Cucked churches

I am noticing more and more. 20 years ago, it was only the Unitarians. Now?

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globalhomo is real

I was in Amherst, Massachusetts last year and I could not believe all the rainbow flags

Join the uncucked churches

There are not many, but some are even redpilled on the jews

Den of liars and devils
I weep for the souls who have been so easily lead down a path of damnation while also simultaneously thinking they are saved.

Stay the fuck out of big mega tv churches

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Lol please take them, that way no one else had to listen to a 400 pound, purple haired, man talks about the difficulty of getting pregnant no matter how many times strangers bust loads in his ass

Awful definitions of "love."

Casual sex = love
Dick in ass lust = love
Giving an alcoholic booze = love
Giving shelter to people who want to rape and kill you = love
Appeasement = love

Appeasing evil = love because standards and fighting evil is too much work and the lowest common denominators of society throw tantrums if you don't give them everything they demand.

They're autists that thought Christ's hyperbolic instruction to turn the other cheek meant being suicidal in the face of evil. A little information is dangerous in stupid hands.

Churches are your long, long, long religious hustlers. Pay them to "promise you, a heaven in the afterlife, bearded Jesus n sheeeit."

Tax those fucking churches overnight. You would solve most of the poor problems today.

Let me ask you Anons the questions here.

Why does Joel Olstein deserve that 5th multi-million dollar mansion?

Why does Jesse Duplantis deserve that 4th private jet that runs about 50+ Million dollars?

They promise you an afterlife. But when your time comes. You won't be going there. While Jesse and Joel mock your dumb asses each time you give them $$$.

What is that exactly?

>people less offended by homo due to (((modern culture)))
>antihomo churches get less churchgoers/donations
>antihomo churches with no donations shut down
>antihomo churches on the downswing have 'a change of heart' about homosex to try and stop losing churchgoers
Free market has spoken.

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Long term harm

Homos have always been around, they just did shit in secret, like most of these bent preachers. Get over yourself.

>Oxygen is evil


best answer so far

At higher partial-pressures, yes.

>(((culture))) promotes and normalizes homosexuality
>church leaders don't want to be called bigots, become prohomo
>prohomo churches lose half their members because preaching poz has no spiritual power
>most-attended churches remain antihomo
What actually happened.

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The enemy of good. Anything that opposes true love; meaning love of friends and family.

Good = Love, Truth, Justice, Beauty, Freedom, Order, Joy
Evil = Pain, Suffering, Lies, Delusion, Injustice, Ugliness, Slavery, Chaos

There are higher goods that make suffering worth it like the greater good of the community that make certain sacrifices with it but when criminals are going to take you for all you're worth you have to fight back and bring them to justice.

>The Eternal Anglo

I'm with you on the whole flamboyant faggot thing, but if two dudes are happy together, why not just let them live their lives?

The gay disco is upon us.

>have protestant parents
>they are red pilled in many topics but the jewish question
>I can talk with them about the globohomo, interacial propaganda, degeneracy in general, you name it, but I can't criticize the jewish tribe

>the yidfiltrator
that's a masquerade violation

Christianity of today is a joke. only low IQ retards take it seriously. E Michael Jone can try pushing his narrative, but the truth is... this religion has been subverted.

that's just Oregon for you fuck this state

Whenever I see or hear a (((Christian))) talk about friendship with kikes it makes me seethe, those dumb cunts either never read the Bible or are too retarded to comprehend its simple message: kikes (that didn't convert) are evil and are our enemies.

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We had some church like that here, that was just absolute poz propaganda non stop.
To be honest I think it's because the priest running it was an atheist and stopped giving a shit but still had the clawing desire to virtue signal and knew it stood out if he did it from out of a church so he got his news rounds for a while and now it's pretty ho hum.

Seriously though, who the hell wants to go to church and sit there and be told you're a super evil white man and that you should not only love people who hate your guts, but invite them to come in and practice their religion in front of you in what is meant to be your own house of worship.
No wonder Christianity in the west is hemorrhaging people.

You get this shit at your church. Leave.
Practice in your own time or go to another church, god doesn't have a punch card with your mandatory attendance on it.

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>your spirituality is rooted entirely in hating gays

When I was a kid we bounced around several churches because they all got pozzed one by one. One would do a gay marriage and my dad would say nope and we switch. 2 or 3 years later the new church gets a new pastor who also does gay marriage, switch churches again.

Yaaaaaas kween! Praise Her.

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Looks like Pete Buttplug's church.

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I think most "christians" these days don't really believe. They just attemd church out of tradition, social pressure, and the church is simply a great place to build community and friendships. Most people just want a sugar coated happy experience with church. They want to feel good about themselves as they walk out of church, not reflect on their sins.

Wow, your dad sounds like a bigot. Maybe the pastor needs to have a chat with his employer about homophobia.

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I would agree with this.
We need more "community spaces" that actually foster community, but in today's digital era socializing in person is actually harder in spite of being easier to organize.

gotta draw in more customers to help pay for that franchise.

This church is actually named CUCC.

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This cuck sure he wants to quote from Leviticus?

This isn’t a bad thing. If everyone in the local white community knows each other, it’s a damn good thing. Church is the most segregated hour in American life

Notice how he always has to have himself in the picture, it's not about the message by itself it's that people see *he* is writing it.
These kinds of displays of vanity are always so transparent and you feel like the creator of it expects you to be a fucking idiot to not notice it.

>christian quoting the old testament
he's a fucking retarded nigger with soilent in the brain

There is a baptist church on my way to work that has the most based signs. I call it Nochill-Churchhill. Their lates is "10 /10 babies disagree with your stance on abortion" I'll start documenting.

That's not what he said at all

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you're a retarded nigger if you think that Christians aren't supposed use the OT.

The s-oy is strong with this one