HR is spooked.

The rude online trend of “ghosting” has worked its way into the job market, with America’s “Gen Z” workforce failing to commit to accepted job offers in record numbers, according to a new study of 1,202 US managers and employees.



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Other urls found in this thread:


because fuck these jobs, where is the anarchy?

>ghost my nation
>ghost my hometown
>ghost my family
>Expect anything less in return.


probably because women are getting the jobs. because they are just great employees. until they have periods. get sick. have hangovers. ect. get fucked by tyrone.

draft those low bone and muscle mass faggots and turn them into real men im sick of looking at their luke perry haircuts fucking low t too

Researchers from the recruitment firm Randstad found that 43 percent of employees 22 or younger reported accepting jobs — but then never showing up for work, CNBC reports.

These entitled young people are shucking off potential employers like bad dates without so much as an “I’m sorry” or even an “It’s not you, it’s me.”

For millennials (ages 23-38) and Gen X (39-54), the numbers were significantly lower, with 26 percent reporting flaking on would-be employers. Only 13 percent of Baby Boomers (55-74) admitted to being thoughtless no-shows.

>can fire you for anytime at any reason
>gets butthurt that millennials ghost them

HR my ass, you mean the assistant manager at Wendy's that hired them.

Non-meme answer, They got a better offer.

Maybe if these zoomers took a few words of advice from a real working man like Mike Rowe then this wouldn't happen.

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Wow they make them feel dehumanized as possible going through the hiring process and they wonder why they dont get real connections when it comes time to clock in.

lol meme flag and the fact ive seen this thread 5 times in the last 48 hours

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>apply to like 40 jobs
>not even an email saying they got the application
>eventually get a job offer
>shortly after get a better job offer
>ignore the company like they mostly ignored you
Companies can go fuck themselves

I fucking love it. Means I won't age out as fast.

Zoomers expect $15hr to flip burgers but the cost of goods and services to stay the same. That's why, they're full retard.

hiring manager here
whenever I get a stack of applications, I throw out half because I don't want to hire unlucky people

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When all the elders and orcs are dead there will be much less work to do

Hey you should post this gay ass thread every motherfucking day next month like you have this one, nigger.

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That's a good point.
Reagan would be rolling in his grave if he was alive today to see these entitled young people expecting something for nothing. money doesn't grow on trees.

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Shill thread, unfortunately too many newfrens take the bait every time.

>here's the deal, get X money for Y work
>*first day arrives*
>yeah well actually you have to stay longer and you're not paid for it also here's a bunch of work I don't feel like doing as your boss and hey about those weekends how do you feel about working on sundays

There's 500 other guys waiting in line for the position so they don't give a single shit about lying to your face about the contract.
>pic unrelated, big hotel chain looking for an "equality technician"

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The top half of the stack where the minority applicants are.


After yesterday's shift I think they have the right idea. I'm stripping down the toolkit I keep at work tomorrow so I won't be able to do as many jobs that they don't want to properly pay me for. Everyone in my company(except management) had to take a pay cut because the CEO flexed out for a $200k vintage race car that he obliterated the first time he took it out(no insurance on the vehicle lol) and doesn't have the money to properly maintain his shops.


Story time, from a Millennial fuck
>Accept a job as a rent-a-cop
>Already technically work for the company, its just a transfer.
>All they have to do is drag and drop my file into their system and put me on the schedule.
>Don't call me back for 3 weeks.
>Call me back and say that I can start in a week.
>Say no,
>They honestly could not believe I would do this to them
>I honestly couldn't believe they would take almost a month to get back to me then still take a low paying wage job.

Kel. I guess it works.

Yeah fuck off
What my dad made in the 80s at a shit job is today's equivalent of 19-20 an hour. I'm lucky to make 12 an hour anywhere within 50 miles of where I live.

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Welfare niggers have brand new Air Jordans and you're too retarded to feed yourself lmao.

>we will make you jump through untold hoops for this job
>your working duties, regardless of what we told you, are literally anything that needs immediate doing on the property
>Your schedule is flexible? Great, consider yourself on call 24/7 even if you hold a part time position
>Shit health insurance
>Will play games with time clock to avoid paying you as much as legally possible

Fuck these bitches. I'll shotgun a resume of lies to literally fucking anybody. I've liked about having a degree from ten different schools, these stupid boomers don't check for shit.

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Standing in front of a camera is not hard work.

KYS, Republicunt.

Living costs go up every year, jew jew.

