Meds don't care of being called "huwhite"

We couldn't care less for being called as such. The only thing that matters is that we are Europeans. We are an ethnic group in Europe, and we identify as Mediterranean Europeans.

And learn something basic: the """Mediterraneans""" you're referring to are Armenoids. Mediterraneans have elongated skulls, straight leptorrhine noses, long robust faces and are well built. The """Mediterraneans""" have anything but these characteristics.

This phenotype is met only in Europe, and as it is fully understandable, it's predominant in southern Europe. But it is not met anywhere else outside of Europe in large frequencies. But, we couldn't care less if the Mediterranean phenotype is "huwhite". It's a European phenotype. Besides, why would we want to associate with Nord*cucks, who literally just let their own nations crumble? Just... WHY?

And to clear things up, I don't care if it's a "D&C" thread. From who should I be divided from? The people who literally just let the kikes destroy their own countries? The people who LARP as anti-kike, but live in countries that are overwhelmingly not knowing that Jews destroy their countries? That are passive towards their OWN destruction? Well, I got news for you: we Meds don't want to be associated with you. We in the 2500 years have protected Europe from all dangers: Persians, kikes, Arabs, whatever the fuck you want. We were the only ones that enslaved the kikes. WHO? The kikes. You tried once with Adolf and you failed. We Meds throughout two ethnic groups, the Greeks and the Romans, enslaved the kikes for 1000 years in total. You didn't even do that for 10 years.

So yeah, spew all the "you're committing nothing but divide et imperum and you're helping (((them)))" etc. I got great news for you: you don't need to worry about that. Because the kikes will be BTFO'd by us. Again. Like, you've never done anything to face (((the tribe))). We have done at almost all given times. We'll do it again. Because you Nords are useless.


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so what? at least finish the sentence,faggot.

Who here didn't read the OP? Smash that mf like button.

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*So you had better not take credit for the kike purge, like you did with ancient Greece and Rome and you're always consequently spewing the "muh Ancient Greeks and Romans wuz Nordicks and shiiiiet". Because this time it will be more than perfectly documented that you were the cucks regarding the JQ and its Solution.

Read this: you leaf.

If you're not a Jew, their tricks certainly got you.

Greeks on the left

Meds look like Arabs

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shut the fuck up you divide and conquer cunt

Nice joke kraut.