India is not diverse enough, too white they say.
India is not diverse enough, too white they say
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sex tourism in India is primo
they all want no condom sex
Stop trying to bleach India, can't you see they need more diversity
I lived with a dark skinned Indian girl and she'd talk about this and how problematic it was. Leftists hate it when people gravitate towards specific things, they always have to be fucking social engineers.
White skin shows that you are upper class because you can stay indoors all day instead of the dark skinned lower classes who have to work outside in the fields all day.
Not in India. In India it is more than that, it shows you have more Aryan genes.
That's what weimerica and europe are going to have soon but with white genes.
Funny how every country which directly challenges China gets hit with the diversity meme.
Do you thin the chinaman is the true jew?
>Too white
I only see shitskins.
lol. CNN: stop being attracted to fair skin!! You are propagating white supremecies!,,,
So sad, so pathetic
Must be all the cream
Who's debating it? Indian people in India? Or is it a bunch of brainwashed expats and white people?
None of the look light-skinned at all.
Indian feminists.
Dravidians are wealthier and have higher average IQs than Aryans
Indian upper classes are just brown skin western liberals, modi only won with the support of the lower class which is based and redpilled
these goddamn kikes
Even abos outcompete the miscegenated. Real shocker you have there.
>Ugly brown
>"Fair skin"
Are the "American" spelling winners diverse enough?
So, Gutri, how's that World Superpower program going??
Ill try it.
enjoy your Nepali/chink aids
Although there's some cheap Ukrainian prostitutes in Delhi
I'm disgusted by the amount of POOs in the united states lately.
Especially disgusted by the amount of them in Tech/IT.
>hates long hair
>her profile pic has long hair
"fair skin" my fucking God, if you are not a charcoal nigger you are "too white" for these Satanists.
And retarded
lel, hohols btfo
wannabees. Before libtard shit it was clothing and using curse words
Based poo man, my alley is yours to soil. Now send sister vagnene ,
>the less fair the better and fair must always lose
it okay to be white
>i like short hair and because none of them had short hair it's the patriarchy's fault!
What is it with these retards and their conspiracy theories?
antibiotics exist. also is dehli a good spot to pick up indian chicks I was thinking of taking a vacation for a month somewhere.
all these women who keep bitching about beauty standards end up having a boyfriend that looks like this
beauty standards criticism go out of the window when it comes to finding a mate.
>pick up
this is a country where most of the women are kept in purdah under male supervision. there's no "pick up".
go on tinder to get a whore to fuck you or pay in some shady brothel.
i've seen a lot of these being posted recently. it makes me think
>teach them english
>they'll do your bidding
KEK the colonial language
is that the indian version of a burqah?
It's different from a burqah. It's like a curtain.
Still butthurt Modi won I see.
Nobody does that anymore, even the retarded poor.
I mean you can literally see women going to the gym in bras these days...
>t. living in the middle of urban Delhi
rajesh, try going to rural Bihar, UP, Rajasthan, and so on. I said "most of the country", majority of the country lives in villages.
>Bihar, UP, Rajasthan
when are we going to nukes these states
he is, even the king of Thailand (Siam) said so in 1903 A.D.
>India is not diverse enough they say. Too Aryan and White.
India is one of the most diverse countries on the planet, which is rather telling. Ironically this fact of racial cohabitation leads to more racial tension as the superiority of some races is made by necessity more salient in societies where the success of one of the races is mutually exclusive to one or all of the others.
It is an unavoidable fact that some races will by Darwin's hand excel where others fail, especially when one considers traits of excellence, for which the tips of the Bell Curve are especially discriminative.
This was obviously staged for the sole purpose of kicking off a d&c thing in India. All the sock puppet accounts already had scripts waiting
>not knowing that Jow Forums is flooded with chinese bots spamming anti Jew memes to disguise the real menace
beauty angers feminists because men like beauty and feminists are all hideous
i too enjoy aids
"fair skin" they all look like shit skins
Is that a problem in India now too?
