Bob Dylan and Chabad
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Read this article with redpilled eyes

"Dave Kelly, Dylan’s personal assistant in 1979-80, recalls the singer’s dealings with the Lubavitch (Chabad) group from Brooklyn. Kelly recalls, “I saw when the rabbis first were sent to him—[they] were the cutting edge people in America, among the Orthodox Jews, and pretty much pulling the strings in Israel at the time. And he [Dylan] was very much against them at the time. He used to go to Israel himself, no security and just turn up, just wander around. . . . [But] he wasn’t pro-Israel [in a political sense] at all, that I can see. Not at all.” Kelly continues, “I know they had a lot of power in Israel, to move the election in favor of one politician over another. And I don’t think he [Dylan] liked that. And that sort of made him very resistant. Because these were just The Man again. Just the Jewish rabbi version of The Man. He was very, very resistant because he’s a rebel.”[6]"

Search chabad and "entertainers" specifically jew ones.

Attached: bobdylanchabad.gif (600x502, 112K)

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Dylan is Jewish?????? Is this real?

Honestly never been able to figure this guy out. Him or the Cohen brothers. Can't tell if he's evil or not.

The answer my friend, is given in the article.

He did too much drugs.

His real name was Zimmerman

He was part of the 60s-70s American culture inversion so obviously he was bad.

Attached: bobdylan1965_avedon.jpg (465x575, 70K)

What the fuck, he pretty much says he made a deal with the devil or other spirits and channeled his music through them.

Who says you guys don't have a sense of humour. I see both jokes in there.

he fucking sucks, of course he is a jew

have you seen the big labowski? pure jewish degeneracy

>tfw you realize your entire cultural past is just jewish subversion

You have to understand that they operate in a very cult-like kind of way. They are super nice, but guilt-trippy about the not doing stuff like observing sabbath, saying morning prayers, following dietary laws, etc. They're the fundamentalist holy rollers among Jews. Then, the same as any other cult, they start guilt-tripping for the money -- and liberal Jews have shitloads of it. The end result is Chabad has a very large presence, has infiltrated and taken over most conservative Judaism movements, grows their ranks, and has shit-fuck-tons of money. They certainly do have lots of political clout in Israel, but they're not (((them))). They aren't pushing feminism and communism. They want to put a monarch in Israel, rebuild the temple, and start stoning immoral women to death. Shit, I think I might even be okay with that.

they are they rub it your faces subtly and cleverly

indeed the more you read the less the power the jews has to brainwash you, lie to you, propagandize you, manipulate you

yes and chabad are sorcerers, witchcraft, kabbalah, gematria, they use it for spell binding

false they financed feminism and control communism they are hasidic

jews double talk its what they do they have a hyper law of omerta and Janus duality

uh, they won't even shake hands with a woman and demand women keep their hair covered at all times. they're pretty much ISIS tier on the woman question.

In 1975 I walked Bob Dylan up on stage.

Shit music. Worst vocals ive ever heard. What a good goy he is.

>trumpet noises

false isis btw nice hoax front for alciada groups just like the "NLF" of the Viet Cong only CGI

>i don't give a god-damn about the so-called browning of america
>israel must be jewish, must carpet bomb palestine to ensure jewish security
these people aren't exactly known for their honest dealings user

i always thought he was just a really terrible country music singer.
not good enough for country music of the day so kikes took him and memed him into something important

i just look literally the biggest shit of my entire life. it took me like 20 mins to get it down the toilet because i didnt want to mash the plunger into the shit
god i feel like i can conquer the world now. im gonna take a 4am bike ride here. might even try to get a job come monday

JEW MEDIA-promotion
jew orgs promotion period


Dylan is a based Christian
fights globohomo

By the looks of it he's a satanic scum who gave his ass and soul for riches and fame.
Piss off judas.

That's because you don't know anything about anything.
He's a Woody Guthrie fanboy, jocked his style and got big because boomers NPC'ed him to star status.

Attached: woodyguthrie_001_0.jpg (565x700, 43K)