Sao Paulo city is USA in 2030

Look to your near future, America

Attached: 998678-06022016-_abr9246_1.jpg (580x388, 65K)

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Not possible.
This world won't make it to 2030.
Too many shitskins as it is; critical mass has already been achieved.
We've got 5 to 6 years, tops.
You shitskins are going to cause an extinction event. Way to go, you degenerate scum.

I mean, it's not that bad. people are happy and beautiful. Only a few whites but it could be worse.

Those brazilian bitches have the fattest asses but all look like men...

No, we are retarded slaves, there is not actual happines, the average latinamerican is just retarded so it is always happy even with adversity, just like the special kids, but if one day everything would really go to shit the huge majority would die because they are not suited to survive in a real world.

this exactly, based hondurabro speaking the truth..

When you don't have intelligence and others do you are but lambs, easy to control, experiment on and eventually slaughter. Racemixing will make us all low IQ lambs. Say goodbye to space travel and beneficial technology 85 IQ people can't develop nor maintain the current technology we have today. Do you think they could innovate new tech?

Kikes are doing this because they are a greedy envious tribe, instead of appreciating other high IQ races for the accomplishments they have made. They grow angry and insecure; they wish to destroy what they can never become. Just to rid themselves of the sight of their own inferiority. I can live with shitskins existing as they aren't harmful on their own, but kikes need to be fucking gassed to the last man, woman and child. I don't care how nihilistic or evil it is.

Attached: 1557634610040.jpg (680x811, 362K)

This is what passes for white in Brazil

Shit, it was not a lie that Brazilians are degenerate, they make me sick like neighbors

Looks like people having a good time unlike you poor miserable incels on /pol

Daily reminder israel is not a country is a parasite

im going to kill you and your entire kike family. I'm going to laugh as you beg for forgiveness as I destroy everything you love.

Blackpill is that many of those mutt abominations consider themselves white. It would be funny if it wasnt so sad.

Sao Paulo is in the South which means there are more whites (castizos more likely).

Is not really considered south,but just because of it's surrounding neighbors
>Southeast states: São paulo>Minas Gerais>Espiroto Santo>Rio de Janeiro

They are also the state with more white in the area,but the real white state on the country would be Santa Catarina

We were so smart that the joos had to outsmart us to make us not so smart because we were too smart for them.

RrrrRRrrr, I'm can see it all so clearly because of how smart I am, but the stupid kikes made everything so dumb that there's nothing I can do.

Here's an info graphic that sums up everything I am trying to say by pointing out that some of the people in positions of prominence are jewish. How do I upload?

Now you know the truth of all things. Go forth and tell other smart people, you will know they are smart because they are white and also not jew. Someone needs to do something about these goblins, but not me, I'm to smart for that. I need to use my superior brain power to post to anime forums.

More like 2020, spics ruined this country.

Jeans in the middle is thicc

Why do white women stay in Brazil? If they came to the US I would treat them like a goddess. Foot massages and all.

Yas Queen go off!

This triggers the retarded (((memeflag))):

Is everything that's not morbidly obese considered "beautiful" in the US? legit question