Tucker going NatSoc but Fox undercuts him

Anyone else notice that Tucker was about to present the Third Position tonight and cement nationalism into his viewers minds regarding the new tarriffs with Mexico when his producer from Fox cut the interview short before he could go full nationalism?


Thoughts? Seemed to end a bit short, no?

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-213350.jpg (768x1024, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:

redbubble.com/shop/tucker carlson

Very (((suspicious)))

Good evening, and welcome to Jow Forums

Self bump, this is pretty big. Tucker compared the Mexican government to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Ignore the ayyy threads about this show. Those are slides.

>Mexico's largest export to the US is illegal immigrants

>what is a shooting for $1000 alex

So should mexico increase tarifs on america and strengthen its local economy.

wait that mfer goes to gay clubs?

Attached: 1528268000967.png (315x306, 178K)

>the third position

What is that?

The Mexican government can't subsidize the tarriffs like America can, hence the socialism in national socialism. Tucker was about to btfo Capitalism and Communism in one segment before they cut him off.