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Based gen Z, they are learning from the pain and suffering of the millenials.

Maybe where you live to pay for Salim Jr's insulin.

This stupid fuck has never worked a hard day in his life.

Solo fuego ardiendo puede arreglar este país

John Wayne hid in Hollywood making propaganda movies while the real men went off to fight. He's the perfect example of Republicunt hypocrisy.

Reagan did the same. Your "heroes" were actually cowardly fucks.

>On April 18, 1942, Reagan was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas.[37] His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as a liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office.[38] Upon the approval of the Army Air Forces (AAF), he applied for a transfer from the cavalry to the AAF on May 15, 1942, and was assigned to AAF Public Relations and subsequently to the First Motion Picture Unit (officially, the "18th Army Air Force Base Unit") in Culver City, California.[38] On January 14, 1943, he was promoted to first lieutenant and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is the Army at Burbank, California.[38] He returned to the First Motion Picture Unit after completing this duty and was promoted to captain on July 22, 1943.[39]

"Poor eyesight." yet the fucker NEVER wore glasses, and there's literally thousands of photos of regular grunts in Europe wearing eyeglasses.

You Republican fucks are the perfect examples of what not to be if you want to be a decent human being.

What sort of job should I do this for? I hardly have any work history, all restaurants/shitwork. Married and want to start a family but no real prospects of a career.

I wonder what mentality the people of decades past had to get fucked so hard and pretend it was a good thing.

You must have a shit job

>Treat employees as easily replaceable
>Demand uniquely tailored qualifications for unskilled jobs
>Remove job benefits
>Enforce cult-like working environments

Honestly, the modern approach to job hunting is to just apply to literally every job in your area that you're interested in then just accept the early offers and hold out to see if a better offer presents itself.

Practically nobody on this board is a republican and neither is the memeflag. Fucking summerfags

you could work a shit tier labor job and the dollar was so strong you didn't even give a shit, thats the red pill

>bust my ass every day
>go above and beyond
>boss goes on vacation nearly all summer
>wife gets pregnant
>ask for a raise. I dont want to raise a baby on 20 an hour
>gives me a one dollar raise, says I might get another one in a year
>I've worked for this guy for 3 year and I'm literally a ticketed jman
>I find another job that offers me 30 to start
>give him my notice
>boss goes off the deep end about how I'm a traitor and hes done so much for me
>tells me to fuck off and never call him again

I fucking hate boomers. This fucker pretended to by my friend and that he would have my back, if I had his. I explained to him I was gonna have a huge budget deficit when my wife goes on maternity leave. Acts like he doesn't have the money. Doesn't matter to me. I have a family to take care of now, if he cant afford it I'm gonna find greener pastures. I thought he would be able to understand my situation but he cant see last his own selfish nose. Expected me to live in poverty so he can keep going on season long vacations.

Doesn't matter. If he wants to LARP as one, I'm still gonna drop facts on his ass.

I'm sure people are gonna call me a leftist commie for it, but if there's one thing that triggers me, it's blind worship of that piece of shit Reagan. He was literally the perfect example of a hypocrite who stole credit for other peoples hard work if there ever was one.

Literally every boomer boss I've ever had is the same way. They're really delusional about their positions in life.

If they could get away with enslaving people and working them to death Chinese-style, they'd absolutely do so.

>Apply for job
>Job is to do X
>day one
>told I also have to do Y Z and A
>ok I need this money fuck it
>do a bunch of overtime at time and a quarter (cause apparantly time and a half is a relic of the glory days)
>payday comes
>taxman taxes a quarter of my paycheck
>overpay paid as regular hours
>multiple hours I worked not logged despite me following procedure to the letter
>walk out, fuck these niggers
>see post on faceberg a few days later of my (former) line manager complaining he can't find good staff

Oh the poor HR departments! Fucking new recruits about for three months with bullshit background checks and other time consuming justifications of their own jobs and then wondering why the candidate has gone and accepted work elsewhere. The humanity of it all.

Fat child"free" women in their 40s want to earn a professional wage without professional effort. Simple solution: fire absolutely everyone in HR, the problem will cease to exist with no loss of productivity.

