POL humour thread

Make me laugh peasants!

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Attached: 7DC1C7DD-2F41-4CB4-93C9-B53F0F343804.png (518x767, 378K)

Attached: C1B27031-0A8F-4A5F-A36B-EF7D73B7D5AC.png (625x605, 49K)

Hahha good one lol


Attached: 6F0E4D8A-7F4D-45B8-B355-E3B62FDE350A.jpg (1024x482, 88K)


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Attached: 1526593433727.jpg (716x577, 53K)

Attached: 1532569317459.png (578x712, 17K)

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humour” threads. Face it, most PoC will be infinitely more successful than you sad incels will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it sweaty