God bless Trump, God bless Israel, and God bless the United States of America.Fuck SJWs Fuck China and fuck Russia.
Camden Brooks
Other urls found in this thread:
Cooper James
die in a fire, kike
all fields
Grayson Gray
kys discord tranny
David Flores
what is loomer's endgame, Jow Forums?
Luke Morris
Its funny going to her gram and seeing just how unaware she is that she looks like a fucking alien
Adrian Miller
When you say God bless Israel, what God are you referring to?
Noah Nelson
Michael Davis
There was this cute ass jewess leaf that visited my work and wanted to hang out. I just couldn't when she told me she was Jewish. My heart and penis didn't have the desire anymore.
Jack Moore
Hot as fuck. Why didn’t I ever think to fuck Jewish girls
Luke Stewart
Praise KEK