Let's settle this once and for all - should weed be legal or not?

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who cares

Weed is for niggers.

Only if niggers are illegal.

All those that support drug use,should be shot and bodies thrown into a ditch

Weed makes you goofy/sleepy/hungry, it has zero negative health effects compared to other legal substances, and has massive industrial purpose for medicine and manufacturing.
DOOD WAYD culture is toxic af though and should be banned.


All drugs should be forbidden.

no it shouldn't along with porn, gambling and other self destructive things.

Kill yourself racist faggot

Wine is ok, no? (in moderation)

Yes. Weed is a plant and it's prohibition is stupid.

You should be shot and thrown in a ditch for not respecting other's freedom, faggot.

>calls someone racist on Jow Forums
nigga Do you know where you are?


Makes you passive af tho.

Yes, I'd rather the police and courts use their resources to fight Meth and Fentanyl instead of going after a drug that's less harmful than nicotine and alcohol.


"Freedom" doesn't mean freedom to be degenerate leaf dumbass

Conservatives: We should have no government regulation, except for drugs, abortion, social media, immigration and everything else I don't like

You seem to have mispelled reddit.com maybe you should give it another try?


>DOOD WAYD culture is toxic af though
where do you think this comes from? just because weed isn't fatal doesn't mean it's harmless. it destroys your ambition so no right wing person should touch it unless they are using it to treat a disease

If your white and you smoke weed. Just do us all a favor and kill yourself.

You clearly have 0 idea what "freedom" means.

It makes people stupid. Makes them not see the problems around them. Who could possibly want people in that state


Legal to grow your own for personal use
Illegal to sale


So is hemlock.


spoke like a true utilitarian fag

>Who could possibly want people in that state
Who indeed

Kinda like alcohol really.

No. Even the ones claiming to use it as medicine just abuse it as a recreational drug, it was a mistake.

With that line of reasoning, you should also be for regulating the internet, including Jow Forums, to the extent that it should not be misused for any leisure.

Who's the stupid nigger?

yes but stigmatize it as low-class nigger behavior because it is

Because it is one of the worst drugs on the planet.

It causes physical addiction and therefore massive destruction not only of yourself but your entire social environment (families etc.) as they suffer from your decay.
It also causes massive costs for health care systems (if they exist) and are therefore an enormous burden for societies.

True, this isnt a problem if you already have a strong mental state and conviction though.
A doobie on the back porch on a breezy summer eve is comfy as fuck.
See above. I agree but only weak people are affected by this.

Legalize. Absolutely. Did you not see my earth-shattering testimony before the New Hampshire house judiciary?

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Burger flags against legalization of weed are either Mexican cartel shills, drug dealers who don't want a real job, or absolute retards who don't understand people are going to use it no matter what and prohibition of common street drugs just funds domestic and international gangs.

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Ypu ate a maroon.

Hey have you ever checked out this cool place called reddit?

Legal to grow at home and smoke at home. Farmers markets for clones and seeds. No slaes, no weed liquor shops.

Could say the same thing about meditation, or Zen Buddhism, or even just having a generally positive attitude.

Weed lmao

>Because it is one of the worst drugs on the planet.

I am talking about glass of wine. Are you retarded? Ancient greeks and romans drank wine.
I am not talking about in excesses.

It's good for the mental health once in a while. Especially in this clown world. However niggers, thots and overal trash overuse alot.

No. All druggies should be locked up.
>b-but alcohol!!!!
Should be illegal as well. Literally nothing will stop druggies from getting their hands on the substance of their choice. The only difference is we can keep the smart ones that know to keep it hidden and use it in moderation out with the general populace rather than *all* of the users (i.e. the fucking degenerates we see pushing for national, legal weed nowadays).

>All these pearl clutching faggots
I can't wait for you spergs to have an autistic meltdown when cannabis is fully legalized or when states start decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms in the next few decades

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yes it should, for anyone with a job

black market trade should receive sterner penalties

Anyone who earns enough money to take care of themselves and their families should be able to do anything them want.
Everyone else should straighten their asses out and not do degenerate shit that makes you lazy and feckless.

>freedom means being free unless its (thing).
Any restrictions placed upon freedom turns it into something lesser

Yes it's a fun plant to grow and I want to be able to grow it in the yard with my veggies. Very rewarding flower to harvest and once cured stores for a long time that is good for bartering if SHTF or just to trade amongst friends and neighbors. Would love to see is legalized in my state as horticulture is my dream job and growing weed for a living wouldn't even feel like a job to me. I no longer smoke it but it definitely has side effects, short term, long term memory disruption, lowered sperm count until you stop taking it for days, most certainly addictive to young kids with no discipline, etc. It's great for those like me with PTSD and have nightmares that leave you without sleep and stressed as fuck, it prevents REM so you don't remember the dreams if you do have any. It's a good anti depresssant for some people but smoking it mor morning, afternoon, evening night is just overkill. I think the best way is at night like an adult after working all day to unwind and it will help essentuate whatever your hobbies may be. Studies coming out about the bases in vape products being carcinogenic but I'm sure they've improved the tech since that was written.

Take it from me. No

All drugs should be legal but we should get rid of all welfare.

So if you are degenerate druggy you dont get free food.


To all the people, who are anti-weed, ask yourself a question: Do you have any idea what you are even talking about? Or do you think "Drugs bad weed bad" or any black and white mentality alike?

are you slowly advocating for pedophilia?

>Do you have any idea what you are even talking about?
I smoked weed, I did drugs before worst days and worst decisions of my life because I was a gullible prick.