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I worked for the council for a year, I was covering for a 67 year old woman who was off on "stress" on FULL PAY
She came in 1 (ONE) day in the entire year, because there was questions raised to her getting her full wage for not working. She came in, then left early, went straight on annual leave to fucking Spain for 3 weeks, and went straight back on the sick when she touched down with "heatstroke"
I can't wait for the world to burn around these lazy, greedy old wankers

All this. Many companies treat their employees like slaves. Breaching their contracts, never contacting you, or if they do, it's sporadic and act like you owe them and that you must work at a moment's notice. Yet, they wonder why employees ignore them? To hell with that. These companies are getting the medicine they deserve. Maybe next time, they shouldn't treat their workers as expendable. Maybe then, workers will return the favor.

I thought only American workers got screwed in our (((free market))) but it looks like the disease has spread elsewhere.

Because they are willing to break the law. Why is this even a fucking discussion?

I'm calling bullshit. These HR people aren't hiring real people into these positions.

this. get hr and women out of the workplace.

this based /thread fuck jews

(((American))) (((economics))) has spread like the fucking plague
Why ever train staff when you can snipe other boomers from your rivals?
Why ever pay your workers a good wage when Mudasir will work for less than minimum wage without complaint?
Mudasir dies of exhaustion? Who cares, we imported another 100k slaves this year

it'll never happen. nothing good like that ever happens. there's never going to be any collapse or anything.

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That's why I lol whenever I see something about how "the West doesn't want China to succeed"... (((they))) would love nothing more than to bring 996 and social credit to here.

Fucking ghosts, man.

HR departments are staffed by women

It's obvious because when you apply for positions they never email you a rejection you just wait for eternity for a rejection that never comes

No you don't understand my friend, it's happening right now
There's a huge lack of skilled workers in every field. The world IS collapsing, it's not going to collapse, it's already in the process.
The powers that be are hiring immigrants with fake qualifications to replace the retiring boomers. This is resulting in skilled occupations being filled with unskilled labour.
Rolling blackouts and fuel shortages are in the near future, as these morons proceed to be unable to maintain even the most basic of facilities without Ol' Bob there to guide them after his 12th coronary

>budget deficit when my wife goes on maternity leave
the fuck?
maternity leave isn't paid in your shit hole?

Where did America learn to do this!?
>From you Great Britain, I learned it from watching you!

we should cut off trade entirely with shitty countries like china. white trade only.

I'm not a zoomer but I recently just ghosted my dish washing job. Simply decided to not show up anymore, blocked their numbers and deleted the few on my facebook. Was filled with below age 25 people and was just so fucking toxic there. I also have a math degree and cant find a suitable job. The few that call back ghost after the phone interview or never give offers.

Yes the Great (((British))) banks are to blame

They're open about "no one has time to train you anymore, it's all on-the-job training from here" even though they themselves never had to deal with that. And of course, they grew up in homogeneous communities where they could pick pretty much any training program they wanted and buy a house with a single manual laborer's paycheck...

its funny how becoming the boss changes so many men
i've seen friends that I had worked low end jobs with back in the day get into management positions and turn into guys just like this

Go and lookup jobs in your area, I can promise that a huge amount of them will demand multiple years experience or demand that you have an incredibly specific degree or qualification that no normal person would have. Companies just fuck people over constantly with this shit.

This is a huge issue. Some lazy group of worthless halfwits sit around and bog out applications processes with utterly needless hoops for people to jump through. Most people can't be fucked to wait multiple months to get a job that pays 19k a year so they just apply for 6 of these shit jobs and simply accept the first one that comes along.

I've done it before when I was younger
>Applied for Tesco, M&S and Waitrose
>M&S send me some HR crap to slog through
>Waitrose does the same
>Just interactive questions and shit
>Get interviews with both
>Interviews go fine
>Both phone me to attend a second interview
>Say they'll get back to me in 2-3 weeks
>Tesco call
>Interview next day
>Get offered job on the spot
>Turn down both Waitrose and M&S when they phone back

>Opera singer larping as a working man

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It is but it's only 60% of your wage and my wife didnt have a great paying job to begin with.

kek. yeah i know. i've been waiting a decade for a big collapse. it always seems to get bailed out one way or another. i'm guessing things really go to shit once the boomers finally croak. like twenty years, if at all.

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You can still buy a house with a manual laborer's paycheck. But not in the center of town.

where do I sign up to get paid to shitpost and shill for isreal?

i swear to god we should just day of the pillow them all.

