Balkan war general

There will be a conflict in the next 12 months

>Albanians raid Serb area
>Albanians best up Russian
>Albanians shoot at serbs
>Albanians ban PM from Kosovo (tf?)
>Albanians put 100% tariffs on Serbian products

>Serb army moves to border
>President claims Kosovo is breaking Brussels agreement
>president says if no response in 24 hours then they will do something
>serbs attack Albanian festivals in Belgrade

Who else can’t wait to cleanse Kosovo from these Albanian gypsies

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redpill me on why kosovo isnt part of albania, or why they dont split into 2 parts and join albania and serbia?

also it was siener rensburg that said WW3 would be kickstarted in the balkans

If this happens what side should i join as a mercenary? Serbia is good at sports, but Albanian chicks are hotter

Because if there is a split, Albanians will be stuck in Serbia and Serbians stuck in Albania still. It’s not that easy.

The only way for a safe Balkans is to relocate all Albanians in Albania.

Serbia has a historical attachment to Kosovo so that’s why they will never let it go, Kosovo also has a lot of natural resources.


Israel doesn’t recognise Kosovo.

PLUS you will have more fun killing Albanians. We have better music too

Also Kosovo Albanians are muslim, so..

Why is there still shit happening in the balkans?

It seems the monoethnic national state is the most stable construct.
Who'd a thunk it...

Please god let it happen

Because the ethnic cleansing was not complete.
The fewer minorities live in an area the more stable it is politically.
Minorities lead to irredentism and unrest.
Maybe the astonishing period of peace in Europe after WWII wasn't caused by incredibly wise politics but by the ethnic cleansing during the war and after it.

The ethnic cleansing is an alphabet psyop. No significant percentage of any population was killed to constitute an ethnic cleansing. It was merely war crimes in a brutal civil war.
As far as kosovo goes, i don't know how there is a debate when the shqiptars moved in during the war onto serb territory. Only because of NATO interference are they allowed to exist. Remove NATO as a factor, and we would quickly reclaim our land.

Ethnic cleansing doesn't necessarily mean killing. Most of the time people are relocated with force but with little actual violence.

Which foreign embassy will get nuked next time S*rbia gets bitchslapped?

Yes but many perceive serbia to be some evil mastermind that is to take full blame for the war, and no one else, which baffles me.
I visited a friend who went through boot camp near the border. The situation is as tense as it gets

Can you elaborate a bit?

How close are we to a war?

I will always be on the side of Serbia

Probably weeks away if the false government of kosovo doesn't back down significantly.
There are weekly drill raids and perimeter checks all around the border, on both ends. It just takes one stupid move by the autistic albanians and wars breaks out

We're basically on defcon 1

There won't be any war because there is no industry to support the war and no people to go to war since they've all immigrated to Ireland. Thank your ex-commie parties for ruining the country.

Fuck off back to Iron March with your homosexual chetnik larping.

>going to war over some 700 year old nationalist myth

Mega napolitanke keks.

nothing is happening, PM banned from kosovo because she said their PM "just came out of the forest" to which some fucker from kosovo asked for an apology and our PM replied "he hasn't even left the forest yet I don't know why he's insulted" it's just gonna be a dickwaving contest until someone from the EU tells us to stop being retards and we're back to status quo
ironically our lesbian PM has bigger balls than anyone else in the gubmint

There are NO albanians in kosovo at the moment.They all here or italy,austria,germany,london,swiss,spain,sweden...

It's not about larping, or about the history of the region. We do not recognise the so called state of kosovo, and will defend our people when necessary.
I don't think either side wants a war, and true, the economic consequences will be devastating

You guys are such fucking idiots, it's astounding. You think that Kosovo has the balls to do these things alone? When it comes to the military, Kosovo has non. Every "raid" is green-lighted by the U.S and NATO.

What war are you talking about? Get out more you fags, Jow Forums is rotting your brains.

Abania's interesting, it's a commie-esque country which has remained staunchly independent for like 100 years, still very private and secret in ways. In some ways it's the closest thing to North Korea.

Can you not fucking read

So what'll dictate the victor is the US again, right?

Pay me and I'll lobby for you.

Russia will have to support us. They wouldn’t want another nato base in Europe

Talking about Kosovo, although I wouldn’t mind tanks rolling through Tirana

So it’s not a nothing burger, it’s actually happening soon?

I mean that is the ultimate factor after all. A war between serbia and albania would never be allowed to happen. NATO alone decides. Too bad they're autistic supporters of terrorists

nah m8, albos sperg out all the time and do shit to piss us off contrary to US and NATO advice, we do shit to try and piss them off, it's just a neverending cycle of making everyone's life in kosovo a living hell so our mafia and albanian mafia don't have to worry about laws and all that "civilized society" bullshit, nothing ever happens, nothing ever will, it's just to move a bunch of heroin to europe

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If albania does something autistic on june 28th. We're in for at least a couple months

Do you do nothing but browse Jow Forums all day everyday? I have seen you more than any other individual poster.

t. glowie

Tbh I hope they do something. It’s been a long time coming, a frozen conflict always resumes

Serbs want the natural resources in Albania?

