Shouldn't we try to depolarize American politics? Do we really want a civil war...

Shouldn't we try to depolarize American politics? Do we really want a civil war? Can this demos be brought around to civil discourse and perhaps even clearminded, nonviolent problem solving?

Attached: america_wide-abb4d22400444edf4c98c75aa193643efd8afa90.jpg (1198x674, 49K)

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no. yes. no

Wtf no, we absolutely do want a civil war, any war period brings us closer to the race war which is now inevitable.

of course not! the entire point of Operation Fire Rising is to sow enough discord between the nazis and the niggerloving babykillers so as to cause a civil war and break up the jewnited states. america is anti-white and has betrayed us, and it must end.

Attached: bane fire rises.jpg (639x524, 52K)

I want a civil war.

i want a rather uncivil war

Are you guys aware of the literally horrifying details of the first civil war, or do you want that to happen to yourselves and your families

>Why yes, I do want a civil war and firmly believe I will survive unscathed while racking up a legendary body count. How could you tell?

Attached: soy interested frog.jpg (225x225, 23K)

patriotism to this zionist monstrosity is a cancer. you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

Now thats some shitty bait right there.


That is what basedgoy warhawk mongoloids sound like to a sane adult man

How are we going to kill all the bad people before they kill us otherwise?

You had a chance to use a 56% image and didn't. Today's shills suck

Not shilling I just don't want to be sent off by Jews to kill my fellow man in my own country in largescale blood sacrifice


I don't care. I don't want to share a country with the people I am forced to share one with. If people need to die for that to end, so be it.

>Shouldn't we try to depolarize American politics?
Yes, obviously, but we won't try because at this point it's impossible

>Do we really want a civil war?
No one who has seen war wishes to see more of it. That said, it's likely the only potential avenue to restoring liberty to the American people, which is why (((they))) have thrown so much effort into ensuring one can't start. Pic related.

>Can this demos be brought around to civil discourse and perhaps even clearminded, nonviolent problem solving?
See point one, we're way passed the point of that being an option, and our society is so atomized along racial/ideological boundaries now I don't think (even if you could), people wouldn't even want a seat at the negotiating table.

Attached: War.jpg (600x395, 58K)

I want a civil war. I want to wipe out the degenerate left. I want to be ankle deep in their blood. I want to hear them begging for their lives.

Jow Forums is bored of peace.

>the basic problem is niggers and jews themselves
Yeah, I'm sure we can come to some kind of orderly agreement by democratic means.

It may be necessary unfortunately. I don't see the fascist right simmering down in the future and evil must be dealt with as it has been for the entirety of human history. Maybe the movement will die down after the boomers start dying off. That's the best chance for peace we can hope for.