>Researchers from the recruitment firm Randstad found that 43 percent of employees 22 or younger reported accepting jobs — but then never showing up for work, CNBC reports.
>These entitled young people are shucking off potential employers like bad dates without so much as an “I’m sorry” or even an “It’s not you, it’s me.”
>For millennials (ages 23-38) and Gen X (39-54), the numbers were significantly lower, with 26 percent reporting flaking on would-be employers. Only 13 percent of Baby Boomers (55-74) admitted to being thoughtless no-shows.
>Get called into company.
>Get job offer extended.
>Go do background check and drug test.
>Don't hear back.
>Call them and ask how's the background check and drug test going.
>Can't get anyone to answer phone.
>Wait a week.
>Still no call.
>Find another job that pays more.
>Do background check and drug test.
>Start working.
>Complete training.
>Get called back from first company three fucking months later.
>WhY aRe YoU gHoStInG uS
It's all so tiresome.

>a real working man like Mike Rowe
you mean the boomer faggot with the cushy TV job wherein he mimes working at a "dirty job"for 10 minutes per month?

workers are disposable to companies so it seems fair enough that companies should be disposable to workers.

The big collapse isn't far away, everyone is bankrupt, governments are non functional, international law is falling apart.
The only thing keeping everything afloat atm is tax from the tiny remaining middle class, when they all die who's left to pay for all this shit?
The poor can't pay taxes, they need their bennies to buy their votes
The rich can't pay taxes, they make the law
So without a middle class, the entire system collapses into endless borrowing and rapid inflation
Buy gold and guns while your dollar still can

>9599 [Reply]▶
>HR is spooked.
I'm a Gen Z and I gotta say, my generation is fucked. I have friends that do work that do nothing but vape. One of them got fired because he thought if a customer was being disrespectful he could just return the favor. Fucking idiots.

Hey, it wasn't America that drafted the Palestinian "Solution."

That shit rests squarely on the shoulders of Churchill and The Crown.

You fucks had no problems with expecting America to pay for it all while simultaneously paying to rebuild your ENTIRE nation too.

You're welcome, btw.

Live out of suitcase, have B to C status but can't buy groceries without getting mobbed by fat chicks. Have to compete with drug using gangsters for the attention of impressionable youth thanks to (((music industry))).
He's doing just fine.

Stfu boomer

I make $30 per hour and I just started last year.

>Applied for literally over 100 positions in my city
>Never get a call back and had to move and find a job somewhere else
>Get a job and already working due a friend of mine who contacted their friend who has happened to work in the same industry
>Literally 7 months later, I had received letters or emails from 4 companies telling me they reject my application, and 2 companies contacting me, telling me they can get me an interview in one week, and that could be working for them in three weeks, if I'm lucky
>My Face When they act like this is a good deal
I didn't even give them a response. I just hanged up. I don't even remember where exactly those companies were located anymore. More than a half a year just to get an answer, and it would still take a month to actually work? I thought corporations were supposed to be efficient.

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My nations rebuilding is a fucking joke, prefab flats for the "new brits" aka the fucking colonial afterbirth
Britain died in 1945, all that's left is a bloated corpse full of maggots

Here you get paid full up to a max of 214 per day.

Look at how soft his hands are, those are not the hands of a working man.

>Researchers from the recruitment firm Randstad found that 43 percent of employees 22 or younger reported accepting jobs — but then never showing up for work
Maybe the employers did not tell them where the Safe Space area was, and they are afraid to show up without one.

...am I missing something?

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So are you saying that Keith Richards is the last real British man alive?
Good news, the sun will never set...

The street it's on...

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>lmao why don't you just break the law like niggers with Jordans
What a contradicting faggot.

i got the guns squared away. i'm subscribing to the starve the beast approach. i could be middle class but i kind of don't care. i just want to live in a small cabin and be left alone and play video games. i don't need boomer shit like speedboats and luxury cars. if i could live off a motorcycle and bicycles i would. boomers were all about consumption, pointlessly so. we're all consumers but the whole economy is built on the boomer model.

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>Zoomers expect $15hr to flip burgers but the cost of goods and services to stay the same.
you fucking boomer niggers.

>"you want $15/hour!"
which was $2.30 per hour when you "just walked in and shook the manager's hand" you fucking faggot. why would i go and work for literal pennies when i could rather fake crippling anxiety and depression once per year for some dumbshit female "doctor/psychiatrist" and make more than minimum wage off of neetbuxx. with rent assistance, food stamps, disability payments, etc., i estimate that i receive about $30-35k per year. that's way more than i'd make off of minimum wage, and i'm investing what i don't spend in crypto so the gov will never know i'm hoarding cash

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"The customer is always right" is the most cucked line of thinking in business and is an entirely boomer construct.

>Maybe where you live
dumbass boomer nigger