It’s not mental illness. It’s not video games. It’s not polarization

It’s not mental illness. It’s not video games. It’s not polarization.


The data is there. Please use it.

Virginia Beach

Pic unrelated

Attached: 79F46F10-3FB2-455F-9C70-E177888FFA00.jpg (600x534, 64K)

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Was about to shoot my kids because there's literally guns within reach all over my house, but this post has convinced me to turn in and/or destroy the guns. Thank you, OP

>Psych meds in Democrats
100% of the time

>niggers don't obey laws
opinion discarded

I agree. If we make it easier to get guns, more people will have guns, and then we can stop these crazed shooters more quickly, save many lives.

Its jews

its niggers

Thought those were klanman from the thumbnail

How do you explain the Detroit, Michigan - Windsor, Canada phenomenon.
No guns in Windsor but just across the Detroit River in Detroit, Citizens can own guns.
Hundreds killed annually in Detroit.
One killed in Windsor and that was by someone that drove over from Detroit to shoot him.

Fuck off, fag:

180 million law-abiding people own 300 million guns and billions of rounds of ammunition. they have easy access to guns. In gun-loving areas. They aren't shooting anybody.

But the shootings keep happening in gun control cities. Just 4 cities have 25% of all gun murders in the USA. Cities where THERE IS NO LEGAL ACCESS TO GUNS.

fuck off kikefaggot.I personally don't care how many kids you have to kill to try and make your point

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Its easy to access anus too but I'm not a faggot, whats your excuse?

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Simple minded fool. Eat sauSAGE

it was nigger related, they are scrubbing his picture off the net everywhere.

why were all the shooters on meds?


No, it is multiculturalism and top down societal engineering failing hard.

1350 you dumb faggot.

Attached: 1559353698271.jpg (448x828, 58K)

Just another government employee slaughtering unarmed civilians. Doing what governments do.

>Pic unrelated

Yeah right, you KNOW that fucking nigger was a Muslim.

Attached: 1479839839591.jpg (418x475, 25K)

Why is abortion still a thing?

Its time for common sense abortion laws, and to ban bump stocks

Please dont complain about deporting children if you support murdering them (abortion). You are standing on a mountain of dead kids while you sermonize about being compassionate to kids.

How to depopulate the world

Raise the age of consent

When that fails, allow women in the workplace for less effort, equal pay

When that fails promote abortions, called Planned Parenthood

When that fails, design drug contraceptives to remove Oxytocin from females so they won't feel attachment to men, and they will have a lack of maternal instinct

When that fails, legalize same sex marriage

When abortion fails, have child welfare take the first born for trumped up reasons, so that the parents are too sad to have a second child

When that fails, promote the child, through indoctrination either on TV or at school whether male or female for transgenderism

When that fails, arrest the person for the federal offence of cutting the tags from their mattress, and then have the police shoot the person because they can't see both their hands.

(god bless police unions !!)

When that fails, promote mass shootings

When that fails, get women to replace men with a dog, and promote bestiality, as well as give tax breaks to single women with dogs, and impoverish men

European here, can confirm this fact.
The easiest method to kill a person is a gun be it suicide or murder you just point and press a trigger, at least a victim.
Terrorist attacks with knifes are a joke maybe they hurt one person and then they get shot down by a police officer the thing is that brits are so retarded that their police don't even wear guns.

The land of the sheep is killing it self by to much sheepmens.
>muuuu taxation theft
>muuuu no one limits how big my soda is
>muuuuu i needd 20 diferent type of guns
>muuu i walk around with a gun just in case but i don't wear a watch because not just in case

the land of the sheep

This gun control fear porn gets harder to take seriously every subsequent mass shooting, and not just because most are done with handguns thus making AR-15 bans a waste of time.

>calls people with the right to defend themselves sheep
>if i am in trouble, i look for a nice police man to protect me, hug me between his strong arms, kiss my forehead, and tell me everything will be fine
>why are americans sheeps?

thanks for the reminder to buy more ammo with my neetbucks.

In Ireland getting a gun is difficult, but in Dublin, people shoot each other regularly, and they're all illegal guns. 3 dead this week iirc.

I have had guns in my house for over 30 years. Raised kids with guns. So far none of my guns have killed a person. Why should I give them up? Pro-tip I won't.

We really need to start locking you retards up.

We have gun rights. You don't. Who's the sheep pablo?

Amend the constitution if you want but good fucking luck with that.

> The data is there. Please use it.
> No data.

Something scares me, ban it. But if it's used to save my life one day that's ok then I'll shut up and call you my pal.

saged. Who falls for this shit anyway ? I swear Jow Forums's become a massive slide thread.