Islam General /ig/ - Allahu Akbar edition

Welcome brothers, hope you're having a great time during the holy fast of Ramadan. During this month, it is important to turn our minds away from greed and cleanse ourselves of impurity.

Islam is more than just a religion, however, it’s a way of life - one which guides the personal, political actions of believers. Islam even has its own legal code. No religion has a sense of brotherhood like Islam has.

This thread’s topic is [thread topic].


>The Basics of Islam

>Islamic Terms

Coming Soon!

>Jow Forumsack Convert Testimonies


Essential Links:

>The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

>Read and listen to the Quran online

>Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Islamic site with everything you need

>Find a mosque and convert today!

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repent ye and believe the gospel

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I'm good. Why would I bother reading a book that's been rewritten and modified a thousand times.

Go fuck yourself camel jockey looking prick

Pay nazdak royalties for stealing his memes, christbitch

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islam is the only true religion chistian fag you lost the crusades

Based. Christniggers BTFO

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Most Muslims aren't even from the Middle East. Stop being so hostile.

>believe the gospel

Which one? They all contradict. And you follow the Prophet Saul of Tarsus not Jesus.

Lol turk my bitch calm down

show your flags kikes

Get fucked you ugly son of a bitch. You all belong in the desert, exiled from civilised countries, burning in the blistering heat of hell.

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How easily they have been fooled by Paul the liar. The way christian theology views Jesus is just wrong. They think he was killed like a lowly criminal on a cross. Yes, a Prophet of God who was born through the Virgin Mary, who performed countless miracles, only to be crucified by Romans! Christian theology is really funny at best, blasphemous at worst.

Who's the civilized countries? The ones dropping countless bombs on other countries?

>muffled autistic screeching

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London is majority muslim. Christcuck jew worshippers get sent to the Tower soon.

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You missed the best part

>Judaeo-Christian culture is the foundation of civilization

Look at all the American Evangelicals who blindly worship Israel because they think it will bring the start of the Apocalypse. Christians are fucked. These same Evangelicals hold more loyalty to Israel than their own country, that's what Christianity does to your brain.





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There are so many beautiful mosques to visit in the world.

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Islam is the beauty of the world. What religion do you belong to friend?

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Aside from a few Christian Orthodox churches, nothing matches the beauty of mosques with geometric patterns.

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If only you weren’t sucking camel cocks, I might be able to understand what you’re saying

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All ywhite Xcucks already have had internet. Now it is muslim countries turn to get plugged in. This is going to be fun.


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Why would you bother reading a book full of lies?
It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri said: "It was said: 'O Messenger of Allah, you perform Wudu' from the well into which the bodies of dogs, menstrual rags and garbage are thrown?' He said: 'Water is pure and it is not made impure by anything.'"
Reference: Sunan an-Nasa'i 326
In-book reference: Book 2, Hadith 2
English translation: Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 327
Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'The man's water is thick and white, and the woman's water is thin and yellow. Whichever of them comes first, the child will resemble (that parent).
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
English reference: Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 200
Arabic reference: Book 1, Hadith 201
So let man observe from what he was created. He was created from a fluid, ejected, Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs. Indeed, Allah, to return him [to life], is Able.
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) used to visit Um Haram bint Milhan she was the wife of 'Ubada bin As-Samit. One day the Prophet (ﷺ) visited her and she provided him with food and started looking for lice in his head. Then Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) slept and afterwards woke up smiling. (...)
She was picking lice from the head of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) while the wife of Uthman ibn Affan and the immigrant women were with him.
Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 3080
In-book reference : Book 20, Hadith 153
English translation : Book 19, Hadith 3074

press f to pay respects

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>Ironic considering how the Quran and Hadith have been rewritten numerous times within the past century to make the texts more (((kosher)))
Meanwhile kikes are behind any sort of rewrites and (((modern translations))) of the New Testament, while all you need is a direct translation from the Greek New Testament and you'll have the testimonies of those first disciples of Christ.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims are connecting to the Internet from places like Indonesia and Muslim India as we speak. We will drown them out with the truth.

Islam is the religion with restrictions that coincide with medical reasons the best. Islam bans meat like pork because it is impure, and it just happens that pork killed countless people because of trichinosis. Islam discourages touching dogs and they also often spread diseases. Islam bans alcohol and it is terrible for health too.

Islam is the healthiest religion.

hello brother
islam will save us from the globo homos

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>all you need is the greek

Lol. Pic related, book by UNC bible studies department chair who is fluent in the Greek. My hatred for cucks was replaced with pity long ago.

