Redpill me on the best president

Who would you rate as the best president of the United States?

pic related, Ronald Reagan is my favorite previous President because:
he knew healthcare was bad idea
his epic tax plan that saved the united states from turmoil
also being the Governor of California was probably a pretty hard job

Attached: Ronald Reagan age 32.png (512x512, 81K)

pic related, the best president.

prove me wrong: protip, you can't.

Attached: Obama.jpg (300x300, 13K)

Based and redpilled

That's John Cleese though

This guy has taken the Obamapill

Offtopic reply please lets keep the thread on track.

If only drumpf (Lil cheeto man) didn't fuck with Obamacare and all the other great things obama had planned. Literally Obama is going down as the best president to have ever lived. Most people on pol don't want to admit it just because he is black.

Also op where the fuck did you get that image it looks nothing like Reagan

??? That looks like a young Reagan to me. Were you alive for when he was younger?

Andrew Jackson shut down (((the bank)))
BASED & Redpilled.

Teddy Roosevelt. Man looked out for the common American. Also was a conservationist who understood the beauty of the Earth.

It's Andrew Jackson and it's not even close.

Jackson was a self-made badass. He was fighting by the time he was 14. He was a self educated lawyer. He kicked the British out at New Orleans. He kicked the Indians out of the SE. He then became president by railing against bankers and the establishment. He beat the shit out of a would be assassin...and on and on.

The worst president was that faggot Buchanan.

whoever the jews killed or tried to kill

unironically, Donald J. Trump

Checked and correct

This guy got it, were lucky enough to have had someone who walked the same path as Hitler.


Teddy, Jackson, Jefferson.

EPA, hippie nullifier, what's up with those jews, Henry... not even close

Attached: chad.jpg (500x631, 35K)

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Harding then Hoover.

Probably Teddy Roosevelt. Went to war for the lulz. Trained jiu jitsu, boxing, wrestling, and judu and was basically an MMA fighter of his day. Established the national parks. Avid outdoorsman. Took Panama from Columbia for America. Was on his way to give a speech and got shot by some fag, gave the speech anyway.

Attached: Teddy.jpg (1384x1384, 425K)

This is now a Badass Teddy Roosevelt thread

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There's only one correct answer.

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AJ was a major badass too

Attached: andrew-jackson-banker-quote.jpg (750x422, 92K)

Wait... Is using 'based and redpilled' ironically actually based and redpilled?

Attached: 2441903-Andrew-Jackson-Quote-John-Calhoun-if-you-secede-from-my-nation-I.jpg (3840x2160, 2.93M)

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The best President is George Washington,the end.
1.Enslaved Niggers
2.Made the USA the USA
3.Beat the brits with his army made of 3 men an cannon named Liberty
4.Was a 6'2 Chad who rolled arounds on a huge White horse and big dick
5.Beat a bunch of jews up for not wanting to pay taxes on whiskey cause they wanna pinch pennies.

Like why woulds anyone else be better????????

this is you

Attached: honkler reagan.png (380x389, 93K)

Why did you post a selfie?

Gay get

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When was Mr. Bean a President of any country?


Reagan was totally shit and you know it

That is not Mr. Bean... That's Reagan. Are you blind?

fuck you chads
reagan lovers rise up

Attached: gamer reagan.png (512x512, 123K)

Truly before his time