Why does this item piss people and niggers off so much? Would you ever wear one in public?

Attached: Itsjustahat.jpg (789x960, 73K)

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Oh no no no

Damn right I would and I do. I'm a first generation Korean and I rock the MAGA hat and the shirt basically everywhere I go. Pisses hell of a lot of people off especially since I live near downtown Atlanta. It's fucking great. I won't be able to vote in 2020 because I'm still a permanent resident and I can't apply for a citizenship until 2022 or so but I'll still support him and spread the influence.

It pisses them off because they are easily brainwashed and they were told it was racist. (((Their))) whole shtick is to manipulate 'useful idiots'. The whole reason democrats target black people so much is not because they care about them, its because they know they are dumber and easier to manipulate.

Everyone knows, “redhat,” reversed is “hatred”

Possibly. I'm not a fan of branding myself.
The Jew fears the Trump supporter.

wow mind blown!

Because it's fucking ugly, and obnoxious, and it flouts delicate leftwing sensibilities. It's some high level boomer shit

it's great.

MAGA hats are for people who have nothing better to do than throw their opinions in your face. I see someone with a maga hat and spit at their feet. I love djt but hate magatards. Respect your fellow american without being a pompous prick with a superiority complex