
gun control now


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-31 JustSaki on Twitter.png (698x456, 54K)

He’ll be charged with murdering those with a heartbeat though?

Come and take them. They're all stolen while I was on a hunting trip. At a rest stop outside Carlsbad.

Murder is already illegal, dumbass.

Been awhile since I've had to whip this bad boy out.

Attached: Muhfeels.png (376x486, 274K)

This low IQ nigger is right.
They should make it illegal to murder people.

If only there were statistics that proved states with stricter gun control had higher gun violence, and states with less control had less gun violence
If only such statistics existed....

ban mass shootings, problem solved

This man is delusional, get him out of here

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Maybe he can hire this Twitter genius to defend him.