Rent free in Trump's tiny brain

Rent free in Trump's tiny brain.

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and hell.

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his daughter is literally turning into a chubby camel

tumor rent free in his brain

the last thing going through McCain's brain was Trump being President

well maybe the last thing before the cancer completely took over lmbo

Kinda like how that tumor lived rent-free in McCain's lel

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AC bill in hell is reeeeeally high. Laughably this faggot thought he was super awesome for fighting it out until the end on the side of the deepstate and working against the will of America.

No hes dead and literally no one care. His daughter is getting titty fucked as we speak

i beat you too it little kike

uhhh... pretty sure he went from war hero to shitbag almost overnight because of trump lol

'member when accidentally shot the missiles on his jet and blew up the navy ship

>No hes dead and literally no one care.

The president sure cares.

Nigga he ded

Yes user, ignore any thoughts that might make you doubt Daddy Trump. You've had too much to think today.

Only one person lives in Trump's brain: Trump.

funniest post on this board. Kudos, OP.

No. Its no

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burned alive when hot shot McCain wet started

rent free cremation urns

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we would have won the vietnam war if mcain hadn't spilled the beans to charlie

Prosecution free killing a whole carrier deck while attempting a landing shitfaced.

>going back to private life.

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tell me more plz
heard about the deck fire, is there another legend where hes the lead role?

Fun fact even after the operation McCain had a better brain than trump.

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What's that about brains?

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McCain was executed.


Apparently not because he died.

I don’t trust McCain. The past is too shady. I met the group whom re-engineered the McCain story. They are pretty shady themselves and not American. There are speculations that McCain was a Vietnamese general that had surgery performed. I could believe that. I have a buddy who was from a half Vietnamese mom and central Asian dad. His uncle is FBIs most wanted because of his genetic alteration scheme. They look white but at closer inspection when you move things around not so much. Familial resilience vs genetic resilience. At the time of death he looked like Pataki himself. So prefer not to instigate.

Mccain is an actual traitor to america. His death was the greatest thing possible.

The doctor basically promoted communism solely as familial function vs a natural dysfunction. Many people liked the idea until he is said to have ran off and began erasing them via genetics simply for deciding his future. Simply because thats how it all culminates. You are left with a crowd that doesn’t know what is anything and how everyone became blonder or why Americans don’t look like anything in natural round ups. It becomes a populism game from there. They can’t do much but suffer through.

taken right before he wet started a jet because muh dick and killed a shitload of sailors then crashed into ricenigger jungle and became known as the songbird of hanoi