What is the average IQ of Jow Forums?

What is the average IQ of Jow Forums?

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I'm probably ≈ 100

I'm 135

If you REMOVED the kikes and liberal shills, probably 120.

But those faggots drag it down to 95


Lol you wish. People here are clearly below average intelligence



I'd guess 120+

>LARPs are intelligent
>Doesnt even know how to mange their bookmarks

Hello Boomer.

Sounds right.

102 here.... sorry guys

131 tested by govt backed giftedness program
NatSoc, I hate jews and gays but recognize there are regular people in those groups, although rare.

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Canadians legally can't have an IQ over 102 wtf?
Fuck outta here you socialist.

137 IQ; top 1% Nelson-Denny (i.e., word genius, did better than 99% of rest of population); can correctly complete the Wonderlic in full in time allotted.

That's not that high, nothing to brag about.


/pol's average is 95-105 for the lefties, and 115-135 for the sane.

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110~115 Confirmed midwit, feels bad fellas.

Probably about 130. Maybe 140 if you removed the jannies, niggers and Jews

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166, it is abject misery, and anyone who tells you different is a fucking liar.

143 tested back in elelmentary school. 160-180 on internet tests nowadays. Unfotunately, that plus the alcohol equals not enough.

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like all communities, the larger in number it grows, the closer to the wider wests average iq the content will fall.
theres obviously a lot of high iq people on pol, you can see it in the thoughts planted randomly into threads that shift directions, a lot of funny people post here but theres undoubtedly a ton of retards who need walked through problems inch by inch.

>What is the average IQ of Jow Forums?
6 million

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2 to 3 standard deviations above the norm.

Im thinking that number is closer to 6 gorillion.

Myself, I’m a cool 141

Just because one has a differing opinion does not necessarily mean they are less intelligent.

About 150 judging by SAT score

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From a quick, shitty, free online test I got 143. I've never taken one in person and I guarantee that score is inflated by the website for bragging purposes so I don't know.

160, depending on who you're asking. The test I took (Stanford Binet, in the early 80s) doesn't measure values higher than 160, or it didn't at the time anyway. Not sure how that would compare to other testing formats.

How about 135? I started smoking weed at 13 years of age so it probably could've been a bit higher.

200 of course

A) you're posting crystallized intel, which means you're good at memorizing shit, not that you're smart.
B) about 120 I'd guess, but I'm in the 150's, so I'm bad a gauging intelligence.

Why is IQ so important?, I've got an IQ of 134 same as you OP and I'm still a fucking loser.

It's more a measure of potential than actual ability.

>1 post by this ID

Not high enough. You all mostly still think the number means anything outside slightly better pattern recognition. There are no true geniuses and grand intellect always comes with deficits in other areas. True intellect is coming to the conclusion that no one is actually that smart. They just specialize.

>From a quick, shitty, free online test I got 143. I've never taken one in person and I guarantee that score is inflated by the website for bragging purposes so I don't know.
I've taken a lot of them over the years. I've gotten anything from 154-101. Some while drunk. My most common one was 128-131ish. Even that can fluctuate quite largely by up to 10-15% based on diet and your use of your brain. Either from a job of or a period of intense use at home. You can research the most trustworthy, but even those can dumb it down or up. IQ tests are mostly unrelible on the web, but finding the bests ones and taking an average over 2-10 years should give you an idea. I'm better as an aptitude test taker though, I find it easy to learn things quick and retain it, so I do better on aptitude teats. I'm in the 99% percent range and 97% on the GED and ACT respectively. Not really an IQ test though. It just means I have good short term memory and maybe desire, even though I once was accused of cheating in school by getting the highest score and having no notes (8th grade history, we were graded on our note taking ability. Not my thing.). People are different. What you say is right, one test is reliable, several over a few years of the best might tell you a range. Otherwise, dickwaving and making it apart of your personality are always a mistake.

Probably between 80-90

>one test is reliable

>crystallized intelligence
you mean pseudo intelligence

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127 here

about a million

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I like the football analogy.

You can be 350lbs+ and not be a line backer, but you can only be a linebacker if you are 350lbs+

High IQ alone wont save make you a billionaire, but practically all billionaires have high IQ.

Remove all the threads of black dicks, asian women, white women, white cucks; and you have yourself a strong 115. With that low iq filth, its about 95.

