
The only country it happens and the only country that doesn’t know how to stop it

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Just kill every bugman. All mass shootings would stop.

You need to kill whites for it to fully stop



>doesn't know how

Shall not be infringed
Fuck off

At this point im basically certain at least 50% of these are false flags


Define a false flag if you can

The same people who make these “hurr durr, thoughts and prayers” memes after a mass shooting are the same ones who offer “thoughts and prayers” after a Muslim drives a truck though a crowd of people. I know libs have little self-awareness, but goddamn.

shootings set up in order to justify weapon bans. Shootings rarely happened before politicians wanted guns banned

if the jew media was there right after the shooting, it's a false flag.

There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.0925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:

• 65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws • 15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified • 17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – gun violence • 3% are accidental discharge deaths

So technically, "gun violence" is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Still too many? Well, first, how are those deaths spanned across the nation? • 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago • 344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore • 333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit • 119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)

So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause.

>oi goy luckily i had this media crew down the blow from this shooting right as it happened, what a coincidence!

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Ban Demolay

The means that it happened in either suicide, gangs, shooting a place, accidents etc isn’t relevant to how dangerous a gun can be. They are simply different methods of execution with said weapon.

A lesson for you good sir.

Maybe it is the fault of gun free zones, which habitat most mass shootings. Let’s rewind, more people carried guns because lack of guns/punishment. That resulted more one on one crime, but helped prevent mass shooting.

Now take today. You have cities with strict gun laws preventing ‘good’ citizens from getting firearms to protect themselves and others in case of a sicko. Add the gun free zones, and you already see a brewing recipe for disaster.

But that’s not all! Add more mental health issues due to WiFi brain impairments, drugs being far stronger, unhealthy diets endless, and prescribed pills which require your brain into a useless husk of once great power.

Guns are needed to protect our freedom, why the hell would anyone want to bring nothing to a gun fight?

Every time im at an even with a large amount of people (like a convention or something) i think how if ~50% of the people had guns no one would even consider attacking such an event. Even if they did theyd get maybe 2 people. Think about how many shootings have happened at gun conventions

It happens here too and you can stop it by shutting down shit like this:

Paris France had 150 plus people massacred by muslims using AKs and it's a gun free city. Manchester in the UK had a muslim blow himself up and kill 20 plus children, point being, it's not the gun it's the nutcase who wants to kill people that is the problem. Blaming guns is a weak cop out.

how long were those in the news? 5 minutes?

Of course we know how to stop it.
We just need to make America a white country. We need to deport every non-white and every self-hating white liberal out of the country.
But guess who won't let us? The same virtue-signaling types who are there hand-wringing after every mass shooting, telling politicians to ban guns. It's the killers, not the guns, who are the problem.

If you make America a white country suicide and drug rates will reach astronomical rates. White people per capita commit the most suicide compared to Hispanic and black. It’s not even close

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Absolutely this. Once all whites are dead and we all mix into one race we will all live in peaceful paradise just like Brazil.

They do now. What were those statistics like 60 years ago

>never had a White America policy
The game was rigged from the start.

Reinstate segregation and rekindle the sense of community. Problem will solve it self.

Have sex

Statistically, you are more likely to die in a mass shooting in Norway than in the US.

what the fuck is the point of having guns if you can't go do a mass shooting? why would we stop it?

Lucky 7’s of truth.

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Enjoy the van

The American anglosaxons made the mistake of counting Italians, Irish, Slavs and Germans as whites.

Sure we did. Kikes fucked us up in the sixties same as you guys. Hart-Celler act.

I wouldn’t even say it’s the killers fault. We live in a sick clown world society that disenfranchises people and saps their soul and spirituality. They are reduced to nothing more then cogs in a machine. The way we truly fix these societal problems is to regain control of our countries from the Jew parasite.

Freedom. Freedom comes with a price.

Don't let them disarm you like they did us. Fight on until the end Ameri bros

Blacks commit far more mass shootings. Every weekend in Chicago there are several mass shootings committed by the darkies, but the media just calls it "gang violence" to avoid disrupting the narrative.

I think they unironically screen people for guns before entering

we wont. You can't disarm america without a revolution

depends on the place. The law for CCW is if there are permanent metal detectors and 2+ guards at every entrance the building they can deny your right to ccw, otherwise they cannot.

In Canada it's the same thing, except the government went even further and hampered efforts against "gang violence" because it was overwhelmingly minorities and correlated with Immigration from Arabic/African countries. So they put more gun laws into place to virtue signal about how they were tackling "gang violence" despite the fact that it's almost always done with a knife and any guns used are illegal in the first place.

There isn’t enough security for guns at all. Countless times I’ve walked into very secure areas like airports ,police station and hospitals with no checking and wondered man what damage could someone do here.

Man this is awkward

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Based trips.

Mate... he IS the glownigger.

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So if a private establishment puts up some arbitrary 'gun free zone' sign, im not in violation?

