@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>VP Pence on FBN 5/31/19
>SoS Pompeo visits Berlin 5/31/19
>SoS Pompeo arrives in Berlin 5/31/19
>SoS Pompeo Joint News Conf w/Germanstan Fuhrer Merkel 5/31/19
>SoS Pompeo Joint Press Conf w/Germanstan FM Maas 5/31/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan News Conf 5/31/19
>AG IronBarr on CBSThisMorning 5/31/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on CNBC 5/31/19
>VASec Wilkie @Natl Coalition for Homeless Vets Conf 5/31/19
>KAC outside WH 5/31/19
>TrumpTV Real News Insights (Lara) 5/31/19 (Brandon Straka) (Ken Blackwell) (Rose Tennent) (Bernard Kerik) (Jerry Falwell)
>This Week@State 5/31/19
>This Week@Interior 5/31/19
>NASAVideo: Our Next Lunar Landings 5/31/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


How do we feel about the Chink conquest of Africa?

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nn frens
imma sick kitty tonight so imma sleep it off

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stay up and drink it off

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Why can't Brazil make friends with the US and buy firearms from their companies like they do ours that is in Miami producing low-quality guns for them?
I want a 1911 on .45 ACP even if I have to pay two times the price Burgers have to pay for it.

that seems like a bad idea fren

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What the fuck is wrong with Brazilians having American companies having two times the profit they would have for selling to Americans, it would be still better than paying almost 1.5 thousand U$D for a Taurus here.

I expect them to push their bullshit economics on niggerland, find out niggerland is degenerate and then poison them with their myriad of chemical fillers "unintentionally".

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what are the red countries in South America?

if chinese products are shit, why are yanks so worried about their influence?

>waste billions on road projects in exchange for mineral rights once the job is done
>hire local niggers
>job is never done
>no minerals and millions of dead chinks due to wasted cash
feels pretty comfy

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Cant, but take a hug for the road

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pleasant dreams

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I want to eat the meat of 4 legged hairy animals

t. joe teti master of kung fu

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Fuck being nice and fuck nice people

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Why is there so much AIDS in Russia?

you do you, user

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ok well I'm gonna drink it off for you

This fren gets it

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21. Right was thy thought, O thou! But how doth "he who knows himself, go unto Him", as God's Word (Logos) hath declared?

And I reply: the Father of the universals doth consist of Light and Life, from Him Man was born.
>oh shit, pretty much what I just said
Thou sayest well, [thus] speaking. Light and Life is Father-God, and from Him Man was born.

If then thou learnest that thou art thyself of Life and Light, and that thou [happen'st] to be out of them, thou shalt return again to Life. Thus did Man-Shepherd speak.
>yeah pretty much exactly what I just said
But tell me further, Mind of me, I cried, how shall I come to Life again...for God doth say: "The man who hath Mind in him, let him learn to know that he himself [is deathless]."
>how do I rejoin with God
22. Have not all men then Mind?
>All men have Mind (God) within them
Thou sayest well, O thou, thus speaking. I, Mind, myself am present with holy men and good, the pure and merciful, men who live piously.
>God in more purely present in holy men
[To such] my presence doth become an aid, and straightway they gain gnosis of all things, and win the Father's love by their pure lives, and give Him thanks, invoking on Him blessings, and chanting hymns, intent on Him with ardent love.
>God is an aid to those who lives righteously and is mindful of their connection with divinity

And ere they give up the body unto its proper death,
>holy people don't care about death, because it is proper
they turn them with disgust from its sensations, from knowledge of what things they operate.
>reject carnal gluttony unbecoming of god, chasing the moist nature/darkness (that misplaced love that leads to death)

Nay, it is I, the Mind, that will not let the operations which befall the body, work to their [natural] end. For being door-keeper I'll close up [all] the entrances, and cut the mental actions off which base and evil energies induce.
>God within you will keep you from sin


so you're saying all my other arguments were valid?

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Suriname (fmr Dutch Guyana) and Guyana (fmr British Guyana), which are unsurprisingly the blackest countries in SA

Goodnight buddy
I hope you feel better soon!

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We are friends. Also don't buy from Springfield Armory

how the fuck does this ape shit?

is the t_d section of /pol ?

>notice how reluctant the MSM is to ID the shooter
>it's a nigger

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(They do)

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sharing heroin needles

The Chinese """""""""""conquest""""""""""" of Africa

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I voted for Hilldary

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Love trumps hate.

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>Trade wars are easy to win
>lemme fuck with our two biggest trade partners and probably ruin my renegotiation of NAFTA
It's as if he wants to sabotage the economy he's been hanging his hat on for his 2020 run

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Gun control works, this is why Brazilian cops get rocket launchers from criminals!