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That is absolutely false. The Arabic Quran remains pure to this very day. Translations may differ because there are some Arabic words that can be defined in different ways in other languages, but if you read it in Arabic, the Quran is the same today as 500 years ago.

F, he was a great man. The Nation of Islam was very unproductive many times though.

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The verse where Mohammed flew to the moon on a horse and cut it in half. You believe this garbage. You are literally to stupid to think straight if you believe this nonsense really happened.

Lol. Muslims can only go after Paul. They target him because they aren't allowed go after Jesus or his other apostles.

>other apostles

Pretending that Saul was an apostle eventhough he never met Jesus, topcuck. Imagine if Muslims said Muhammad had another “companion” who got to know Muhammad after he died and fixed everything the real companions got wrong. LOLOLOL

Peter said that Paul's epistles are Scripture.

Islam is religion for transgenders. Allah was transgender faggot.

Because Christianity would've never existed if it wasn't for Paul's lies. Prophet Jesus was brought to the world to perform miracles and carry on the legacy of previous Prophets. Paul completely twisted everything. Had Paul shut his mouth, Christianity would've never been a thing.

That wasn't meant literally. Science-wise Islam is the most scientifically correct religion in the world.

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And I'd also like to add, in Prophet Mohamed's case, his companions and family members who he spent all his life with were the ones who spread his message. Meanwhile in Christianity, Paul, who never met Jesus, was the one who started the Christian religion. Paul never knew about Jesus before his supposed crucifixion.

You can come up something better than that. Also, get off your vpn.

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>be Mohamed
>be a sexually abused orphan
>marry elderly wife who employs you trading camels
>suffer epileptic seizures
>be convinced you're possessed by devils
>hide inside dark desert caves for long periods
>get choked by demons trying to kill you
>confide in your wife that you are going insane
>wife convinces you it's actually good spirits trying to talk to you
>go back inside a cave, more epileptic seizures, now hear "angel Jibril" commanding you to deliver messages
>wife and uncle popularize you as a "prophet"
>claim that for 500 years the Bible was wrong, but now "angel Jibril" chose you to set the record straight
>name your uncle's plagerized Bible stories "the Koran"
>your old wife dies
>become cult leader
>take 19 wives and sex-slaves
>kill anybody who rejects you
>1400 years later, have 1.6 billion deluded followers

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Whenever you buy Qurans, it helps the Muslim community a lot. Thanks.

Quran is fake, it is not unchanged it is not word of god or divine. Saana manuscripts have been carbon dated to time before so called muhammed even lived, those are quranic manuscripts with ayat from sura al-Baqarah, Hūd, Anfāl, al-Tawbah, Maryam, Yūsuf, al-Ṣāffāt)
How did these verses get reveald to Muhammaed if they have been found in yemen (jewish kingdom at that time) before life of muhammad? How come coincidentally none of those verses mention muhammed, maybe because the whole fake muhammed story was attached later on.
Then we can go back to modern times, there are at least 31 different versions of Quran with differen wording and meaning in todays moden times. How can it be word of god if there are different words? Ha?

Moving on, circumcision is a bad practice, no benefits, a shit ton of harm. It is done to un-consenting innocent baby boys. It is ordered in Islam that it has to be done, how the fuck something divine orders you to do something provably wrong and harmful to your son? Because it is not divine, thats how you gullible fucks.

Now we can all add a huge amount of bad practices that muslim do that we can call the fruits of islam, from boy fucking to blowing yourself up but its all irrelevant when we discovered that 2 pillars of Islam are fake, Quran and muhammed.

2 Peter was not written by Peter, user.

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If you dont know what wudu means or how it is performed, basically among other rital moves you inhale the water deep into your sinuses (preferably 3 times) so you clean it nicely, and you gargle it in your mouth also 3x times best till there is no leftover foor or anything in your teeth, also you smear it over your scalp, hands-elbov and feet. Now imagine doing all this with water that had menstrual rags and dog carcasses sitting in the desert well for who knows how long, just imagine the smell of saudi desert heat, water, menstrual rags and corpses...and then you inhale that into your sinuses 3 times because some hadith says it is pure

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This is what you have to do to your sons.