>African daily raid and murder goes uncovered
Go live in africa then

Depends on state/local laws. Most states signs don't mean shit. You could be asked to leave but that's it.

galaxy brain

>The only country it happens
Didn't it happen in New Zealand like two weeks ago

No it means nothing more than if they put up a no blue shirt sign. They may cause you a hassle and it is a private establishment so they can choose to refuse service to anyone they want, but you are not violating any laws. That's one of the main reasons to get a ccw if you ask me, open carry rights can easily be taken away from you (multiple cities in my state ban open carry) but ccw with a proper permit is much more difficult

>doesn’t know how to stop it
We know how to stop it, it's just that lefttards are against armed security and self defense, it doesn't feed into their victim mentality. They get a high off of being the center of attention, and trying to get pity from others, rather than actually solve the problem.

>gang members killing other gang members is comparable to a church or school getting shot up

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Return fire.

Gun free zones kill

Because fuckwads have decided this is about guns and not about stopping murders.

2/3rds of gun deaths in the US are suicides.

Those numbers are recorded in US statistics about "gun violence".

NO other country records suicide by gun as "gun violence".

that's why there are so many public&random target shootings in the police state of nyc

>the only country it happens in
Not even true you stupid nigger. Nice try with your moralfaggot gun-ban propaganda.

>mental health issues
It's not a mental health issue, at least not in the normal per individual level. It's a societal issue. People who feel like they have no place, no reason to live, and are angry at society for this is not the same as someone with classical mental illnesses. It's no wonder they go on a shooting spree. I'm sure the idea has crossed the mind of a fair percentage of users of this site, the difference being most people do still feel they have something in their life worth living for, and even if they dont they are still more likely to just kill themselves if they are not properly angered at society. The media acts like people (white people) just wake up one day thinking gee i guess ill go murder as many people as i can. That's not how it happens. Theres also not an easy solution, its something everyone has to participate in. People (especially children and other young people) need to be reminded how important community is. Be nice to your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and anyone else you interact with regularly. Humans require high amounts of social interactions. If they do not receive it they will go insane, how that manifests will depend on the individual and reason they did not get proper interaction

>>The only country...

OP is cock famished.

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It's not the only country it happens in. Per-capita it doesn't happen very frequently. And, we didn't used to have this problem even though we've always had a gun culture.

>we didn't used to have this problem even though we've always had a gun culture
I dont see why theres any other justification needed that the issue isnt access to firearms. Its basic logic that if access to firearms hasnt changed then thats not the issue.

We know how to stop it, but the bleeding hearts will not let us kill criminals anymore. Not much theft in countries that chop off hands instead of locking you in a cell with a gaming system.

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When my dad was a kid there were high school gun clubs. Gun ownership was much more normalized and we didn't have these problems. It's clearly not firearm access that's the issue.

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yeah, high school kids regularly would bring firearms to school. Pretty weird no one ever brings that up, huh?

>The only country it happens


> doesn’t know how to stop it
Ha! Get rid of all the non-white people. Problem solved.
> and Jews aren’t white

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Niggers, kikes, spics and faggots.

No it isn't. You had better be pretending to be retarded.

We have a third of a billion people and that includes a substantial quantity of niggers and actual rights. Occasionally bad shit will happen because of it. It will happen to an extremely small percentage of people. And everyone else keeps their rights. Stop trying to fuck a tragedy into statism faggot.

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just kill all niggers

user I'm screen capping this just to have for future firearms debates. Good quick rundown.

ass pony

I dunno I see a lot of gun owners having zero training.... They won't check field of fire, prob won't have good target discrimination in a panic etc etc. A lot of people in this country are too retarded to defensive carry imo

>Gangs only kill other gang members

Why does 1 person taking multiple lives matter more than a race of people taking 1 life each? 13/50

I do not know a single person who has been effected by gun violence...


To be fair nothings in the news very long unless it's exceedingly ongoing or a "relevant" celebrity.

It is when they screech about gun statistics using bogus numbers.

Even still, it's more of a deterrent than no one having them. Most likely people with no training wouldnt even draw their weapon, they would still just run

True and you should open your border and kill your own children in the womb of your women. Funny that this shit is the program of most leftist in European or American country.

Teach the children to love themselves again. Nah, that would be stupid. Let's just disarm ourselves so we can be slaughtered like sheep, giving foreign countries a better chance at invasion. That sounds very un American. I thought we were the home of the brave? Freedom takes bravery. People with hate in their hearts will kill with knives, stones, tooth, and nail.

Hundreds of Christians were killed in Sri Lanka just last month.

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Honnestly the only conclusion I see from your next is banning nigger

Yeah I can get on board with this sentiment.

You are right in one human are killed in the other it is only ape

You could make them pick coton like in the good old time ?

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ummmm, did your dad go to a segregated high school by any chance? I'm not suggesting that there's any implication of causality, but I'm curious to know if there may be a correlation.

« hundred of eastern worshipper were killed in Sri Lanka just last month»

When a church gets shot up, everyone eventually recovers.
Guess how the ghettos are doing, though?

false, and psyop haoxes done by mossad confirmed by jewish state department glow niggers who were the right hand of Kissinger all timed with gaza bombing campaigns same day

Ban single mothers and assault niggers. Boom fixed. Pic related. Funny how zero US neighborhoods became warzones post WW2 because of angry whitey.

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Small price for freedom. Fuck off commie.