To what extent can you fake competency?

Have you ever dressed/ acted a certain way to give the illusion of competency and pretend to be a authority figure over certain issues. How far is it possible to take this?

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>How far is it possible to take this?

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I’ve never tried it but I encounter many who have,

More commonly, you’ll find people who are, if only in some respects, an authority in a certain place or field who think that authority is boundless and carries over to other places or fields.

Became a millionaire because of it.

But it's a lot more than just the suit. Forming connections, having the right tone of voice, knowing what you're talking about and what your goals are, all of that is super important.

>Me on the left

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Sure thing, kid. I like larping on the internet as well

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to extreme
i do it my entire life with various topics and it just works

I believe it. There are ton of stories like this.

Depends on the people around you.
If you are a Bit empathetic, of average intelligence and people around you are idiots, you can take it to unmeasurable degrees.
I work as a teamleader in logistics.
If there is anything, I just google the answer.
People consider me a highly intelligent problem solver because they are Idiots.
Im considered a language genius since I can swear in 4 different languages and picked up some banter from gaming with friends.

Tldr people are idiots on average, abuse it.

How do I buy a suit?

Buy a good stock one and get a tailor to fit it for your body.

You'll get more with a tailored suit and a kind word than you will with a kind word alone.

> How far is it possible to take this?
In this kike world, faking it is thousands of times more important than being competent.

This user is right. I'm a lawyer, and I dress accordingly. Already halfway through law school, people thought this made an authority on just about everything. They think that a law background is some magic shit that will make you know everything, except medicine. I got elected into tons of student bodies and got a lot of positions because "I had to be competent because I was almost a jurist".

For example, my best friend asked me for help in his course in micro economics. He seriously assumed it had been part of my education.

>pretending fuentes isn't knowledgeable of the topics he discusses
>assuming a liberal education is necessary
i'll give you one thing, he has no experience. he's just a kid, but anomalies exist. i see him as a positive force bc he hits a lot of nails on the head. he's doing well for himself and for us

what is politics, for 500?

Depending upon your ability to speak eloquently, almost unlimited unless you're confronted with an expert in whatever you're purporting to know jack shit about.

AlsoGet one online and pay to get it tailored, you'll look like a million bucks even through you only dropped a few hundred at most.

all education in the united states isn't liberal. yeah he went to school in Boston which is a liberal shithole but so did I, I joined Young Americans for Liberty and I joined College Republicans. I didn't take classes with known liberal faggot profs. now I have a bachelor's degree and nick fuentes is going to be homeless in five years when he runs out of youtube money.

I ran into fuentes at a YAL conference in boston like 2 months before he dropped out. he was only there because he wanted to go after Cabot Phillips - who is admittedly a faggot. but still fuentes is a faggot.

you spent thousands of dollars to fund a corporate liberal institution and increase its power. you didn't need to do that to join a republican club. you didn't need to do that to learn a valuable skill.

regardless, i actually agree with you to a degree with respect to your suspicion of the sustainability of fuentes' career. i think it's a risky move, but i'm glad he's doing it. he makes a lot of good points and he's getting a good message out to young people about race. a lot of your critiques are personal and arbitrary. i'm curious to know why you really don't like him. is it bc he's part hispanic? i understand not wanting a spic to represent your values for you, but i just see him as white. not to put words in your mouth

Is OP saying that optics/aesthetics matter? That an articulate man in a suit is more credible than a fat degenerate in a stained tshirt?

I do the opposite, actually. I'm an aerospace engineer, and I show up in jeans and a polo everyday, usually don't show up til 10 am, and keep the words I use as simple as possible. However, I punch way above my weight in terms of engineering skill, and spend my days doing the most technical work in the office and helping out my coworkers (dressed business casual) with the stuff they don't understand, despite having much less experience than the majority of them. I also take plenty of breaks and hang out with my friends in the office.

Maybe it's not great for "moving up in my career", but since that's basically a euphemism for taking on more management responsibilities and attending 7 am meetings to talk about how to turn a better profit (i.e. shit I don't wanna do), I'm fine with that. Solving interesting problems in my shitty, ragged jeans and teaching my coworkers cool stuff brings me joy every day, so I have no intention of changing my ways.

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