Serbia wants nothing in Albania

We want Kosovo



Nope, sorry. Maybe in 20 years or so?

Roll for Albanian genocide

Why is that?

guide to fash flags so far
that one albo retard
that one croatian that's actually kinda smart
that one serb retard
one "croatia is italian clay" mussolini larper

Serbs are the warmongers in the Balkans. After Tito died, Yugoslavia had no more reason to exist. The Croatians and Slovenians left and you tried waging war against them. That's why the Croatians don't like you. You waged war against Bosnia, ever heard of the massacre of Srebenica? Then you waged war against Kosovo.

You really want us to believe that you are the victim? Grow up. Just move on dude. Get your shit together. Your economy sucks, your prime minister wants to kill the free press and his opposition ( see Oliver Ivanovič) and the young generation is leaving the country because they don't have a perspective.

You guys are still blinded by hatred and your politicians are borderline facistic. Serbia and the balkans need to get their shit together!

the purpose of NATO is to destroy christian power wherever it can. there is nothing more disastrous than a christian defending himself from muslims.

God, how much do they pay you to parrot that, and enough with the nonsense strawmanning dude. It's like you have a glowie next to you telling you what to say and what to omit.

They are both equally subhuman

Aren't you busy pickpocketing and selling heroin?

time to start up the tractors boys

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1. serbia wasn't in the war
2. croatia and bosnia had a war against their own citizens
3. muslims and croats in serbia didn't have a war and they still live in serbia
4. albanian terrorists had a war against serbian police
5. the only country in the balkans that didn't attack it's own citizens got bombed for I guess not letting surrounding countries ethincaly cleanse serbs hard enough

If only you had the SLIGHTEST idea how much the Serbian nation got fucked since 1913 because of "brotherhood" and "unity"
>Then you waged war against Kosovo.
>then we waged war against our own territory
>You really want us to believe that you are the victim?
>Grow up. Just move on dude.
The world doesnt work that way you dipshit, it never rests until justice has been done, you know JACK SHIT about what really happened here, you are unable to see the big picture because you dont know JACK SHIT about anything here, i mean you actually think that there were opposing sides in this conflict while the truth is actually quite different, all sides were guided from the outside, the propaganda used on all sides was literally the same, the secret agency in SERBIA, worked in the interests of YUGOSLAVIA, not in the interests of SERBIAN PEOPLE, and on top of that add the DESTROYED identity of the Serbian people in Yugoslavia thanks to communism, marxism, dictatorship and the multi-culti idea and a loooot of other shit that i cba right now, like the splitting of the territories that Serbia had the rightful claim on, based on history + our WIN in the ww2, because we were on the winning side of that war, unlike YOU and CROATIA.
>You guys are still blinded by hatred and your politicians are borderline facistic.
Our politicians are facist? hahahaaha I WISH HAHAHAHAA, they are no different than all the other KEKS in the world, but just telling that shows how much you DONT FUCKING KNOW.

Having Albanian festivals in Belgrade sounds like a very bad idea. I'm surprised those are happening.

Sta si ovo nasrao druze

See, the problem that you have, that most of the Balkans have, is that they are crippled by their nationalistic tendencies. Nationalism, dont get me wrong, is not bad per se - it's the dosis that matter. There is nothing wrong in loving your country.

But, the moment when nationalism becomes the main fuel and reason by which foreign diplomacy is done, then you're in for a rude awakening!

Like Churchill said: "The balkans make way more history than they can consume"

Instead of trying to normalize the relationship with your neighbours, you throw fire into the fuel! Instead of making domestic changes and create new jobs, Vučič tries to uphold his mandate with a hate rhetoric against others.
Serbia has a big role in the Balkan, if it gets it shit together, so will the other Balkan countries. Just move on.

>is politically
the peace was because daddy Sam threw the gauntlet so the Germans couldn't chimp out again. Face it, Europe is one big Balkan.

Attached: kosovo.webm (332x200, 714K)

I mean how do you live with yourself, like that, talking to an ENTIRE NATION, like each and every one of us is guilty of actually ANY charges that you can come up with? All i see here is people who are suffering from the consequences of a staged war and hatred for actions they did not commit nor take any part in, so what the fuck is the point of your generalization, please elaborate, because all your points are based on that universal responsibility which does not exist, and if it does, then you need to whip yourself just a little bit harder, because those 6 gorillion wont be forgotten, goy

Please make more /comfy/ war music videos balkanbros

It would generally be a good idea for the Serbs to take Kosovo knowing they won't be attacked military by the west. At least I can't picture that happening.

>See, the problem that you have
stopped reading right there, take that attitude to reddit

Is there oil in albania?

Serbs won't do shit

it's some serb-albanian modern art festival some hipster fags from belgrade made, all big cities should burn.

Yugoslavia should be an example to the world why multiculturalism never works, unless you force it with a boot.

