How is Russia doing?

Last I heard Putin had opened the country's largest mosque in the center of Moscow. Is the country just as fucked as the rest of Europe, or is there some hope?

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It's Jew'd to the core.

Explain? There are hardly any Jews in Russia. How is it worse off than when there were millions of Jews living there in the Russian Empire?

The richest and most powerful people there are Jews like Mihelson for example. They are all connected to Kremlin also all russian media is run by them and opposition too.

Is Russia facing demographic replacement, though?

Think so. They bring lots of migrants from Central Asia to use as cheap labor and most of them bring families and stay there.

>country just as fucked as the rest of Europe
No, it is Moscow is fucked up, entire middle asie work there because their own countries are broken dictatorships.
And this is difference with Europe, they work here to send money to they families in "something"-stan. Government doesn't give a fuck about them, no benefits of course.

Putin banned all the real nationalist movements like Slavic union. And now if you listen to their so called new conservative nationalists they'll say that if anyone can speak Russian he is the same as the rest of them Russians.

Do you have any sources on the level of Central Asian migration? Has it increased, decreased, or remained the same in recent years?

They have them in every large city. Also Russia has a large Tatar population that mixed with the white slavs for centuries.

they look pretty bleached though. Russia is lucky that the only nigs nearby are the stans, and those people look pretty caucasoid already. Just require a good whitewash and at least aesthetically they'd be OK. Especially tajiks.

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Laws became stricter, but
Whatever they see here, it is still better than their hellholes

I don't have anything against the Tatars also Kazan is probably one of the better places in russia. OP asked if people in Russia are getting racemixed and it seems like they are.

That Mosque is over 100 years old, it was recently restored thanks to some Muslim Oligarchs donations
Theres 4 Mosques in Moscow (2 of them over 100 years old and 1 is technically a monument), and 400 in London
If all of Central Asia were to move to Russia it would still not be enough to make Russians a minority
But they aren't even moving, they just come work for a few years and then go back to their shithole to spend the money they earned as a Taxi driver in Moscow (like a 3rd of Kyrgistans economy is remitances)
Russian birthrates are also some of the best in the Western World (still not good though)
>also all russian media is run by them
All (big) Russian media is run by the Kremlin, which is run by Putin

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We don't usually separate people on races, rather on nations. All our history we had deal with asians, they aren't look much different from the whites (or not as much as blacks)

There is a list of the media outlets in russia that are run by Jews, some user used to post it here before. That list is pretty long.

I've heard people claim before that the Turkic migrants return home after a few years, but is there any statistical evidence to support this?

Your women are coal burning whores when ever they leave Russia.

>this mspaint pic says it so it must be true
Russian census
Russians have a separate word for an ethnic Russian and a person with Russian citizenship "pyccкий" (russkiy) "poccиянe" (russiyane)
Something that this guy aparently forgot: All women are whores user, time to grow up

low quality bait, try better
>Russians have a separate word for an ethnic Russian and a person with Russian citizenship "pyccкий" (russkiy) "poccиянe" (russiyane)
You're right, serbro

The jews have always been in Russia, probably from the dissolution of the Khazarian State in 1100 A.D.

The jews have also always hated Russia
Look up any anti-Russia crusader in the West and theres a 50/50 chance it's a Schlomo

They have serious issues. But, so does America.

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I find it amazing that there are tons of ethnic whites living on the pacific coast near vladivostok, right next to japan and china, that we never even really think about.

Have sex

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That pic is bullshit

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I need a russian gf first

I actually think he's right, but it seems to be some other mix than "High Russians" if that's a thing - that is, the more upper end Russians I meet look a lot different than the coal burning ones he's talking about.

The ones he's talking about are the type that fill up the strip clubs in NYC.

Was hoping you could put your finger on what kind of trash those girls are, desu.

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The Muslims are local natives from their native soil which is a part of Russian Federation, some of them move to large cities for a better life. Foreign Muslims won't move to a poor country such as Russia or Poland.

Stop posting nords russian mohammed.
You have BIG mosque big mosque.
Russia is the new kalifate.

>Russian birthrates are also some of the best in the Western World (still not good though)

thats pretty delusional ivan. last time i checked they were shitalian-tier

How the fuck do you have an over 100% abortion rate?

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We don't have ethnic whites. We have ethnicites and we need Russian nationalism.

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If you're not a chad she'll drop you as soon as she finds one in America or gets a western citizenship. Don't create false hopes, they're not stupid or submissive.

