Pol what is the cutoff for being white?

I'm redpilled on the jq and race realism but I took a dna test and found out I was quadroon now I'm so mad that white trash are allowed into the ethnostate before me like there has to be more about being european then just dna.

Attached: mydna.png (398x1038, 89K)

shut the fuck up cocksucker

Attached: dna results.png (1327x474, 85K)

Also here is my flag before anybody here calls me a kike (who unironically are more white then me) also my current gf is white I hope nobody here takes offense to that

OP, you are literally a nigger. Even your writing style screams nigger. I'm like 99% sure you're a low-IQ mongoloid.

Both of you fail the IQ test because you gave away you DNA.

95 percent.

Fuck off nigger.

Also for black dna 1 drop rule applies.
But for all other minorities, 95 percent.

Troll better, Leaf faggot.

less than 5% southern europe or further south

fuck off nigger

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

Hahahaha you're the most disgusting mutt genetics i've ever seen. Hahaha

>I'm so mad that white trash are allowed into the ethnostate before me
Cry more nigger. show flag

>posting venti's 23&me

Only 21.3% white smdh.

75%. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You just missed the mark nigger! You get the rope.

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Attached: image.jpg (500x373, 154K)

you aren't white, when whites rise up you'll be lynched mutt

Do you hate Jews? Congratulations you're white.

>more about being european then just dna.
>then just dna
this is exactly why you aren't allowed in the ethnostate, you illiterate nigger

How the fuck could you not know you are a quarter nigger? One of your parents is a mulatto

You are 25% nigger which means you are 100% nigger. Sorry OP.

>American education: the post

23andme recently update their results. Many people whose 1% mystery meat was by default set to African will now find that gone, usually replaced with a larger European percentage.

I say 5% is fine for niggers and 15% for other races. Ultimately they have to look white though

>Pol what is the cutoff for being white?

Look White, act White.

She is 66% white

Mix one cup of sewage with three cups of clean water. What do you get? Four cups of sewage.

You have to go back

Attached: 5F5F81F7-1BB0-41BC-80D3-00D52B43873C.png (645x729, 99K)

No they didn’t.. source? I don’t see anything

1% basque....

Attached: 20190531_185921.jpg (720x476, 73K)

One percent ayy


So, a nigger. It's time to return to your containment zone across the Atlantic.

Attached: nig.jpg (982x1000, 205K)

Percentage on neanderthal DNA

I need context to this pic. What's with their clothes?

By that logic mixing 3 cups of lemonade with a cup of cranberry juice makes cranberry juice, rather than it being a less purified lemonade with a hint of Cranberry juice.
>inb4 mutt
>inb4 kike
Just pointing ou the stupidity of the argunent because unclean water is unclean water not sewage.

I think if your DNA is at least 50% White European and you can pass in terms of skin tone and facial features etc that is fine.

Purity spiraling is a waste of time. If we kicked out everyone less than 50% and didn't let any more non whites in, then in 100 years we'd basically have a white ethnostates again.

I know that is unlikely to happen, but, that is where I personally would draw the line.

Just live your life bro. Make money and start a family.

You need to update and download your new results. That is old as fuck.

speak for yourself, memeflag shitskin.

Attached: armm.jpg (2592x1936, 1.16M)


>Also for black dna 1 drop rule applies.
>But for all other minorities, 95 percent.
Even the Jews?

Attached: anglokinda.png (1200x1247, 203K)


But I can't pass I have the skin of a mestizo and a fat nose

Cyanide instead of gas, for you. You still die, but with less dishonor, friendgoy.

That's Sierra Leone combat gear. The wedding dress is in case it snows.

Into the oven with ya

Brittany Venti? Is that you?

Also, get some fucking self respect. The posters here obsess over racial purity because they have no real accomplishments of their own.

anything 3% or less on a DNA test is likely to be statistical noise. The mistakes are also significant for many relatively uncommon genetic backgrounds. The data people just throw you into the nearest bucket they can find. Because the people running these companies are often jews, they try to make everyone jew by default. Ignore anything 3% or under that is not consistent with your genealogy. If you haven't done a genealogy, why are you bothering with DNA tests?

>The posters here obsess over racial purity because they have no real accomplishments of their own.
Not at all. We're interested because it helps us identify what we have in common and also recognize outsider kikes like yourself. Many of us are quite accomplished, as one might expect from a high iq group of people.

What??? Basques are ayy?

I figured that was my welsh ancestors

Yes, the Basque are ayy lmaos
They have the only non-indo european language. Some even say that those sheepshaggers are the very beginning of Europe itself, Anunnaki tier.

Fashy podcasts, alcoholism, and getting deplatformed from literally everything =/= accomplishments

Also what the fuck do WASPs and Italians have in common? American white nationalism is literally just pale mongrel cope.

Basques... they're a mysterious bunch.

Attached: 4645745757568658.png (768x432, 507K)

>They have the only non-indo european language
What are Finns, Estonians, and Hungarians?