>implying Serbs are better than Albanians
Wew lad

you're a croatian immigrant aren't you



>sees flag

Uh maybe

no, there's bunkers and goats, kosovo on the other hand is full of uranium and other precious metals that we don't give a shit about, it's the medieval churches that albos burn down that piss off serbs the most

Ah shit, here we go again

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Then no freedomz4U kiddo. Maybe a peace summit but that’s about it


Lmao this is daily life in Kosovo

Subhumans as usual

>Face it, Europe is one big Balkan
shhhhh,dont tell slovencima

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you already have a base in kosovo so that's pretty much your uranium, I propose you bring a bunch of refugees to kosovo so they can dig it up cheaper and then go to war with them when they stop working and do an ISIS

Don't mind him he's just a turk rape baby.

Nah it's all cool, these threads are always super comfy

Well if Yugoslavia "destroyed" the Serbian identity, why did you want to keep it running after Tito died? The reason why you waged war, is that you wanted to revive a dead man. Serbia, economically, benefited greatly from Yugoslavia. Say whatever you want.

The only reason why Yugoslavia was half way functioning was because of Tito. The moment Tito died all hell broke loose and rest is history.

Also you are not denying Srebrenica, are you?

As for "media propaganda". You mean to say that every independent western media reporting was biased against Serbia? Whatever man, keep playing the victim card.

we're missing that yugo-nazi croat tho, hope he wakes up soon

based slovenci

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>Well if Yugoslavia "destroyed" the Serbian identity, why did you want to keep it running after Tito died?
because serbs were the majority in yugoslavia, immagine that, a majority running a country, what barbarism
>The only reason why Yugoslavia was half way functioning was because of Tito.
no it was because people still remembered how shit our countries are when alone and the ww2 vets were still alive and kicking
>Also you are not denying Srebrenica, are you?
I am not denying that there was a conflict between serbian paramilitary and bosnian paramilitary, but loosing a battle doesn't make it genocide especially when you look at the footage of mladic promising everyone safe transport to wherever they want to go
>As for "media propaganda". You mean to say that every independent western media reporting was biased against Serbia?
yes, that's exactly what we're saying, weight of chains is a good place to start educating yourself but it's still not even a third of the story

arent croats just Jow Forums fags all of them?

I propose the feds can go eat a dick and stop wasting my damn tax dollars on shit that doesn’t even involve the US

See you don't get my point at all. In all of my posts I meantioned politics and organized crime as the main culprit.

When I say "the victim card" I mean your politicans moaning and bitching. I have nothing against Serbs at all, and I know the consequence of war. It always takes the biggest toll on the most innocent.

So returning to my main point in the beginning. There is no way there will be war in the balkans anymore. And if there is, which is statistically near 0, it's going to escalate into a big one and I don't think anyone wants that.

What do you mean 0 lmao.
It’s happening in the next 12 months max.

If not, it will happen in our lifetimes

Aren't we all basically? No balkan related thread stays on topic for long

A happening in twelve don’t say?

You join the better sports team an conquer albanian chicks.

Like I said. Get off of Jow Forums man and do something with your life.

The same shit happened 1 year ago when Vucic tried sending a train into Kosovo. People were also saying that there would be war...

Stop fearmongering. Is your life so miserable and unmeaningful that advocating for war fills your emptiness? Have sex.

>Aren't we all basically?
>No balkan related thread stays on topic for long
Thats because of larpers and petty issues.
also muh historeeeee

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here's exactly what will happen
>albos do some stupid shit
>serbs do some stupid shit
>EU yells STAHP
>we continue to dickwave
>EU builds a wall around us
>referendum in bosnia on which side of the wall they want to be on

Metohija seems comfy, imagine having fiber and shitposting from there from your uncle ted cabin. Cant believe you let it go.

Attached: kosovo-848x478.jpg (848x478, 114K)

have sex

it legit looks like a cradle, imagine trying to annex a fucking hinterland part of Croatia spreading yourself thin. Getting btfo. And losing basically a national park aka Metohija. Serbs are incredible, and it feelsbad.

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I've watched The Weight of Chains recently, is it a good representation of the actuality of the situation? Its shed real light on what the (((IMF))) did to you guys

The whole Albanian take over sounds very much like a group of muslims form terrorist militias and claim London belongs to them because there are so many of them there (disregarding that there are only so many muslims there because of socioeconomic factors) and it actually gets recognized by America

>suddenly daily serbia hate threads start popping up
>a short while later Kosovo starts acting up

Can you CIA monkeys make it less obvious that you're trying to intervene against Serbia again?

pretty good documentary 2bqh but there's way more shit that isn't mentioned there, like the full gazimestan speech if you can find it in english and mladic in srebrenica footage where he promises civilians safe passage to wherever they want to go, but yeah you saw the tip of the iceberg and it's a pretty big iceberg

>Have sex.

why do you even bother to come here?

I've watched an interview with Milosevic where he states how minorities were being protected in Serbia proper while they were being bomb. Its fucking surreal how cancerous NATO is.

Makes me realise that in the event of our own civil war they might help the blacks.
Is there anything else I should watch by the way?

Why didn't you allow Bulgar Empire over the whole peninsula? All of this wouldn't have happened.

there's a movie called pretty village pretty flame, not a documentary but pretty real and heavy and based on a true story, I don't know what else I would recommend because most of the stuff wasn't translated to english

your lack of knowledge about the eternal serb is distubring

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