Dude it's the same shit everywhere. There are plenty of russian woman who are good and traditional and loyal and then theres the nigger fucking whores. People need to stop buying into the x nationality women are the best/worst meme. I'm russian, met a some good russian women and a lot of bad ones. I live in america now and I've met some good american women and a ton of mongoloid sluts.

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Russia is a fucking shit hole. I say as it is. This is the real redpill. Think your own country.
Where is the wall?

I always thought the minority status of ethnic Russians was what allowed Communism to spread so easily in your country.

IIRC the population was only 43% ethnic Russian by the time Stalin and Lenin started their shit.

A real fucking tragedy.

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This. There are plenty of Russian women who idolize coming to the us. But that doesnt mean once they get here and their social value automatically goes up and yours stays the same they will stick with you.

I agree with you, but if you've been in NYC the strip clubs are all filled with Russians. The trend is so remarkable I had to ask about it.

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I'm not chad, but I'm first gen czech so at least vaguely similar background. slav pride worldwide

Yep humanities losers live worse in Russia than in the USA.

Russian Muslims are mostly Central Asians, aka the Hapa Jow Forums meme master race.

>How is Russia doing?
Bad. I have few hopes for our future.

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I just think it has to do with demographics. Lots of Russians in new york and also organized russian crime which run those places. Easy for them to get russian girls desperate to come to america, plus you stick with what's most familiar even if you're a whore.

Regrettably most russian women who have slav pride dont want to come to the us. My wife is like that and it's still causing issues.

I mean that the narrative that Russian women would be good trad wives is wrong in that context. They can easily manipulate and use foreigners only to move to the USA.

The crime element is probably it.

BTW, and I'm not doing the lame "my best friend is black" shit - but the hottest/classiest girl I ever knew was Russian too. It was the distinction that struck me.

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Third gen Czech Amerimutt married to pure Russian woman and it’s lit af senpai

>All white
>Not a soiboi beard in sight

You don't know how good you have it Russanon.

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>"white" is an ethnicity

>How is Russia doing?
Hell if I know but goddamn I do root for them.

It didn't used to be but nowadays circumstances dictate that it is, at least in the US. I hate anglos too senpai but the world changes and ethnicity group together and new ones form all the time

>all white
Pick one. It's been going downhill since I left in the 90s. Fucking st petersburg and moscow is filled with shitskins now.

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As a concept, "white" is only meaningful in the Americas, and ethnicity involves far more than just biological proximity.

Pic somewhat related. Russians (ethnic) have on of the highest IQ on earth.

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Genes. Europeans have stronger genetic ties to each other than to those outside Europe.

Russian-American here, all Russian girls I know are outspoken racists towards black people.

No shit, but that doesn't constitute an ethnicity.

2 million abortions yearly
Biggest alcohol and drug consumption in the world
1.5 million HIV cases and growing fast
51% divorce rate
Africa-tier homicide rate
Only 40% christian
20% muslim and growing
8000 mosques and building them fast

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When I studied in a university I knew a girl, we were from the same school, she dated a black foreign student.

edit: I want to add this

>It didn't used to be but nowadays circumstances dictate that it is, at least in the US

It's not even that in the US. At best, it's just a category, but white Americans have no sense of ethnic identity or unity with one another (unless they're doing a "muh ancestors" thing). It's just a bunch of individuals who happen to share some common traits.

It is correct yet they're from the shitholes of the Russian Federation, not from these your bangladeshes, and they don't get as much attention and protection as in the west.

>2 million abortions yearly
Last year it was 700 000 and it is going down every year
>Biggest alcohol and drug consumption in the world
Alchohol consumption is going down and it is the lowest it's been in decades
>1.5 million HIV cases and growing fast
Poor drug addicts!
>51% divorce rate
World standard
>Africa-tier homicide rate
It's getting lower and lower as time goes on, it's arguably on European levels now
(Moscow has a lower crimerate then Stockholm)
>Only 40% christian
71% actually
and it used to be much lower thanks to Commies
Number of Christians in growing every year (as is the number of Churches)
>20% muslim and growing
9% and it would be growing a lot slower if incels like you had kids
>8000 mosques and building them fast
There are 30 thousand Churches and new ones are being built way faster (ten thousand have been built since the 90s)
But you'll probably complain about Churches being built instead of like a typical sosach subhuman

Stop lying on the internet and go have sex

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Sore losers in Russia who hadn't enough brains for STEM live really bad compared to their liberal expectations. Don't bully him, he was born that way.

