DC people refuse to tip me, as an Uber driver I don't understand

Is it because I'm a white CIS male, should I get a gay pride flag to hang off of my rearview mirror?

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Other urls found in this thread:

cafepress.com/ gay bumper-stickers

>DC people
Like washington dc people?

Yeah, DC,MD,VA peeps

Are you supposed to tip? The rides aren't cheap. I give good feedback but fuck tipping. Deliver pizzas or wait tables if you want tips. Actually here's a tip, get a real fucking job.

Fuck you cheap fuck

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Just do doordash or ubereats. You'll make more money.

Never underestimate the deepths of stupidity people have

What constitutes for the majority of your customers? Niggers? Spicks? White whores? Basedcuck Numales?

A lot of jews around the DC metro area

Try it

It's a good mix of all

More than you know anonski

Just say niggers

Who the fuck tips an uber driver?! Get a real job if you need more money you whiney little bitch

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Cheapjew defending Jewish culture,fuck off faggot

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There's your answer.. Especially niggers, they have this big chip on their shoulder and rarely tip.

Niggers and Jewish politicians and lobbyist.
What, you expected decent people in DC?
you're the fool here user.

Except the drivers are not the one getting all that pay. Considering you are riding in their car, you should be tipping them more then you do your waitress or pizza driver. The cost to drive you around is a lot more. Considering uber is about to start banning passengers for low ratings, it would be wise for you to start tipping

can't you fuck up their uber account or something?
cabbies never used to have to deal with that shit
they'd run you over if you didn't tip

I can say with absolutely certainty that I've never been tipped by a nigger, I don't even engaged with them most of the time, they're cheaper than jews

The tipping doesn't happen instantaneously after you drop them off it takes a couple of minutes so they could get away, fucking Uber is bs

Why do you tip wait staff when they don't cook your food? They carry a fucking plate to you and refill your soda you fat fuck. But you won't tip a driver, someone whose hands you place your life into?

Are you fucking retarded?

DC is a city of niggers and Jews. It's pretty self explanatory why you aren't being tipped.
On another hand are really need some fucking uber drivers here in Hershey for the fucking tourists. Locals are less than the tourists so shit can't keep up. Mostly upper middle class white families visit, they probably tip well.


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wear a kippah.
Sage because retarded thread

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Memeflag fucking die

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You rate the passenger before the trip clears your screen, so before you know if they tipped you on the app. Therefore your recommendation to tip so as not to get a bad rating is invalid. Btw, black people always promise to leave a tip on the app.

Do you work out? If you look like you work out and your white people will automatically think you voted for trump.

What the fuck user, why can't you just be supportive?

>Tipping your fucking taxi driver
lmao what the fuck

Just kill yourself it's easier than being an uber drone

What's with this trend over the last decade or so of every person working a service job thinking they're entitled to a tip.

Do people tip conventional taxi drivers? No, so fuck right off.

While in the minority, non ghetto sheboons in their early twenties seem to tip. As do the older ones if you help them load and unload their groceries. Not all, mind you.

I have used ridesharing apps hundreds of times and never tip.

I'm a pretty buff guy, and I know that's a reason why some might, but I genuinely try and talk with people and get to know them and be really friendly and they still don't. Breaks my heart user

Niggers and jewish people don't like to spendHey user question for you...I have a 4.92 as a passenger rating, how does that add up with the majority of what you have? I'm in the midwest but tip $5 for each ride...$20 when the dude took my stoned ass through Taco Bell...anyways thanks for being Uber driver keep it up hang in there dude...relocate to the midwest if you want to make more with lower cost of living

This, people are usually flooded with serotonin when they receive food which converts into more tips

People do tip taxi drivers you idiot

its not cis, its normal. just sayin

You're a good man user, I wish I could but I'm trapped in this nigger infested hellhole for now

They think that anyway if your not an obvious basedboy and you speak proper English. I just play the Isley Brothers greatest hits. It's calming to listen to in traffic, and throws everyone off. Interesting thing about musical selection: blacks don't mind if you're playing country. I've had a few sing along to Charlie Daniels. White liberals will bitch or give you a bad rating for playing Hank or Coe or Charlie Daniels, but are fine with Willie.

stop being a faggot

I've ridden Uber/Lyft many times going to airports. Every race imaginable. Only the black guy refused to get out of his car and help with luggage. No tip for you nig nog

Are you retard, nigger, or Jew? Everyone else tips cab drivers.

Hang in there user I was born in Baltimore and got the fuck out last year...it's better elsewhere keep your head up.

Like anyone gives a fuck what happens with taxis and sweden, kys and harikari your shit country

Tyrone or José?

Why do you expect customers to directly pay your wages? Blame you employer, retard.

>get raped on fare
>"that'll be $35 plus 20% tip, goy :^)"

What a fucking scam. Another reason to be glad I don't live in some shithole like NYC or DC.

>DC people
Niggers never tip anyone ever

Not in silver spring user, the niggers here want you to do everything and accept no tip

>Everyone else tips cab drivers.
Only because they don't want to be blacklisted, and not picked up. Uber drivers don't have a choice.

