Last guy that tried was Dealey Plaza'd in Minecraft
Michael Bailey
The "Cosmic Awoo" is a false god in comparison to the mighty astral benis of Spurdo.
Brandon Edwards
Kayden Torres
Don't do drugs kids, don't finance Communists, all that garbage come from Communist shiholes - even the legal drug sellers are from liberal shitholes in the US
Extremely wrong. Capitalism is the natural evolution of unlimited desires colliding with limited resources, and how to prioritize how those resources are applied to meeting those desires.
>The /ptg/ pantheon is too complex and esoteric to be a mass religion, to say nothing of the occult influences that would lead the unaware down dark paths. We need something simpler and less ambiguous.
well maybe that's just the problem though. Maybe the simplicity that christianity was reduced to, to be spread to illiterate masses isn't enough for literate, educated white people anymore. Maybe they need something more complex, something they can sink their teeth into, something more complex than "Jesus is superhero, believe in superhero and all will be well" The complexity will certainly keep out the spics and niggers.
>there are people in this thread right now who fell for the global warming hoax >there are people in this thread right now who still believe the global warming hoax
I am sovereign, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship. Thus the cosmos has established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in. Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken. They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it. I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome. I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows divinity. I bend the bow for the righteous, that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion. I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heavens and reside as their Inner Controller. On the world's summit I bring forth sky, the Father: my home is in all things, in the ocean as Mother. Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body. I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them. The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.
---- Do you really not know about the Cosmic Awoo?
Record companies pushed elvis because half of america was too racist, both in legal and cultural terms, to accept blacks into mainstream. He was talented, hell of a singer, but he was a vessel for an oppressed subculture.
Dominic Harris
once we hit 20 bill, the planet will expel us desupai
>so we should excise tariffs on the largest polluter countries (China and India) until they comply? That would actually be useful to curb pollution, especially all the shit they dump into the oceans
Because the President at the time said we would enter a world war when a snake started "smoking pipes"
Jordan Thomas
How do you get to a point where you spew shit like this and believe it makes sense
Tyler Reyes
I've always liked that patch. If I was a patchfag I'd want one for my collection
Aiden White
and as tech gets better they can come down. look at solar. pop goes up but offset by solar and wind.
Charles Jones
>mfw we have been ruled by baphometians for so long and we never notice
Caleb Martin
The Cosmic Awoo represents the iron will of the universe. The always confident, "matter of course" force behind causality. The Cosmic Awoo rewards those who walk the proper path and crushes those that defy natural law. That is what is meant by the "Awoovement" and that is why the Trump Curse is getting stronger.
Thanking the Cosmic Awoo will strengthen her Divine Retribution.
Truth. Showing his pulsing pelvis on live TV literally led to the cultural depravity we're living in today. Tween girls dancing for money on Web cams in their bedrooms.
>America is good It mostly is >the military is good It mostly is but a lot of idiots >military contractors are good It's just a job >billionaires are good Because one billionaire is good therefore they all are? >heroes protect the existing power structure, villains try to change society If you don't know how something works you shouldn't try to fix it.
Communists act like profit comes out of nowhere. Profit is how consumers rule. If consumers want more of what you're selling, then they're willing pay more for it than it cost to produce. It's a perfectly rational system for feeding the desires of consumers. Whether just feeding endlessly escalating consumer desire is a good thing is another question, but if there's a problem with capitalism it's certainly not that consumers don't have power.
The same people who try peddle the global warming hoax are the same people who think we are going to reach 'peak oil' soon.
Nicholas Morgan
As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!
I believe that is what he would define as irrational. The divide is more fundamental. Should human strive to become more rational or god-like or should humans accept their base and beastial foundations?