There are massive problems in my country and the rest of the world and my race is under existential threat but OH NOOOO MY WEEEEEEED IS EXPENSIVE AUUGHHTHBFHF NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOT THE WEED!!!!!!! GARY SAVE ME MOMMY MUH-MUH...*begins crying* MUH WEEEEED *sobbing now* MUH MELLOW VIBES MUH SMOKY POKIES MUH WEEEHEHEEEDDDDDUHHHHHH *collapses coughing hoarsely in a pile of tears*
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Weed is degenerate
Agree. Fuck libertarians.
I am no longer libertarian. Jews highly successfully subverted the Libertarian Party from its anti fed anti war platform in the days of Ron Paul by making it about weed and equality in only a few years. Sad but honestly well played to them. We made it too easy. Anarco capitalist doctrine largely to blame.
When you stand for nothing you stand for everything
>actually believes that he is facing genocide
>proceeds to sit on his ass funposting
Too bad you're not smart enough to comprehend or appreciate irony, or else you'd be really pleased with how funny your post is.
My dispensary is $8 a gram for northern lights.
Just a reminder, weed is still illegal everywhere you fucking criminals.
this is true except for all the places where it's not true. i can see a shop from my window here in gayass portland that sells weed, legal as pie.
>Hurr durr, what is The Constitution of the United States of America?
Stay in school, and remember, this board is 18+.