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the obese usually wipe from the front or use sponges on a stick

I love Kellyanne!

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>don't buy from Springfield Armory
Why not, they made the M14.

China has been poisoning the US with chemicals and propaganda for decades. They will spread the fucking plague over there. They don't care.

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those are political strategies for his re election campaign

Beautiful. Is this from today?

I legit can't wait to see chinks getting blacked.

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they are welcome to all of Jow Forums and jews too.

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Yes! I have webms but there at my work computer.

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What other arguments?

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you gotta be kidding me

23. But to the Mind-less ones, the wicked and depraved, the envious and covetous, and those who mured do and love impiety, I am far off, yielding my place to the Avenging Daimon, who sharpening the fire, tormenteth him and addeth fire to fire upon him, and rusheth upon him through his senses, thus rendering him readier for transgressions of the law, so that he meets with greater torment; nor doth he ever cease to have desire for appetites inordinate, insatiately striving in the dark.
>Pretty much exactly where the idea of the Cosmic Awoo being a protector of the righteous and the bane of the wicked come from

24. Well hast thou taught me all, as I desired, O Mind. And now, pray, tell me further of the nature of the Way Above as now it is [for me].

To this Man-Shepherd said: When the material body is to be dissolved,
first thou surrenderest the body by itself unto the work of change, and thus the form thou hadst doth vanish, and thou surrenderest thy way of life, void of its energy, unto the Daimon.
The body's senses next pass back into their sources, becoming separate, and resurrect as energies; and passion and desire withdraw unto that nature which is void of reason.
>the parts of you that are not part of God return back to the void

25. And thus it is that man doth speed his way thereafter upwards through the Harmony.
To the first zone he gives the Energy of Growth and Waning; unto the second [zone], Device of Evils [now] de-energized; unto the third, the Guile of the Desires de-energized; unto the fourth, his Domineering Arrogance, [also] de-energized; unto the fifth, unholy Daring and the Rashness of Audacity, de-energized; unto the sixth, Striving for Wealth by evil means, deprived of its aggrandizement; and to the seventh zone, Ensnaring Falsehood, de-energized.
>shedding of evil tendencies

What if I love Trump's hate?

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The current Springfield armory has nothing to do with that Springfield armory.

Threatening to shutdown the border again, too, even though the GOP tells him that's a terrible idea.
Sorry you guys have to put with this mickey mouse shit.

This is why the entire world should have gun control folks, it totally works.

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Look at that fucking bulge at her groin! Jesus Christ!

Nope NZ is led by a Tranny now.

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How do you mean?
Aren't they being sued to Hell for Sandy Hook?

all of them i've ever made

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I draw the line at fighter jets, everything else is fair game.

Duterte is a based president
it is okay, we are their favorite springboard for campaigns

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I've yet to see it but thank you. I must be off however. Have a lovely night.

Love Trump's hat.

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he's so based he literally prayed the gay away

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Americans at the time could own ships that would be basically considered destroyers today

Bugmen vs 68 IQ nogs

I mean someone bought the name to Springfield Armory and licensed it to another company that now calls itself Springfield Armory. While the current company does make the m1a which is based off the m14, it isn’t the same company.

>wanted to go out later
>got too drunk too early after work
>too late to go out now
>suicidal thoughts are back
guys things are going ok in my life but I feel like shooting myself every night

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I understand.

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>local boomer keels over
>only descendants are pussies so they sell his Harley for cheap
>buy it even though I hate boomers for shits and giggles
>It's loud as shit and I get dirty looks as I rattle people's windows even though I'm barely using the throttle
>test it out on the highway
>still don't have to gas it much because muh tork
>almost get pushed into the guardrail by a fat mexicunt in a cuckbarge
>roll on the throttle to escape before it makes its next move
>the pipes are so loud that they shatter the mexishitter's windows and crack the windshield
>goblina floors it to catch up but the 1l turbo I4 can barely move that fucker as-is
>little does she know, there was a 1 degree turn waiting for her
>hear tires screeching and see her rolling ameribarge 5 times over in my rearview mirror
>laugh so hard that I have to pull over
>5 days later
>police show up at my door
>la goblina wants to put me on trial for a hate crime
>judge is a 400 lb androgynous blob that makes the mexicunt look healthy
>la gordita makes some bullshit up about me having swastika wheels and spraypainting her house with crime and IQ by race statistics
>judge buys it
>sentenced to life in prison
>need to think quickly
>Scream "I'M JEWISH AND THIS IS ANTISEMITISM!" at the top of my lungs
>suddenly, IDF soldiers burst in and start shooting everybody
>they escort me to an armored car and a few hours later I get dropped off in an NYC bank lobby with some fresh bagels and lox wating for me
>10 minutes later, I'm informed that la goblina gordita has been convicted of antisemitism and is en route to tel aviv for processing into Goylent Green and her brood has been drafted for %CURRENT_WAR%
>President Trump condemns La Goblina's act of anti-semitism on national television and commends my bravery on twitter
>MFW I'm actually full-blooded german
>such is life in America

california governor invites women to have abortions in his state

"reproductive freedom" is what this sick piece of shit calls baby killing

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Listening to the GOP who has a history of throwing away a win is the bad idea.