>Or do you think "Drugs bad weed bad" or any black and white mentality alike?
Black or white?
If things are immoral they are immoral there is no abstract middle ground.
If things are self destructive (which are drugs) then they are self destructive and are bad. There is not centrist middle ground.

Now let me ask you a question.
Why do you used weed?
to feel happy?
Can you feel happy without it?


Dude leave them. The ones that say No without individual thought or have tried it. Usually end up on the more harder lethal shit later on. It's a circle of irony.

no. weed should be decriminalised not made legal. making weed completely legal would only lead to the inevitable shitshow of baddies making shit weed for lower and lower prices and quality control goes out the fucking window. decriminalising the possession and use of weed while maintaining a certain level of quality control over the product would be best in my opinion.

Anyone who thinks cannabis should be illegal simply does not understand freedom, and therefore needs to be killed.

>Why do you used weed?
>to feel happy?
>Can you feel happy without it?
Does 11 years count.

It should be legal but stoners should be publicly despised

In america the gays loved to get stoned.

It was a typo. I mean to say use.

In california, I don't hate moderate users but the heavy users that are lazy, unemployed, and ignorant. Just like alcoholics, or any drug addict.

No. Weed laws should be harsher.

The amount of people that smoke weed is equivalent to the amount of people that drank alcohol during the prohibition era. Might as well should legalize it so we can tax and regulate it

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Found the stoner-nigger

> US makes all heavy drugs legal
> All degenerates die from overdose
> Mexico's cartel lose a huge amount of buyers.
> Crime on Mexico is the lowest in decades.
> No more mexicans crossing the border

>dude weed lmao

We wouldn't have endocannibinoid receptors in our bodies if we didn't co-evolve with it.

Ban all drugs including alcohol


I think this might be the best pic of Sam ever

high CBD strains or especially oils are based, and anger the pill jew

sativas/high THC products are degenerate

Weed is gross. The smell alone is reason enough to ban it.

To all the people, who are anti-fascism, ask yourself a question: Do you have any idea what you are even talking about? Or do you think "Holocaust real fascism bad" or any sycophantic and jew'd mentality alike?

induces psychosis and makes mental health problems worse
Robs you off motivation
Some people react very badly from it, panic attacks, heart problems, cardiac arrest due the panic attack etc
People also like to drive after smoking, and no one talks about it
No way of knowing how a certain dose will affect someone ergo making it impossible to dose it to a certain effect
Will lead to other drugs because it has a severe mind and reality altering effect

found the redditfag

>should weed be legal or not?
it's legal in my state. so stfu about weed legality. move to a state with legal weed if you want to smoke without having to worry about getting thrown in prison

No because that way you can keep niggers locked up and spics under pressure from the cartels.
Just gotta rid ourselves of the non-whites once and for all

Its fuxking gay. Any talk that comes from weed smokers should just trans

>I smoked weed, I did drugs before worst days and worst decisions of my life
My point was that weed is far safer than actual class A drugs, if you fell to peer pressure and actually started cocaine, then that's your fault, weed itself is not a gateway drug.
>If things are self destructive (which are drugs) then they are self destructive and are bad.
This is exactly what I mean, weed is not like actual class A drugs, it is far less destructive, it is far less addictive, far less dangerous, and far less lethal.
>Why do you used weed?
I rarely do, for the most part in college I have been working hard, I plan to, at most, do it over the summer if anytime, even then it'd be once every 2 weeks or monthly.
>to feel happy?
I smoke it for the same reasons anyone else would, not because I need it to cope in life, but to relax, listen to music, and wind down, since it enhances your emotions, makes colours look more intense, and music sound better.
>Can you feel happy without it?
Yes. You'd be surprised but withdrawal symptoms, while being present, are far less worse than they would be with alchohol or tobacco, effects to the brain wear off overtime, and the rumours about dopamine are false, if not incredibly minor.

Sam Hyde looks so fucking creepy

So whats the actual reason to keep it illegal? Danger? How addictive it is? Negative effects on the consumer? Why draw the line there? If you believe you have the right to determine what others can consume why stop there? Obesity related causes kill some 300k people a year, who are a constant burden on the medical system. So why not ban fast food outright?

It robs you of motivation, some people react badly to it like heart attacks and allergies, some people like to even drive and eat putting others at risk!

only for the ill
anything else is degenerate

No. Legalization killed the profit margins.

you look creepy


weed smokers are retarded addicted wastes.
but making it illegal is dumb and a waste of tax money.
let them waste their lives being druggies same as let them fend for them selves instead of giving so much welfare.

Absolutely, because I am countering people's naivety on a class C substance, that must mean I'm an anti-fa leftis.

Ok retard


Yes. But people should have to demonstrate knowledge on the subject and plant before being allowed to partake of it. The interesting thing about things being illegal is if someone really wants to do an illegal substance, they usually really do their homework on it first if they are a responsible person. But the biggest problem I have seen with legalizing it is the wealth of people who jump straight to concentrates and are comfortable being in a complete brain fog all day just because it's legal. There's not enough real perspective on the subject from these people and quite often I find that they don't even want to expand their perspective and that is worrying for the future. There's no longer enough respect for mindfulness.

Sweeping statements. You are an idiot. You realise theres a spectrum, right? Not every single person who smokes weed is high all the time and does nothing. Just like not every single person who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. Don't try and simply everything to fit your tiny mind.

>calls people in this thread racist
>get dissed
>“f-f-found the redditfag”
>doesn’t have any self awareness whatsoever
You’re the redditfag if saying nigger triggers you so much. Find another board to shit up, you pansy

Fucking this.

Weed is already basically legal. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Hopefully we do coke next.

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