They're all Indian except for one white girl

They're all Indian except for one white girl.

Attached: sb.jpg (960x500, 139K)

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You can tell she's trying hard to hold her breath and take shallow breaths through her mouth

Attached: tmp_8799-IMG_20190601_012149218879035.jpg (720x771, 61K)


Indians are:
1) good at rote memorization
2) obsessed with educational achievement
3) from a country that uses English as a lingua franca

racists like me don't find this surprising

wh*Te racists will soon have to accept the reality of superpower 2020/30

Attached: 1559252061626.jpg (869x2287, 893K)

I welcome this, please, kill all Jews.

>hi bby?
>bab hi
>can u spel tits? show tit?
>u spell dicc?
>babi u dic? suk tit?

Attached: 09786754249.jpg (311x408, 29K)

now this is redpilled, even based maybe.
soon all jews will be converted to Hinduism and their women will be used for bob and vegana

>he's learning English (India)
based, what can I say, I'm overwhelmed by the support from our future foreign subjects
America will be instrumental in bringing back Krishna to Earth to kill all the unrighteous

If only this was an actually useful skill in the modern world. All that results from this are autistic smelly pajeets who can memorize and spell large words and are incapable of doing anything else.