26. And then, with all the energisings of the harmony stript from him, clothed in his proper Power, he cometh to that Nature which belongs unto the Eighth, and there with those-that-are hymneth the Father.

They who are there welcome his coming there with joy; and he, made like to them that sojourn there, doth further hear the Powers who are above the Nature that belongs unto the Eighth, singing their songs of praise to God in language of their own.
>heaven, rejoining with other cleansed souls

And then they, in a band, go to the Father home; of their own selves they make surrender of themselves to Powers, and [thus] becoming Powers they are in God. This the good end for those who have gained Gnosis - to be made one with God.
>everybody cleansed getting back reabsorbed into God
Why shouldst thou then delay? Must it not be, since thou hast all received, that thou shouldst to the worthy point the way, in order that through thee the race of mortal kind may by [thy] God be saved?
>Don't delay, teach to the worthy what you now know so mortals can be saved

27. This when He'd said, Man-Shepherd mingled with the Powers.
>*bloop* Higher being dissolved back to the even higher beings/powers
But I, with thanks and belssings unto the Father of the universal [Powers], was freed, full of the power he had poured into me, and full of what He'd taught me of the nature of the All and of the loftiest Vision.
>Very thankful for that redpill and empowerment
And I began to preach unto men the Beauty of Devotion and of Gnosis:
>Let me tell you about the Jews

O ye people, earth-born folk, ye who have given yourselves to drunkenness and sleep and ignorance of God, be sober now, cease from your surfeit, cease to be glamoured by irrational sleep!
>Hey, Everyone
>Stop acting like a bunch of mindless retards
>You have a mind, Use it, Be like God

stop drinking

she has some big old fat knockers. post more

thats cute nigga, she got big. and adopted a rabbit

>that’s bullshit but I believe it

Its ok leafren.
Everyone feels like this sometime.
You need to give your life to Christ (the real church not christcuck fakes) and live for a higher purpose.

your life matters. and you're not alone

need a new one for this year when he was at the AF

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I don't know. I'm not sure how seriously I should take the arguments of someone who is for all intents and purposes stateless right now.

You leave her alone, dammit.

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hang in there

it's a hangover, drink less


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I see the Mexican intellectual is back. Wonder what brought him back.

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28. And when they heard, they came with one accord. Whereon I say:

Ye earth-born folk, why have ye given yourselves up to Death, while yet ye have the power of sharing Deathlessness? Repent, O ye, who walk with Error arm in arm and make of Ignorance the sharer of your board; get ye out from the light of Darkness, and take your part in Deathlessness, forsake Destruction!
>Why do you let yourself die by the sinning?
>You can be immortal if you just repent
>Rejecting ignorance, rejecting darkness, means rejecting your own destruction
29. And some of them with jests upon their lips departed [from me], abandoning themselves unto the Way of Death; others entreated to be taught, casting themselves before my feet.
>Some called me a faggot
>Some replied with anime girls giving thumbs up reaction images
But I made them arise, and I became a leader of the Race towards home, teaching the words (logoi), how and in what way they shall be saved. I sowed in them the words (logoi) of wisdom; of Deathless Water were they given to drink.
>I redpilled others
>Then we all redpilled others
And when even was come and all sun's beams began to set, I bade them all give thanks to God. And when they had brought to an end the giving of their thanks, each man returned to his own resting place.
>end of his life
>thanks be to God
30. But I recorded in my heart Man-Shepherd's benefaction, and with my every hope fulfilled more than rejoiced. For body's sleep became the soul's awakening, and closing of the eyes - true vision, pregnant with Good my silence, and the utterance of my word (logos) begetting of good things.
>death of the body is awakening of the soul
>I was happy in death
All this befell me from my Mind, that is Man-Shepherd, Word (Logos) of all masterhood, by whom being God-inspired I came unto the Plain of Truth. Wherefore with all my soul and strength thanksgiving give I unto Father-God.
>went to a higher plain
>all thanks and praise be to God

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and asprin is great