Microsoft: "EMBRACE WOMXN"

And they quote "Ana":

>Courage, resilience, reflection, resistance, decolonization—it’s already started!

(((Corporations))) are a mistake.

Attached: ms-windxws.png (541x455, 174K)

>(((Corporations))) are a mistake.
Thank FDR


What cocktail of mutagenic oozes creates that?

Looks like a Jewess.

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this strange glimmer looks like their faces were created by an AI

That's a man, baby
- Austin powers

Are there honestly people who look at these people and think "celebrate" them?? How is this possible?

Haha, that looks exactly like one programmer I know except he isn't trans last I heard.

Couldn'nt do that today. Crazy how fast all of this happened

Why do they bring colonization out of the blue? Seems a bit unrelated.

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xe's a coalburner

Why the fuck do they put the X at that place ?
To be inclusive of women who identifies as several persons?

I'm so tired of this stupid shit. I don't care what you want to call yourself, but I'm not going to validate your delusions.

fucking poo faggots

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this page is why we need sharia law in america. this is the most haram thing ive seen in a long time

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Trans acceptance allows corporations to hire competent men while also ticking the diversity hire box. It's win/win for them.

Tanning beds and box wine are one hell of a drug.

“Decolonization” seems to just be another word for “getting rid of whites”.

>trans men
I think that only counts for things like sports

They're much more bold with their anti-white sentiment and agenda now.

They could just hire competent men and not worry about the VOLUNTARY "diversity" and women stuff. This is just more propaganda for a massive, organized plan.

Of course it is.

the videos are even worse

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Propaganda. They gear shit like this as popular to change minds.
Recently ran across a video on YouTube about how “toxic masculinity leads to unfair bullying”. This is something one would assume has grown to be a popular opinion, however, the dislikes to likes ratio was insane, comments were proof too, that people don’t really buy this shit.
It’s in the interest of the ones pushing the propaganda, to fool everyone into thinking it’s a valid and widely accepted opinion.

trans people are everywhere in suicide statistics i think they meant, because theyre actually like less than 1% of the general population

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notice how all the white people are the faggots while pajeets and blacks are the "allies". It's controlled destruction.

Casey Niestat mates with Leah Dunham

Good, I’m glade. The more blatant they get about this hating whites shit, the more awoken whites will get. Our tribalism will kick in soon enough. Then race mixing will start to go away, whites will start seeking their pasts and cultures again, we will start building our communities and fucking up those who attack us again.


Wait a second his name is Ana Arriola?????

gender pills and crystal meth are a hell of a drugs

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imagine having that as your "project manager"

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>trans people are everywhere
so are cockroaches, that doesn't make them any less disgusting

thanks pablo


thats a porn name. the tranny picked a porn name

wait. isn't "decolonization" anti-diversity?

judging by the tats they got this freak from the work release project to fill their diversity quota and he became a faggot to make himself unfireable

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I’ve never wanted to mix chlorine with acid before so bad in my life.

probably the only part of the women act he can actually pull off well is being passive aggressive and vindictive. he seems like the type to go to HR over you not holding the door open for LGBT or wearing the pride pins he got for the whole office

If that thing was on my side of the war id frag xim


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google says General Manager at Microsoft earns $240,000

>tfw this tranny is in the 1%

how did it get so bad

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I cant take this any more

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its ok if they make a quarter million a year, chances are theyll be dead of suicide next year anyway

tfw your vaped androgen blockers hit the dome

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Jesus christ. I was a Lead Developer for a massive project at a giant retailer and only got 150k... That "bitch" probably doesn't even do anything but bitch aboing the gays and trannies all day.

>the death of the human species —it's already started

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Fuck Linux and Fuck FreeBSD.

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Three parts tiberium to five parts phazon, by weight.

exactly. THere is a 0% chance this fucking degenerate is anything but an incompetent dumbfuck and nasty to be around

why do tech companies always use this dumbass art style?

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Is that the OpenBSD fishy fishy?

that sentance looks like it was written by that person

its the same as how it used to be "womyn". they don't want to type the word "men" at all

Is this litteraly so woman doesn't contain men? How fucking immature can people be?