Free crimea

A simple Google serach is enough to debunk 90% of Anti-Russia shit on Jow Forums
Like it or not Russia is BASED

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intriguing that serbs defend russia more than russians desu lol
im with you tho

You should know.

Poor, but comfy.

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i dont understand how russias population is depleting when cuties like this exist

Going to Russia for uni am I fucked?

That fucking 1-2

1st letter A
2nd letter B

Aryan Brotherhood

Not widely known, saw it in prison a lot tho. Good kid

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C Hижeгopoдcкoй oблacти ктo ecть?

This proves that Chechens are not white

Because Russians either don't give a shit what others think of them or are Moskau/St.Petersburg bugmen who choke on Westerners dick
Good on them, but I don't like when obvious bullshit gets peddled

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How's life in other Russian cities outside Moscow and Saint Petersburg ?

Poor but comfy
t. Nizhny Novgorod

Do you really think that Crimeans want to go back to the even worse shithole that Russia?


Millenials and early zoomers are pretty fucked. They have the most amount of whores. Zoomers on the other hand have a lot less.

Are your zoomers redpilled or they're westernized?

I'm American from the south and I have never seen entirely white groups of youths that large.
I actually am crying a bit.
God bless Russia.

>Orthodox is Christian
Nice try patriarch, I love Russia but Vatican I Catholicism is the real Christianity.

>Cepб зaщищaeт Poccиюшкy кaк oбычнo.

Numbeo is a shit source. Russia as a whole is not doing very good...

Its because we've been atomized. It's a double edged sword. We have a lot of choices for things like occupations, hobbies, etc. But this fractures us into ever smaller groups. Integration doesnt help either. I have no doubt we COULD have groups if white youth this large, but in any areas with decent sized populations, integration is forced. Dont get blackpilled user.

let me guess it's another one of those nato fantasy threads about breaking up russia?

well I hate to bring it to you, that already happened in the 90ies, remember?

they are united to level you can never understand. the harder you push, the stronger they are they. it's this concept. "we would rather eat gras[than to take anything from you]" it's from the seize of st petersburg during ww2.

don't underestimate the level of stubbornes americans. you will never understand

>how do you know this, get back to your own country Ivan
It's Ivar thank you and we know because we keep telling you it's our god damn fucking cousin not a martian as you make to be

Too late bruh, I've took the blackpill and came out the other side. Now I'm on the Ironpill.
I lift, run, box and educate myself.
I've taught myself Spanish and Russian and I am working on Italian.

One day Valdemar, one day...

iq test. I don't buy that crap which lit was a test made for toddlers i france.

No there are no shortcuts. however you guys are really got at stem and esp math, and it's my belief that's is all about you learn it. yes you see I know russians in this setting, first was highschool where in the end of the 90ies we had this exchange program, most of my class had russian, so they swapped parents for a bit. and already then they very pretty good.

but then later.. I worked for many years and went back to school, first bachlor workwork something need doing, then masters... and here again I think about a third of my class were russians.. and during these years maths really deteriotaes here, but they knew it all. they never said, but I think some of them were a bit frustrated esp in our machine learning class, we had female pshycolgs from oslo then... in our ml class, so basically in class we couldn't do math... all of us was upset about that...we had this really good teacher and he was always about to explain, but turned around and
>ohoh excuse me
>but how about we do this then!
but you could always go to him stead which everyone did

tragic man /blogpost

I take based Ramzan as leader over any degenerate from Europe or US.

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there are shitskins even in places like Bryansk
they are turkeyphilic gooks that occupy soil in Europe while not being genetically European. Off to Uzbekistain they go
their iranid west asian dna proves that they are not White. high iq ashkenazi niggers and northern shitalians are not White by any meausure
cepбы этo кaк вaтники, тoлькo c цыгaнcкoй нapyжнocтью и тypeцкими пpивычкaми. тyпoe мяco

>being a Catholic
The whole idea of papal supremacy is based medieval era forgeries. Early church history and the gospels do not support the idea of papal supremacy at all. No, exaggerating and misinterpreting the "rock" quote doesn't count

Tatars always lived in southeastern Europe. Ivan the Terrible occupied this territory. And now stupid russian pigs have the courage to say tatars have occupied any russian territory. Tatarstan will be free one day. There wont be any russian pigs. Only adequate russian.

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>Don't quote the part where Jesus says he will build his Church on Peter who happened to be the first Pope because it BTFOs my argument

>Russia is a big halifate
>sweden tag