No one cares what CNN writes about India. I bet Indians the least. So what was the point of this article? Are they blaming British imperialists for this? And white people should feel bad about this. Paler skin has always been sign of beauty no matter the culture.
won't help you with hpv. And when you will want to start a family some day, you'll give your future wife cancer
also antibiotics don't work on HIV either, obviously
As a tall white guy I wonder if I would be able to get infinite poon if i went on a vacation to India
>Robots hate dark skin
I for one welcome our new robot overlords.
>not one nigger
Racist ass poos
Kek not even Ukrainians would go to India. They have visa free travel to Europe, at least make your lies realistic.
india is nowhere near to be "a challenge" to china. this is just cultural marxism spreading all over. china is smart enough not to go heads deep and fall for it like all the rest of us...
This is happening in your country as well?
Except Islam is shit from the bottom up, and that movie is one of the worsest examples of Islamic propaganda. The Islamic general below tried to burn Rome to the ground, fortunately failed.
except they do.
India banned Ukranian women from entering because most of them were prostitutes.
>0.2% of the population has the bug
>Indians bitches like white boys
I'll take my chances
I know I just like the meme
Its that time again
yeah but your dating pool is limited to the 0.2%
Kind of agree. The amount of basically white "Indians" I see in porn is fucking atrocious. When I say "Indian", I want fucking "INDIANS".
There goes the streets
superpower 2030 confirmed.
d-u-b-s now
So that's how were getting the super bugs coming from shithole countries.
2040? 2050? pls
India comes from the "Indus" valley civilisation. North Indians are the true Indians by all accounts.
Nice cope future brother in law! Ha ha! Now let's go play some cricket before I give your mom another light skinned grandchild.
>Indian embassy
>(((Femen))) protest
user are you retarded? Either way the GDP per a capita is far higher in Ukraine than India so it’s even more illogical for them to go. They’ve had visa free travel to Europe for a couple years.
someone tell that dumb bitch, that woman have long hair BECAUSE THAT LOOKS GREAT ON THEM, short hair or butch cassidy model looks hidious on females.
You're British so you tend to be an expert on the subject: which Indians are darker, norf or souf?
Fuckin currymuncher
Listen here mate, call me a currymuncher again and I'll give you a right rumbling!
I'm Australian, but it's common knowledge that North-Indians are lighter than South Indians and Western Indians lighter than Eastern Indians.
but you are already half-dalit my american mutt brother. i impregnated your mom, you'll only be doing the black lord's work spreading the black seed.
This. Stir the curry, die in a hurry
>At least I still have the constitution.
holy shit pajeet, nobody gives a fuck about your shit-hole villages where people literally and casually shit on the street as casually as taking a shit in a toilet, get the fuck out.
> the chicoms own hollywood and the media also buy my benis pills and 1776 will commence again !
ok schlomo...
That short hair is keeping the Indian patriarchy from raping her. I don't understand why she's complaining tbhfams
all we would need to defeat europe and america combined is drop a few ganga bathing literal streetpooing pajeets. the whole of white race would go extinct within a few weeks. it won't even be a war.
imagine if the jews put the dead body of a pajeet in European cities water system.
now i know why they said the power of India lies in her people.
therefore get ready for superpower 2020 we'll destroy the jews and convert all of you to hinduism, it wont be bad trust me
Based Afghani
I can fell the curry overcoming me, its a gut pain.
>stir the curry, drown in slurry.
THATS considered "white" by the media?
Leftists won't stop until we're all black as night, Nigerian-looking negroes. Oh G-d, the abject horror!
Just low caste chimpout, nobody cares lmao
>stirred debate
>sparked outrage
>started a conversation
9 times out of 10 when they say this there's absolutely no debate or outrage or whatever, it's literally just the same ~100 blue checkmark autists posting dumb shit on twitter. The contestants don't give a shit, indians don't give a shit, no one gives a shit, it's just some fatass with no life trying to convince everyone else that there are crowds of people out there who care about his autism.
They do not mean white they mean fair skinned. Since most northerners and high castes are fair skinned, it is a "symbol" of high caste supremacy for the low caste animals here and they do whatever they can to fight against the fair skin representation in Indian media or contests such as these. Its retarded but oh well, we're he minority anyways, the darkies will caste mix us all sooner or later and the goverment supports it.