are probably friends

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>meme flag
Notice how easy she's been on Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Dubya comparitively when we all know all three of them want displacement migration more than anything.

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Trump was better than Hydrogen Hillary but that's not the same as sayings he's any good. He has achieved very little, and has completely failed to achieve the very policies that got him elected: the wall and tackling immigration more generally.

People need to face this truth. Defending Trump blindly achieves as much in the long term as not voting does.

stop proselytizing caveats
if what she said is true it’s fukin true
stop with deflections already
dumb shits -
If you like this piece of shit driving up rental prices due to demand while driving down 80% of wages due to oversupply of labor KYS yer a fukin idiot

She can be right about Trump and wrong about other things.

She's wrong about thinking Reagan was somehow good, she's wrong about saying Barr is a 'good choice' for AG by Trump.

Fuck I love Ann. The only real man on the American right.

We knew Trump was a fraud when he didn't end DACA immediately.

die kike shill

She's like a nagging housewife.

Didn't she get raped in the DR?

On this she's obviously 100% right

Ok sure but refute one thing she said in that tweet.

>she's obviously 100% right
She didn't even answer the question though...

and who the fuck are you supposed to be?

If anything he’s accelerated it. He’s going to be the last ever republican president and when the next dem take some office they’re gonna go fucking nuts.

She's a race traitor to be sure, but I am a big fan of her critiques on Trump.

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The wall is being built

Lmao it’s so weird to see the CTR media matters people MIGA Trump now.

Oy vey!

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Seething yids always can't refute the argument and resort to personal attack

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They always were. Trump is a hillary plant.

Where? How many miles? How high?
I’m expecting a massive imposing mass of concrete like Israel has on the Gaza border.
You got pics of something like that?
I’m not being an ass. I’m genuinely curious and ready to be proven wrong if an actual wall really is under construction.

A 5ft high fence is not a wall. Artistically designed steel slate are not a wall.

>muh 57 miles - will start soon
Obango built 250 miles brainlet.

>Where? How many miles? How high?
Google it nigger. Your idea of what "wall" means counts for shit.

>Moving the goalposts

Being built in Israel

At this point i wouldn't be surprised if he was picked for an easy win for Hillary but plans needed to change when her health started failing her.

>Trump promises an actual wall across entire border
>Gets approval for 57 miles of fence
Who is “moving the goalposts” nigger?

This cunt will sell so many more books under a Socialist president.

>Orange Man Bad is actually criticism

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We already knew that about the neocons. The reason we voted for Trump was because he was supposed to be DIFFERENT, you MIGAfag.

Jewish argument is to take the list of logical fallacies as a set of tools to argue effectively but in bad faith. Their purpose is not to convey truth. It is to fool IQ

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>pointing out orange man's broken promises is just 'orangemanbad!'

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Ok so it’s just more of the repairing and replacing the FENCE that is already there. Gotcha.

>The reason we voted for Trump
The reason we voted for Trump was to unfuck the economy. Everything else is bonus.

>drumpf didn't do anything because i willfully ignore his accomplishments

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>"Trump doesn't do [thing]!"
>"Okay, he did [thing], but he doesn't do [other things]!"

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>Who is moving the goalposts??
You, nigger.
It's a wall, whatever word you choose to call it.

It's building a wall.

No wall

No exec order on anchor babies

No shut down border

No end of diversity lottery

Those are the things she said.
He has done none of them.

el oh el, dumb bitch!

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It's also repair and replacement that was already due to be happening. The Army Corp of engineers has said this, they've been working on the replacement of old border fence for over a decade now.

Trump is just posting pictures of this and claiming it's his wall going up, when in reality is nothing to do with anything he's done.

Make Israel Great Again!

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She's another idiot trying to sell.
Dems fight him hard on everything.

>assembles by boomer hannity
A boomer cuck said it, it must be true.

>57 miles is the whole border
To be this retarded.

>libshits: NO WALL
>also libshits: HAHA ITS ONLY 1.7 MILES

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You're the one who said it, m8

1/3 Bots 1/3 shills 1/3 actual people

those 1.7 miles were built by Bannon's team.
A private citizen managed to build more wall than Trump. the POTUS.

I said what?

That trumps cum taste like McDonald's

>Everyone is a neo-con except Trump who sucks more jew dick then a rabbi at a circumcision convention and constantly shits all over white people while giving their jobs to spic sand niggers and still won't build a wall

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>haha hannity is a boomer therefore everything listed is invalid

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I believe you are arguing with the wrong user.

So there is a wall.

>As many faults as Trump has, he is better than the "other side."
He is not. I voted for him because he represented a third choice beyond Democrat and Republican: the nationalist choice. And he revealed himself to be no better than any Democrat. The uniparty is real and Trump proved it. He's nothing but talk. Without action, I won't be fooled again.

Either he begins mass deportations of hispanic people using the military or I stay home. I have a feeling millions of other Trump voters feel the same way because HE RAN ON AN ANTI-SPIC, ANTI-IMMIGRANT MESSAGE and has done nothing substantive within his power. Insurrection Act NOW!

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>I suck hannity’s cock on Fox News
Good to know

even if that's true the fact remains... trump has done nothing, except MIGA

I love how he simply said he was either doing all that shit or just made it up and magically it's just true because some kike faggot boomer said so even though back here in reality none of it is true

It's going to be hilarious watching Trump be challenged from the right on immigration in the primaries. He's going to be btfo and will have no response. Unless he does something now but time is running out...