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evil will always be punished

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What happened?

Mass shooting: Electric boogaloo

Funny, when an illegal alien serial killer murders 11 elderly woman the media is silent!

Mossad was sloppy today

Shooter name Dewayne Craddock

When did that happen ?

"Work place violence"

[That but externally]

See, thats my point!

Sure, but I am still curious so can you link me an article

Just look for a may 16th article this from texas

It's likely more than twelve murders.

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You actually made me google whether Austria was still an independent country or a province of Germany. And they say Belgium is a non-country.

That's pretty crazy, what is it with America and getting killed by niggers/illegals.

Don't worry, the rest of us will catch up to the burgers once we reach the same population percentages. Smothered boomers in every nursing home.

Stupid burgers, Austria was a penal colony of britbongistan for centuries.

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>hear about mass shooting
>death toll sub 50
>roll over and resume sleeping.

>Don't worry, the rest of us will catch up to the burgers once we reach the same population percentages. Smothered boomers in every nursing home.

Well looks like I'm voting left next election if boomers will end up smothered

The chances of dying from a mass shooting is like 5 or 6 decimal points down. You have to either be a massive pussy or stupid foreigner to be scared of mass shootings here.

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Some nigger shot some other niggers, but this time they all worked for the US government so we are supposed to care.

amerimutts gonna amerimutt

Your country needed a foreigner to fight back against mudslime invaders....

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Americans are the hardest workers & that devotion shows even when killing motherfuckers.

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>days since last freedom

I will freely admit you have cause to be smug.

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The vast majority of niggers with decent jobs work for the government because of heavy affirmative action, so this is hardly surprising.

IDK, back when we were a colony, the entire state of VA drilled for war after one particular Redskin raid, and went on huge punitive expeditions. Now we just shrug and try to steal each others' guns instead.

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>US Government
Then it was undoubtably a "gun free zone."

Do not care. Just like your teeth will rot if you don't brush them, if you openly invite attack by claiming you're disarmed, there will be consequences.

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at least they got the feral coon with the gun

The mass shooter, loved don lemon

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How's your gang rapes and demographic replacement?

>is going to be majority non white within not even ten years
>has had loads of black on white crime for several decades
>thinks they are in a place to talk about others demographic replacement and gang rapes

Yup, Just like San Bernadino

If it was a "gun free zone", how did someone get shot? :^)

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No doubt, but we have guns here

And has it helped ? You are going to be majority non white in less than a decade and you have loads and loads of black on white crime. You guys are fucked even with your guns.

Also there are actually lots of guns in Europe though usually it is hunting weapons.

You'll be the boomer by then

Well if we haven't solved the issues by then then we deserve that fate