The last straw

I cannot cast a vote for Trump in 2020 like I did in 2016. I hated Obama because he was pushing the Globohomo agenda. And it now Trump is.

FUCK HIM and FUCK THIS GAY EARTH. I'm about to take my family into a cabin in the woods.

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Action figures don’t count, gaylord

All Jews are child molesters.

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should've voted for hillary

Trump is a Jew accept it

great thread faggot. all fields

Is yang still happening?

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Letting people do as they please is the cornerstone of the American democratic republic experiment. Government should not be in the business of moderating romantic relationships.

Why is it that Trump will tweet and stand up for the kikes, fags, nigs, and “legal immigrants” but never stand up for his own people. If his whole first term is to be ass kissing and pandering, with constant collusion bullshit then i don’t see a reason to vote for him in 2020.