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In the year 930 A,D. the Leader of the Qarmatians, Abu Taher Bin Hassan Al-Qurmuti, Led 700 Horsemen into Mecca, massacred the pilgrims, uncovered the kaaba, and urinated on it, took the black stone and later used it as his pissing and shitting stone for decades before smashing it into pieces (it is still in pieces today), he climbed on top of kaaba and called to allah where are his birds that are supposed to defend that holy place, no birds, 30 000 dead idiots that were left to rot in "holy" zam zam well

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We all know how arabs suck in fighting real wars and how they love incest most of all, but asian muslims are something special, they really love to be fags and most of all, boys.

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It was actually quite common to be gay in Islam, it was the colonization and the brits that actually weeded that out.

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>eventhough he never met Jesus
Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671).

With regard to the health benefits of drinking the milk and urine of camels, they are many, and they are well known to the earlier generations of medical science and they have been proven by modern scientific research.

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Typical Muslims reactions, absolutely no love for European heritage, even worse there is only hate.

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did it help a lot when I got into one of your mosques, stole a shit ton of your Qurans and burned it?

And all these islam general posters that preach here are actually just hypocrites and arrogant liars who dont have the balls to fix themselves.
So to condlude
Wake the fuck up and grow a pair to put your emotional investment aside and use your brain, because you muslims are stuck in a rut of cultic behavior.

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Like I said you christcucks put your faith in Saul not Jesus.

Fun for the whole family, embrace islam anons

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Nope its not vpn you flagless, cultureless, gay, transgender. Muslim is most dirty religion for me. All brown and niggers.. Also in my language we say. Mycлим лaлapyyд бoл үхэж бaйхдaa тaapcaн тэнэг ижил хүйcтнүүд. Бac Aллaх бoл мaл гичий бaйcaн юм. Үхэж бaйхдaa тapcaн пиздaa бoл Aллaх.

Glorious arab race, leaders of ummah

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>Calls muslims gay
>posts picture of gay christians that lived under Ottoman rule

Yes we should have killed your ancestors it is true.

Bro teach me basket weaving!

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here, take this

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kek fine, here you go fag

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No, there is only one Quran, translated into many different languages. Everything is the same in the Arabic versions. Also, if I recall correctly, the Prophet (PBUH) did not know how to write. It was Angel Gabriel that brought him the Quran. Circumcision is a good practice that makes it so that your penis remains cleaner than an uncut one that requires more effort to clean. There's no such thing as boy fucking, that was Greek culture in the areas like Afghanistan. All the pillars are truth.

>he's a thief

Imagine my shock.

Mongols are a pest to humanity. Your ancestors killed hundreds of millions and burned down countless libraries in Baghdad. Your are the army of satan. But in the end you've lost.

fuck islam mostly but their mosques do look kindof nice sometimes

whens the medina chemical weapons attack coming?

Here you go fag

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maybe you like boys

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>things that never happened the post

Nice meme flag Mehmet, how is it living in Europe? Do you like it here? I'm surprised that you are able to use white men technology even tough your IQ is under 90

Those are worst chinks i ever seen. These chinks should be exterminated by fire.

Islam the gift that keeps giving

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I was wrong they are not only fags, they are pedo fags

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Stop the lies. You said that Paul did not meet Jesus.
Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, confirms Paul's letters as Scripture.
You cannot go against Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, nor any of the other apostles because you are Muslim.

I'm not in Europe. And I'm not Turkish. And I am certain I have a higher IQ than you. Maybe if you had an IQ above 70, you'd know that most Muslims are neither Arabs nor Turkish.

Fuck off goat fuckers

Amazing scientific contributions to humanity

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At least i am not gay transgender like Allah. Allah was first drag queen.

and your women would love to get some unmutilated cock, you can only beat them like real big men you are kek

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PAUL NEVER MET JESUS. What you said is only a theory of Paul possibly meeting Jesus during his travels, it's never said, but only presumed. Paul never met Jesus during his life on Earth and knew little to nothing about him. We do not disrespect the Apostles, they are companions of Prophet Jesus, just like the Prophet Muhammed had his own companions. But Paul is an outsider who knew nothing!

>Stop the lies.

Stop regurgitating your sunday school garbage, I was raised christcuck and left.

>You said that Paul did not meet Jesus.
>Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus.

I meant actually met him, not lie about a vision. Saul the Jew lied. He was always a damn liar all things to all people and the real apostles punished him by sending him to the temple to perform a sacrifice AFTER Saul said no more sacrifices. And Saul personally circumcized Timothy after saying no more circumcision. Double dealing Jew he kept the law for the tribe and peddled poison to gentiles in exchange for MONEY he raised for Jews back in Jerusalem.

>Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, confirms Paul's letters as Scripture.
>You cannot go against Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, nor any of the other apostles because you are Muslim.

1 and 2 Peter are known forgeries by academics. Learned Christians admit this. You are a lay slob who doesnt even know.

>No, there is only one Quran, translated into many different languages.
Idiot there are 31 versions at least, there are different words that have different meaning in arabic and this is in modern times, you can go and buy them and check yourself also you brain dead robot check the fucking link if you want to argue on this
>Everything is the same in the Arabic versions
No idiot I am talking about arabic versions, who do you think you are talking to? I probably know your deen better than you do, robo cultist
>Circumcision is a good practice that makes it so that your penis remains cleaner
hahahaha fucking newfag

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Islam is peace

The real ruler of the church should have been Jesus’ brother James. Most cucks dont even know about James brother of Jesus. They think “son of God” is literal but “brother of jesus” is figurative. Smh

What are you trying to proove? You are still a sandnigger, but you being able to use grammar simply tells me that you are a amerimutt mixed faggot who's mother simply decided to fuck a sandnigger. Your live is simply worthless, if your fellow ''muslims'' in the middle east would see you they'd behead you on an instant

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If you think Saul of Jesus *actually* met Jesus then your suspension of disbelief starts with Saul of Tarsus and you are his sheep, not Jesus’ sheep. And guess what you were never Jesus’ sheep since you are not from the tribe of Israel you thirsty goy.

>anteater dick impotent rage
kek no surprises

You are disrespecting Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by ignoring his statement that Paul's writings are Scripture.
That means you can't truly be a Muslim, disrespecting an Apostle of Jesus Christ (PBUH)

I will keep you in my prayers user :)

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Aww poor Croatian wishes he had a circumcised dick like the ones he sees on TV all the time, cute.

What's your profession? You're the one who's calling others low IQ online without even fathoming the idea that you could be talking to an engineer or scientist. My life on Earth is worthless, yes, but only compared to what comes after.

Quran has over 31 versions in arabic, I am not talkib about 7 Ahrufs (dialects), nor way of reading it (Qiraat) either. here are some examples idiot:
in Hafs version in sura 2:10 it says
Yakzibuuna in warch version it says Yukazzibuuna

Hafs translates as: In their hearts is a disease, and allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because THEY LIE.
Warch translates as: In their hearts is a disease, and allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because THEY ACCUSE (OTHERS) OF LYING
>Differen meanings, they lie and they accuse others of lying

next in sura 2:251 in Hafs and warsh compared word is DAF`U:
translation: And were it not for ALLAHS REPELLING some men with others, the earth would certanily be in state of disorder, but Allah is gracious to the creatures.
in Warch word DIFAA`U: translates
And were it not for ALLAHS DEFENDING some men with others, the earth would certanily be in state of disorder, but Allah is gracious to the creatures.
>Differen meanings REPELLING and DEFENDING, in one Allah is repelling in other allah is defending, completely different words, muh word of god from the tablets, unchanged, fucking idiot, go read more and shill less
Again: 2:271
Hafs, word is: yukafferu translates as
and HE WILL REMOVE/EXPIATE from you some of your misdeeds...
warch: NUKAFFERU translates wes: WE WILL REMOVE/EXIPARE from you some of your misdeeds
>Differen meanings wtf, does allah remove our misdeeds or do we remove our misdeeds? different arabic words, different meaning MUH QURAN IS UNCHANGED,

sura 3:146 hafs word is QAATALA
translates: and how many a prophet FOUGHT with whom were many worshippers of the lord
in warch word is QUTILA translates: and how many prophets were killed, with whom were many worshipers of the lord
>Differen meanings did the prophets simply fight or were they killed? different arabic words, different meaning, MUH QURAN IS SAME IN ARABIC blah blah

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I am simply stating the facts about the IQ score that your middle eastern countries have, you would have to reproduce with somebody that has an higher iq to even get something better than 90. I know that I am not talking to a engineer or scientist because you are writing on this board

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Sura 7:57
hafs: words al-reeyaah bushraa (the winds bear good news)
in Al Layth ibn Khaaled: al-reeh nashraa (the wind scatters)
>again different meaning in does the wind bear good news or does it scatter rain clouds? MUH QURAN IS UNCHANGED IN ARABIC, SHUT THE FUCK UP, one harf should be enough to blow your theory apart, do you want me to continue ? Will you stop shilling now that your faith is a lie?

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No other religion has the same sense of pedophilia and degenerate hedonism either, Mecca burn