I swear they just make this shit up and then search for a definition and pad it out with sophistry.

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they know exactly what they mean, decolonization is code word for we need to get rid of straight white males.

>Hello everyone, I just want you to know I'm a faggot. It's litterally the only defining quality I have and don't see myself as part of any group except being a faggot. You have to accept me for that or else.

The last part there is actually what upsets me, if your sexual orientation is the one singular thing you care about that's fine it doesn't affect me. In fact better since I know you can't reproduce on your own. The thing that pissed me off though is that we "must accept fags". Who says that, if you want equality then you have to accept that some people won't like you for one reason or another. There's plenty of groups I don't like, pedos, people who like cats, people who talk during movies, people that order salmon at restaurants... I don't have to like any of them, and I don't have to like you either.

that's a jewish man

>There aren't enough women in STEM
I think the correct phrasing is now, "there aren't enough men who identify as women in STEM" this solves that feminist pandering point from an HR perspective.

is this an evolution of trannys? first they chop of their dick, then they carve out their colons? no wonder they all have shit for brains, it has nowhere to go!

same as how jews write Xtians instead of Christians. the demons don't let them write what they aren't, as words are symbols and symbols have power.

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this dude is way high on the autogynephilia scale. he's on a fetish ruse no one around him can comprehend. in some ways, his sociopathy is impressive, in all other ways, he gets the rope.



HR should be fired to cut costs and improve efficiency. This would also help eliminate sexist quotas.

i worked for a microsoft data center a few years ago. none of their employees were trannies or feminists. it was just white males with advanced tech degrees.

not sure what this bullshit amounts to desu.

I think pic related just puts on a wig and we're all good.

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They hate men do much that they go out of their way to not write it

People who work in datacenters are effectively the blue color workers. They have a job to do that requires technical skill and being able to get the job done, not virtue signaling and power tripping.

you're not fooling us pajeet

azure is shit-tier and the dashboard is a complete fucking mess. don't get me started on the cloud shell

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>microsoft data center
that is a job with no social status though, data centres are not usually located downtown in high density cosmopolitan cities. it's not a job which you can talk up as making a difference and being cool in anyway. its technical and the end result is either something works or it doesn't, theres not abstract worth or value to any output. jobs that trannys, and women too, are attracted to are jobs which can be exploited for social value. their also likely to be located in metro areas because that's where you find the tranny clusters. you'll also see that the end goal for most is to move into speaking or advocate roles, where they spend their week being the centre of attention and have the feeling that what they say and do has meaning as they swim in the perceived adulation of a bored crowd.
trannyism in older mean is about attention and social value. (or about pusy fetish) this is the lense which makes everything clear.

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starting to worry the end of my life will be spend being ruled by an ai-enhanced tranny commissar class

>havin' trouble gettin' a job?
>just wear some girl grlasses and put on some lipstick and pretent ta be a pretty lady ya dingus
>then a big company like micheal soft or groogal will hire ya on

>for your health


Thank you for preferring my pronouns user

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>this beast in motion
>with sound

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Viggo Mortensen looks like THAT??

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This thing spawned from a vat to protect microsoft and its employees from any #metoo bullshit yet allow MS to say "we have wimenz 4 management".

I get it!
Hitler was simply "decolonizing" the Jews!

more like ANAL
a pozzed one too

After browsing the thread I'm glad the page doesn't load properly in my pc.

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Another proof that men are superior to women

Probably has multiple meanings one of which is that males have on X chromosome. So this dude considers himself a woman with one x chromosome (aka born male)

Cultural Marxism. The term Decolonization directly implies an opressor-opressed narrative

i dont even know why trannies make me so angry.
im ok with gays as long as they keep it to themself
but trannies are different. when i see one, I get this huge rage burst and visions of me beating its face to a bloody mess.
luckily i live in a rural area so i never see any tranny. i hope it stays that way.

>people always made fun of me, so i decided to look so fucking awful they wouldnt have the words for it. I'm a genius.

God made them ugly for a reason.


trannies and feminists in general are currently focusing on AI and ML departments because those are the biggest leverage point in the future.
White males will feel more and more unwelcome in those areas especially in academia

legit psychopath eyes wtf