Should politicians ban teen porn, or should it stay legal?
Porn gives men a release when they are just trying to get through school without worrying about dating. Porn is healthy for most men. Why do so many deny it?
Should politicians ban teen porn, or should it stay legal?
Porn gives men a release when they are just trying to get through school without worrying about dating. Porn is healthy for most men. Why do so many deny it?
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The Jews created and pushed nofap to make guys stop thinking sexual thoughts and no longer have kids.
Porn is very healthy and has always been part of human culture either thru images drawings or videos.
This post is extremely low quality
At least pretend to be as smart as you "people" profess
Tay Sachs
Real jidf hours
>trying this hard
Fags get the bog
The Jew is here. Right on time. .25 has been deposited into your account
You will never be white
>n-n-no u
>t. (((Ruth Westheimer)))
>yse go...I mean guy, ignore the fact only jewish men own the mainstream porn industry, or the fact that jews use it as psychological warfare against their enemies, and don't pay any mind that it's pretty much only jews that support it use
FUCK all of you jewish fucks. porn will fuck you up SO bad. don’t believe me? go to and read all the horror stories of men trying to recover from damage porn did to their brain. it makes you not be able to get hard for anything but porn.
Holy fuck this is the most Jewish thing I've ever seen on this board
Is this babby's first troll post? We all started somewhere.
You know what should give release to men?
Decriminalize rape for whites who pay taxes and you can ban porn
Adshare shows only blacked and gay shit
Adshare is on all the top 20 porn sites
Adshare is also on drudge
Your mom and dad have seen pornographic mindfuck ads and they don't know why is even happening
Last month Jew media pushed a story that viewing porn ,makes the chances for you to be no 40% higher.
Stop watching porn. Work out in the mornings, learn how to garden for the afternoon time. And watch ThuleanPerspective
If you're a relatively healthy man, you'll be thinking of sex even more if you stop watching porn
>Last month Jew media pushed a story that viewing porn ,makes the chances for you to be no 40% higher.
Last month Jew media pushed a story that viewing porn makes the chances for you to be bi 40% higher
Guys stay home and jerk off rather than pursue female peers
a few shekels for a few loyal shills
No it shouldn't. Nothing is truly free.
Look at all the Jews ITT freaking out that their nofap psyop is exposed
And the urges to cum in a girl will be 10 times stronger.
Goddamn Jews.
Get a load of this lamp shade
>Porn decreases androgen receptors in the brain
Become more onions, goy.
Porn studios and production companies in California should be shot up.
Or the AVN Awards
Except Jews have spoken out against porn.
That's why I only view homemade scat porn
>Porn is very healthy and has always been part of human culture either thru images drawings or videos.
Very true. Excavations at Pompeii revealed porn drawings on the walls. Even the Romans fapped to it.
There is nothing wrong with fapping once a week if you have no gf
Fuck off, degenerate pedo scum.
What year was that again
Potbellied piglet shitlovers
79 AD
Shit does that make me a jew? Wait does that mean I’m rich now?
I got hard from all the sad stories it’s my new fetish FUUUUUUUUUU
Sad news, you're a faggot.
Fags get the bog
No. Have sex instead.
It just means you're very low IQ sociopaths, but it's fine. Get a job at a morgue and you can still be a respectable member of society. I had a friend that did it and he makes more than an engineer now, since nobody wants to take the job.
Don't listen to this shill. You will lose all of your magical/natural ablites.
Wow you're dumb. You are going end up marrying a fatty.
Infinite recursive loop. Sex.
>tries to meme
kys kike
The bog perserves dead chicks pretty gud though
Pure ideology
I actually know a few porn stars. They get hooked on alcohol and get fat, but it isn't their fault. They feel shitty about what they do, so they drink.
But when fags get bogged it's pretty fun
>tie hand and legs
>attach heavy rock to ankles
>throw the fag in
>bash his head if he pops back up
Lol "I know a few porn stars" guy.
Whatever dude, the important thing is not being involved with whores.
Sure thing Simon Peres.
>Lol "I know a few porn stars" guy.
I knew 3, one was the hottest girl I've ever seen.I was in rehab for Xanax and am now totally clean, but she was assigned to be my psychologist. Me and my parents had to have a meeting with her, and she was a porn star more famous than Mia Malkova, but I won't give her name.
>but I won't give her name.
>she was assigned to be my psychologist
What the fuck? More details or it never happened nigger.