Why does target rub my nose in this shit. I hate liberal Christmas!!!

Why does target rub my nose in this shit. I hate liberal Christmas!!!

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Deshuffle the display

Is that lube or something? Homo Pheromones?

i'd be getting that listerine too. you like the taste of cum after bout an hour? it's not recommended.

It's Listerine and shampoo

Well, two products a straight guy wouldn't use then.

Gay listerine? my side! Thank God we defeated Hitler.

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>"socialist" trannies will defend this

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In all honesty, we grew up calling the outcasts at school faggots. At what point did dick-in-butt become a normalized thing?

you ain't seen nothing yet burger

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imagine being so poor you shop at target.

when jews realized they could make money off of it, especially since it is constitutionally prohibited to "discriminate" against them.

Ah, so it's like Mother's Day, Father's Day, Faggot's month. I honestly had no idea that this was a thing. Makes sense why my company has been bombarding me with emails telling me I need to buy a pride shirt despite the fact that 99.9% of us are straight white males. Fuck this gay Earth.

That just looks like it was photo edited, did they paint those statues.

>Imagine having a girlfriend

Faggot Christmas is fathers day in this current year.

I only shop there because I can use the women's restroom.

I have standing orders for my family to not waste my money on shit I don't want to make them feel like they did something for a made up holiday.

I live in the Portland area, I can walk into any women's restroom and pull my dick out and be given the key to the city.

light projection

Well then, I salute you. I live in Texas, my only chance to shit in a fairly clean bowl in public is in a Target ladies' room.

Well, that or drive to Buc-ees.

This , it is literally fag day, every day, all day. Now buy our product or you are a racist, something or other. I wonder who owns the Listerine brand? Perhaps you should shave with this brand of razor goy?

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Well I switched to Edge, who knows how long until they cuck out. I usually get up in arms with Jow Forums when shit like this happens and forget it the next time I go shopping. Fuck Gillette. That's the only shaving cream they carry at my local costco and I pay 5x as much to just buy Edge at the normal grocery store I hate those fuckers so much.

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i work there lmao

You should have higher aspirations in life

I'm sure you could go to Austin and virtue signal with your dick in the ladies room

Yeah, but it would be nothing but guys in there. Kind of takes the fun out of it.

#FaggotSoap ????

Ya, the red, it overlaps in left side weird...edit?

>Not buying Kirkland signature triple blade razor

Shaving cream user, my local only carried Gillette.

Kek u got the big gay

Worse than those "holidays" it's used to suppress and police competition. It's amazing that "socialists" (radlibs if you really want to make the distinction) will defend it when it's clearly a capitalist device to consolidate power.

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Gay sex Listerine for washing out the poo and cum taste in your mouth.

Honk Honk.

What's incredibly ironic about it is that an avowed capitalist like myself is utterly disgusted by the whole shitshow they put on for each of these "holidays"
I've even gotten to the point that I hate Christmas, but I'm assuming that that was (((their))) goal.

Drop Capitalism? At least until a point where it can be implemented without this happening lol.

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Is this your boss? She needs to talk to you about the world ma'ma

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an economy that is based on usery is Jewish at it's root, it's why we will never be able to take the power away from the jew as long as the (((federal reserve))) still exist.

>Why does target rub my nose in this shit. I hate liberal Christmas!!!
Christmas is celebrated for fucking two months straight in shops and on the streets and you get mad about nice pattern on packages? I envy day to day problems that conservatives face.

and yes

You don't live in a country where faggots are celebrated like Christ for a month, you have no way of knowing how awful it is. this is the jews way laughing at us and humiliating us and they are using this (((holiday))) into brainwashing our children into thinking this is normal.

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Take pride in what?
I'm a faggot myself but its only ugly people who care about the pride/rainbow fag flag shit and condescending libtards.

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Don't you want all of your neighbors to see you placing your penis in to a butthole for all to see?

OP, you may not know this about Target, but as far as I know it was one of the first, if not the first retail store to allow it's employees to have neon color dyed hair while working. A bit of an indicator wouldn't you say?

>Lady Gaga was expected to give the store an exclusive expanded edition of her then upcoming album Born This Way, but ended the deal after discovering that former CEO Gregg Steinhafel donated to a political action group that supported an anti-gay candidate.[168] Target apologized

>and began its outward support of the LGBTQ community. In 2012 it began by stocking gay pride merchandise and donating half of the profits to GLSEN.[170] In 2014 it began featuring LGBTQ individuals and couples in national advertising.[171] In 2015, Target debuted their #takepride campaign.[172] Target sponsors many LGBTQ non-profits including Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD, Family Equality Council, NGLCC and the Williams Institute. For the last three years, Target has been the presenting sponsor of GLAAD's Spirit Day. In 2017, Target was the founding partner of New York City's Pride Youth.

Lady Gaga is why they do this disgusting shit?!?!

jesus christ, what area is this in?

I worked for them in '06. I did not know this. That's decidedly worse.

im still of the opinion it was 2010, with the current state of affairs solidified in 2012.

I'll go with that. In 1987 expressing any gayish opinion made you the laughing stock. That was a different time though. Sad!

>starts controversy that leads to his former company shilling for gays
checks out

go to church and worship at the alter of god, not santa clause you retard.

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shame /pol gave up on taking back the flag, got baited like elementary schoolchildren with the hashtag garbage. i'd like to say, yall niggas dumb as hell.

I have supervisors. Most of them are spics tho.

>racial separatist/clown world rainbow
What's wrong about this exactly?



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>lets just take some shit we already produce and slap some rainbows on it to get faggots' attention so they buy our shit
Fags are just as gullible as anybody and these companies know it.