AMA I'm a US Custom working for the CIA

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AMA I'm an American Tradition working for the MAN

So you basically make sure your boss's drug shipments make it through

fuck off parasite

wtf how is nobody responding?

ok fuck it, when are you spooks going to get us into war with the desert people again?

If you loved your country or the values it stood for, you would leave US customs and the CIA behind and live a life of peace and goodwill among your fellow Americans. Instead, you chose to be a tool of the state to commit acts of violence. You are everything that the founding fathers of this country stood against, and you wouldn't seem out of place by a monarch's side.

I hope these words hurt you.

responding to what? its a cool patch

shit thread. put me in the screencap.

imagine the smell

post a screenshot nigger

>1 post by this ID

All I wanted to say is that there is more immigrants coming in on Trumps administration than on Obamas and they are all being released in middle America mostly red states everything about the wall is a false flag its just to scare 3rd worlders that the border is shutting down so they all rush in

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More proof

Please tell the fuckin Colombians (or Mexicans) to quit putting Levamisole in the cocaine! For fucks sake its not like you assholes don't already make a 10,000% profit on the stuff.

Right it's not even mexicans that are rushing in it's cubans were getting a FUCKLOAD of cubans and they all get processed and get a court date where they wont never show up and theyll stay here inside the us unitl they get caught

All front page news info guy.

trump is funding caravans to come in the us to make the wall into a bigger headline he doesnt care about the border all he cares is about winning in 2020

You responded to the wrong person. I don't care who brings in the coke. I just wish they would bring us a quality (i.e. pure) product and then go the fuck home.

Just like all you care about is making sure he doesn't win 2020. You don't actually care about these topics and we know it.

You are an American traitor and should be hunted for your crimes against this country.

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Agent Simmons?

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you guys always say that but I've never seen any proof, it just sounds like slander

I'm willing to listen?

Show us your real flag

When are we nuking mexico?

so either way you traffick dope.

yeah. so what's your god damned excuse?

Not clicking on your virus infested link nigger.

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based and redpilled

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