I went to NYC and tipped the first Uber driver. After that I took uber about 6 times and was like, fuck I can't afford to tip each of these fuckers, that'd be like an extra $40.

Thanks user, I will try

I was about to say this, but realized

Put on nigger music and they wont think your racist

That's all I do, I put it on "The Real station of the DMV" (niggers 99.5) and still nothing, but I've given up with blacks since I almost got robbed in PG county

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I would literally take a dollar tip now, idc I get nothing 99% of the time

Why are tips expected for normal service?

Just do what the drivers here do: Get together in a lot and turn your phones off, except one person. Wait until prices surge, then everyone log on and get paid better rates.

Nobody should tip.
It's not legally required.
If workers have a problem with the pay, go ask the company for more money.

Blacklisted? You must live in a small town. I've never had the same cab driver twice, even when I used to use the same company twice a week at the same time of day.

>black people
Uh..... user?.........I believe "NIGGERS" is the preferred nomenclature

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Its that time again

noice kotka

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if niggers weren't meant to be lynched, why would they stretch their necks so long? checkmate atheists.

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What time? Wtf stop derailing my thread

Commie go home

Kek you heard about the Reagan nigs lmao

Get some of these:
cafepress.com/ gay bumper-stickers

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Is it normal to ride in the passenger seat or am I supposed to get in the back if its just me and the driver?

Autist btw

You bitch motherfucker you can't even say Hitler in public without going to jail come to the US so I can fuck you up

That's shitty user. Tipping is hit or miss. I find it's nearly even by race. Although I feel alot of whites that use uber use it alot and feel like this user I do find that non ghetto black chicks are rather likely to tip, nearly always if they are waitresses or bartenders. White people in the service industry generally tip cash. Old black ladies and old Russian or Indians will tip cash occasionally. White people are usually good for $20 on long trips, not so minorities. Although I did have a black college student from the hood tip $30 on a 3.5 hour trip back to school. However, we did talk politics and central banks for about an hour. I had a black dude tip me $5 today, but he was ex military, anti alphabet agency, and anti Israel, and anti msm, so he was barely black.

That's funny some of the people who do hope in the front could definitely be autists. Ha, but I don't care I'm pretty laid-back

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quit posting british police stickers.

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Get in the back unless it's a pool. I always try to grab shotgun in a pool. Firstly, unlike the passengers, the driver's had a background check. Secondly, you won't get stuck next to a nigress on facetime or speakerphone.

Two things...
first and foremost, uber is a scam against its drivers, but second and to answer your question- the DMV is a miserable shitty place where white people go to get cancer from being surrounded by niggers.

your cab should have a built in gas chamber

lmFao stupid retard

the whole US government is literally scamming brown people

silicon valley tech firms scamming H1B labour
the entire service sector scamming part time minimum wage labour
agriculture 100% mexican
the oil industry in texas is 80% mexican besides some old boomers
university pHd and masters programs are 80% non-white meanwhile boomer whites collect massive tuitions fees

It's over

this is the blow off top for boomers

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im white and i get more in tips than what uber pays
white women tip the best, probably because they have the most money

spics actually tip relative to whites, ive never got a tip from a nigger though

Shit culture.

If you do that you'll end up having faggots hitting on you.

the best part about being an ex huwhite democrat was knowing your voters don't know they're on your plantation.

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The entire USA apparatus is some boomers making a lst blow off top scam and then collapse, white millennials will then wage civil war and carve out the remnants(they will most likely be exterminated or enslaved)

Ty friends I've tried every seat position and it feels incorrect. I always tip though.

Any group of college kids- never tip
Black ladies- never tip
White men- 10% of the time
White women with friends - 15% of the time
Black men- never by default talk or not
Foreigners do tip but that's cause they don't know they can get away without -Still like 30% of the time
White women alone 2% of the time

I don’t tip my drivers, I just give them blowjobs.

i tip, even as a broke college kid, but only if it's a cute blonde waitress with healthy bmi.

Jews don’t tip and niggers are niggers, and those are practically the only two groups that live in DC. Oh and white women Jews import.

us government built the country scamming brown people dude

we bought Louisiana with fucking beads

oops nvm you guys are talking about uber.

>uber is a scam against its drivers,

sort of, drivers can still make money but Uber has never had a profitable quarter and loses billions every year.
They will never make money with drivers, the long term strategy is to build up the brand and customer base for when driverless cars become a thing.

Now you are the ones being scammed for beads

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>Willingly work for a mega corp who relies on crushing taxi cab unions.
>Without the taxi cab union, acting as a cab is only profitable for the mega corp siphoning off your wages for almost nothing.
>Go online to whine about your shitty wage, and how no one tips you.
Ya, get fucked.

i think lots of blacks genuinely hate whites and don't have money. ergo, whites aren't gonna get the tip unless they're getting raped.

probably like 1 out of every 3 black people you meet just looks at you with hatred without even having said anything.

OP, I'll give you the most serious answer here. Do you want to know why people don't tip? It's because UBER (the company you slave for) literally promoted NOT tipping for years. That's why the tips are also shit on UberEats, where as other food delivery the tip % is much higher than Eats