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>What is the average IQ of Jow Forums?
dumber than me

My IQ is 144

Sub-100. Easily
Possibly even sub-80.
This entire board is a bunch of spergs spamming Avg IQs to convince themselves of their superiority. It's easy to get a proper IQ test, but I don't see many Jow Forumstards posting those. There are actual geniuses on here, who do real research, and can construct actual well-articulated arguments, but they're few & far between.

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About 87

All the smart polacks are too busy baiting other boards or just doing something better than Jow Forums

>fags replying to a datamining thread

it's summer.

Potential for success?
There are far more important factors than intelligence when it comes to success.
Having a loving supportive and wealthy family is probably the most important factor and indicator for success.

Research is for faggots, I only post to talk to others who are well read and know what I'm talking about. If you need studies and you worship scientism and the whitecoats instead of think for yourself than go fuck yourself.

>There are far more important factors than intelligence when it comes to success.
It's usually the lack of it when it comes to that. Someone with an average or sub-average IQ are much less likely to succeed at higher paying, specialty and technical jobs. Smart people can still do an average IQ job or sub one. That's the pusher. People with higher IQs are more likely neurotic and use certain kinds of drugs. Same with low IQs and some other drugs. Its the family and where they grew up.
>Having a loving supportive and wealthy family is probably the most important factor and indicator for success.
Pretty much, even an 85 IQ cosuin will make bank from being the best they can be and an inheritance. That said, you won't find 85 IQ Hedge fund managers until they start diversity hiring or someone curing cancer with that. They might be in HR though...

Since everyone putting an importance on IQs is brainlet tier probably 80.


Also when you take online IQ tests, subtract 20 from your score to get the real result. They pad the answers to make people feel better.

>They pad the answers to make people feel better.
Mostly. But some will frustrate the people who know they're legitimately higher, just for reclicks too. Preying on those who make it their personality of some sort. Imagine a 40minute timed test where ads are always popping up, or they're asking for private information to sell. A neurotic high IQ person would rage at the sky and give you their data and consume the ads too if you subtract 20 as well, as they retake the test over a weeklong period. It goes both ways, but mostly in the way you described.

it's probably the opposite you guys are pretty retarded

around 60 being that most Jow Forumscucks are braindead and can't do anything other than regurgitate what they read on here

>t. IQlet cope.

Mensa definitely does that, my Mensa score was 150.

170 (childhood IQ multiplication)

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But linebackers are usually 200-250 lbs


I got 129 from:


>OP clearly says "average"
>Bunch of IQlets start flashing their IQ from a meme test
>"dats my averush guise"

Dunning-Kruger is real, you are all trully geniuses!

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>Mensa score was 150.
Mine was 160 and I was a female from Pakistan aged 10 (no, not the recent shill thread they made today.). I just needed a credit card. Also was told by someone claiming to be a member they don't give IQ tests, but RAID tests, where you only have to score so high in a certain area to qualify to pay them more money.

age: 14
iq: 88

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The higher it is the more autistic you are. Autism makes life difficult. You're autistic.

i got a 150 on the dunning-kruger iq test

He probably means offensive lineman and doesn't know shit about football. Also linebackers are increasingly selected for speed nowadays.

There’s something I find subtly but definitely offputing about this particular image for some reason...

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>i got a 150 on the dunning-kruger iq test
I got an 'assbeating' score on that one young. More need it that way. I'm not saying like Ted got one, but real life. A high IQ doesn't mean you're not retarded in certain aspects of life.

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The last two digits of my post

Im 115, yes yes brainlet I know.

> Jow Forums is 131
is this a fucking joke? those fuckwits are the dumbest of the dumb

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You're a counterfeit Uranus obsessed XY chromosome individual. Don't be duped and Uranian.

It's odd to find someone whose vagina hasn't been turned into roast beef.

I've got good social skills though, I just have no work ethic, I can't sit in a classroom environment without becoming restless, I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and given a fuck load of Ritalin.

this is a cope
IQ is good at what it does

Jow Forums is a cesspool of intelligence.

Roughly room temperature. Measured in Celsius

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its all good in the grass man

Who wins though, the Jewish liberal or the Aryan conservative?

I am around 135

There are American Aryans?

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>elelmentary school. 160-180

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insufferable bore here

I got a 123 and an 8-inch dick. So what do I win?

I'm about 170, pending the test, life's rough, love yah bros.


Probably looks far lower than it is because of crass language, not holding punches, and showing genuine skepticism about dubious statistics and/or manipulation tactics.

Between 95 and 105. We have a lot of autistic high IQ guys, but a ton of retarded wignats, neocons and intellectual babies.

Im 138 (actually tests not bullshit internet ones)